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Topic: Institute of Informatics (II)

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  • 1349 publications (0 read)
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  • 18 Subtopics
Publications for topic "Institute of Informatics (II)" sorted by recency

Matthias Postina, René Schumann, Sonja Preis and Jan Behrens, Extended Plant Packing, in: 21. Workshop Planen, Scheduling und Konfigurieren, Entwerfen (PUK), pages 28 - 39, 2007
Leif Meier and René Schumann, Coordination of Interdependent Planning Systems, a Case Study, in: Informatik 2007, pages 389 - 396, Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI), 2007
Türk Kiziltoprak, René Schumann, Axel Hahn and Jan Behrens, Distributed process control by smart containers, in: Dynamics in Logistics: First International Conference, LDIC 2007, Bremen, Germany, August 2007. Proceedings, pages 321- 328, Springer, 2008
Dieter Hildebrand, René Schumann, Türk Kiziltoprak and Jan Behrens, Enabling SME Logistic Networks using Lean IT Solutions, a Case Study, pages 17 - 36, Erich Schmidt Verlag, Operations and Technology Management, 2007
René Schumann and Jan Behrens, The Potted Plant Packing Problem: Towards a practical solution, in: 20. Workshop Planen, Scheduling und Konfigurieren, Entwerfen (PUK), pages 37 - 48, Universität Bremen, 2006
René Schumann and Jürgen Sauer, ABACO, Coordination of Autonomous Entities, in: Third German Conference on Multiagent System Technologies (MATES), pages 222 - 228, Springer, 2005
René Schumann, Jan Behrens and Johannes Siemer, The Potted Plant Packing Problem, in: 19. Workshop Planen, Scheduling und Konfigurieren, Entwerfen (PUK), pages 60 - 68, Universität Koblenz- Landau Fachbereich Informatik, 2005
René Schumann, ABAKO, ein agentenbasiertes Verfahren zur Koordination von Planungssystemen, in: 18. Workshop Plan, Scheduling und Konfigurieren / Entwerfen (PUK), pages 1 - 14, Universität Ulm, 2004
Alan Wood and Michael Schumacher, Coordination models, languages and applications – Editorial (2010), in: Science of Compute Programming, 75(289-291)
Stefano Bromuri, Michael Schumacher, Kostas Stathis and Juan Ruiz, Monitoring Gestational Diabetes Mellitus with Cognitive Agents and Agent Environments, in: Proceedings of the 2011th IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology (IAT 2011), 2011
Adrien Depeursinge and Henning Müller, Medical visual information retrieval based on multi-dimensional texture modeling, in: Proceedings of the 2nd European Future Technologies Conference and Exhibition 2011 (FET 11), pages 127-129, 2011
Bruno Alves and Michael Schumacher, The Open-Source Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE), in: Proceedings of the IADIS e-Health conference, Rome, Italy, 2011
Adrien Depeursinge, Samuel Duc, Ivan Eggel and Henning Müller, Mobile Medical Visual Information Retrieval (2012), in: IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in BioMedicine, 16:1(53-61)
  • []: Impact Factor=1.69

Adrien Depeursinge, Antonio Foncubierta-Rodríguez, Dimitri Van De Ville and Henning Müller, Lung Texture Classification Using Locally–Oriented Riesz Components, in: Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention – MICCAI 2011, Toronto, Canada, pages 231-238, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2011
Charalampos Tampitsikas, Stefano Bromuri and Michael Schumacher, MANET: A Model for First-Class Electronic Institutions, in: Coordination, Organizations, Institutions, and Norms in Agent Systems VII, Springer Verlag, 2012
Marc Revilloud, Jean Christophe Loubier, Marut Doctor, Mikhail Kanevski, Vadim Timonin and Michael Schumacher, Artificial snow optimization in winter sport destinations using a multi-agent simulation, in: 9th International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (PAAMS'11), Springer Verlag, 2011
Stefano Bromuri, Michael Schumacher and Kostas Stathis, Pervasive Healthcare using Self-Healing Agent Environments, Springer Verlag, Advances in Intelligent and Soft-Computing, 2011
Charalampos Tampitsikas, Stefano Bromuri and Michael Schumacher, First-Class Electronic Institutions in the Object Event Calculus, in: Proccedings of the 8th European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems (EUMAS 2010), Paris, 2010
Stefano Bromuri and Michael Schumacher, Creating Resilient Self-Healing Agent Environments, in: Proceedings of the 8th European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems (EUMAS 2010), Paris, 2010
Adrien Depeursinge, Alejandro Vargas, Alexandra Platon, Antoine Geissbuhler, Pierre-Alexandre Poletti and Henning Müller, 3D Case–Based Retrieval for Interstitial Lung Diseases, in: MCBR-CDS 2009: Medical Content-based Retrieval for Clinical Decision Support, London, UK, pages 39--48, Springer, 2010
Henning Müller, Creating realistic topics for image retrieval evaluation, in: ImageCLEF – Experimental evaluation of visual information retrieval, pages 45-62, Springer, 2010
Adrien Depeursinge and Henning Müller, Fusion Techniques for Combining Textual and Visual Information Retrieval, in: ImageCLEF, pages 95-114, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2010
Xin Zhou, Adrien Depeursinge, Richard Stern, Christian Lovis and Henning Müller, Case-based Visual Retrieval of Fractures, in: Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (CARS) 2010, Geneva, Switzerland, 2010
Xin Zhou, Julien Gobeill and Henning Müller, The MedGIFT group at ImageCLEF 2008, in: Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5706, pages 712-718, 2009
  • []: Impact Factor: 0.402 (2005)
