All keywords in the database
- data intelligence analysis
- Energy Eciency
- energy information management
- Smart Buildings
- "
- ""
- *
- · Trust · Blockchain · Clinical Trials
- 1
- 1.5C degrees of global warming
- 2
- 2D-based 3D retrieval
- 3
- 3D gait analysis
- 3D imaging
- 3D inforamtion retrieval
- 3D information retrieval
- 3D reconstruction
- 3D scene registration
- 3D shape modeling
- 3D surface descriptor
- 3D texture
- 3GPP
- 5
- 5 Sterne
- 5G
- 5G cellular systems
- 5G era
- 5G mobile communication
- 5G mobile communication
- 5G mobile networks
- 5G technologies
- 6
- 6 semaines de vacances
- 6-11.07.2014
- 6G
- 8
- 802.11
- A
- Absichtserklärung
- Absorptive capacity
- Abstract Framework
- Abstract model building
- Academic entrepreneurship
- accelerometer
- acceptance
- Access Control
- Accessibility
- Accessibility information
- accessibility maps
- Accessible Communication
- accessible tourism
- Accomodation
- Action Observation Training
- active aging
- Active Learning
- activity_diagram uml
- actuators
- Ad Hoc
- adaptation
- Adaptative strategies
- Adaptive behavior
- Adaptive Single Sign-On
- adherence
- administration publique
- ADN Entrepreneurial
- adopter categories
- advanced machine learning methodologies
- Advanced Metering Infrastructure
- adversarial learning
- aerial images
- Agent data privacy
- Agent architecture
- agent chatbots
- Agent data interactions
- Agent Environment
- Agent Local Scheduler
- Agent-based and Multi-agent Systems: MAS: Agreement technologies: Negotiation and contract-based systems Agent-based and Multi-agent Systems: MAS: Human-agent interaction
- Agent-based chatbot · Bots · Agents chatbots · Conversational agents
- agent-based chatbots
- Agent-based modelling
- Agent-based modelling · Modal choice simulation · Multi- agent system · Behavioural theory
- Agent-based modelling · Modal choice simulation · Multi-Agent Systems · Behavioural theory
- agent-based models
- Agent-oriented Software Engineering (AOSE)
- agents
- Agents chatbots
- Agile
- aging
- Agreement technologies
- Agricultural health
- agriculture
- Agriculture
- Agriculture urbaine.
- AI
- AI ethics
- AI hallucination
- AI-Assisted Composition
- aide à la décision - aménagement du territoire - géographie - habitant - politique publique
- aide financière
- air pollution
- Akquisition
- albergo diffuso
- algorithms
- Alpes suisses
- alpine
- alpine tourism destinations
- altas
- Alzheimer
- Ambient Assisted Living
- Ambient Intelligence
- aménagement du territoire
- Analyse d’image
- Analyse du cycle de vie
- Analyse intelligente des données
- analysis
- Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)
- anchor zone
- ancillary services
- Androids Bluetooth Context-aware services Humanoid robots IEEE 802.11 Standards Mobile communication Wireless sensor networks
- Aneurist
- Anlagemotivationen
- Anniviers
- annotation
- Anonymity
- anonymization
- Ant-inspired
- Anthropocene
- anthropology
- anthropomorphic phantom
- Anthropomorphism
- anthropomorphization
- App Economy
- Applied computing~Health informatics
- Applied Ethics
- arabic
- architectes
- architectures
- Argumentation
- Artificial Institutions
- artificial intelligence
- artificial neural network
- artificial snow optimization
- artisanship
- aspect
- assessment
- Assistive Systems
- Associations
- Atlas
- Atlas-based segmentation
- attention
- Attention development
- Attention–memory relationship
- attentional control
- attractivité commerciale
- attribute-based SSO
- Auberge
- audibility
- Audio-visual
- audiovisual
- audition
- auditory
- auditory cortex
- Augmented reality
- Augmented reality Hololens Microsoft memorization elearning helmets
- Aus‐ und Weiterbildung
- Auscultation
- Ausgaben
- ausländische Investoren
- Austria
- authentication security
- authorisation
- Automated Contract handling
- automated energy negotiation
- automated negotiation
- automated negotiations
- Automated TDM
- Automatic segmentation
- automation
- automatisation
- autonomous agents
- autonomous mobility
- Autonomous Passenger Shuttles (APS)
- autonomous vehicle
- Autonomous vehicles
- autonomous vehicles (AVS)
- autonomy
- Autriche
- AV Intentions
- AV-pedestrian interaction
- AV–Pedestrian Interaction
- B
- Baby boomers
- Bag of visual words
- Bag-of-Colors
- Balancing
- base station power allocation
- base station power level
- Base stations
- Bass diffusion models
- Bass model
- Bass-Rogers model
- battery powered vehicles
- Battlefield
- Bayesian methods
- BDI model
- Behavior Analysis
- Behavior recognition
- Behaviors Analysis
- Behaviour
- Behavioural theory
- benchmark
- Benchmarking
- Betreiber
- Bevölkerungsbefragung
- BI
- big data
- big data analytics
- Big Data Integration
- bin packing
- binary logit analysis
- binary neural networks
- BioHarness
- biological markers
- biological organs
- Biological tissue
- biological tissues
- Biomarkers
- biomechanical phenomena
- Biomedical Engineering and Bioengineering
- Biomedical measurement
- biomedical MRI
- Biomedical texture analysis
- Biometrics
- biorthogonal filters
- Bipolar disorder
- blended learning
- blockchain
- blocking probability
- blood glucose monitoring
- blueprint
- Bluetooth
- Bluetooth Low Energy
- bonnes pratiques
- bots
- Bottom-up
- BPMN 2.0
- brain activation map
- brain development
- Brain imaging
- Brain injuries
- brain lesions
- Brain mapping
- Bregman Iterations
- BS design
- BS energy model
- BS sleep mode
- Building Automation
- business
- business intelligence
- business model
- Business Model Design
- Business Model Innovation
- business modèle
- business models
- business network
- Business Process Management
- Business Process Management Systems
- Business Process Modeling
- Business-Intelligence
- Business-Model-Canvas
- BusiNETvs
- C
- Calibration
- Calibration
- canton
- capital humain
- capsule
- Carbohydrates
- Case studies
- case-based retrieval
- Casino tourism
- casual games
- CDA Document
- cellular
- cellular access network
- cellular automata
- cellular radio
- central sensitization to thermal stimuli
- centre-ville
- cerebral palsy
- Cessation
- Challenge
- Chance
- change
- changement climatique
- channel
- channel category
- channel detector
- channel management
- ChatBot
- Chatbot Framework
- chatbots
- chatGPT
- Child
- Children
- Chinese Consumers
- Chinese Tourist
- Chinese tourists
- Chist-Era IV
- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
- Chronic stage
- circular economy
- citation screening
- citizen engagement
- Civic Commitment
- Classes of Visual Signals
- Classification
- classroom discourse
- click path maps
- climate change
- Climate change mitigation
- Climate policy
- clinical data
- clinical data access
- clinical data analysis
- Clinical decision support
- clinical information system
- Clinical scales
- clinical trials
- clinical workflows
- clinical-trials
- Cloud Computing
- Cloud Computing.
- Cluster
- Cluster analysis
- cluster computing
- clustering
- co-creation
- co-création
- co-création de valeurs partagées
- co-design
- co-utility
- coaching
- cognitive agents
- Cognitive biases
- cognitive control
- cognitive development
- cognitive neuroscience
- cognitive psychology
- cognitive training
- collaborative innovation
- Collaborative intelligence
- Collaborative Tools
- collaborative writing
- Collective Intelligence
- commemoration
- communicating av intentions
- communication
- communication protocol
- communication technologies
- communication technology
- company
- Comparative Study
- Comparison
- competition
- competitite intelligence
- Competitive Intelligence
- Completion Accounts
- Complex patient
- complex systems
- Compliance
- Component-based system development
- component-level evaluation
- compound figure separation
- compressive sensing
- Computational Anatomy
- computed tomography
- computed tomography/positron emission tomography imaging
- computer tomography
- computer vision
- Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV)
- computer-aided diagnosis
- computerised tomography
- computing infrastructures
- concept vectors
- conditional random fields
- Configuration
- congress
- congruence
- Connected vehicles: networking issues and services
- connectivity technology
- consommateur
- Constraint Induced Movement Therapy
- construction
- constructive heuristic
- consultation
- consumer behavior
- Consumption of information
- Conte
- Content-based image retrieval
- content–based search
- Context
- Context Awareness
- context knowledge
- context modeling
- Context modelling
- Context-Aware
- context-aware applications
- Context-Aware Environment
- context-aware technologies
- context-awareness
- contextualized recommendation
- Contingency theory
- control
- control over user personal data
- Control Theory
- Controller reliability
- conversation analysis
- conversational agent.
- conversational agents
- Convolutional neural networks
- Cooperative Agents
- cooperative intelligent transport systems (C-ITS)
- cooperative intersection management
- coopetition
- Coordination
- Coordination Games
- Coordination Protocols
- corporate social responsability
- corpus
- corridor talk
- Corticospinal Tract Wiring Pattern
- coucou suisse
- Coupled innovation
- coupled processors
- Coût
- Covariance descriptor
- covid
- COVID-19
- covid19 strategy
- Cracow
- Cran-Montana
- Cranial Implants
- cranial reconstruction
- Création
- création de vlaeur
- création valaisanne
- creative intelligence
- Créativité
- crise économique
- crisis
- Crisis management
- criteria
- critical mindset
- Cross-market optimization
- Cross-modal
- cross‐modal
- Crossmodal
- Crowded scene
- Crowdfunding
- crowdsourcing
- cryptography
- CT
- CT images
- Cultural differences
- Cultural heritage
- culture
- curriculum learning
- customer focus
- Customer service
- Cyber-Physical Agents
- Cyber-Physical Systems
- Cyberadministration
- Czech Republic
- D
- d3
- dashboards
- Data privacy
- Data aggregation and fusion
- data fusion
- Data Integration
- Data intelligence
- Data intelligence analysis
- data mining
- Data Models
- data privacy
- Data Science
- Data sharing
- data visualization
- data-driven
- database integration
- database searching
- Databases
- datamining
- datamining imaging indexing ontology radiology
- dataset
- DC-DC power convertors
- Deadline Miss Ratio
- Deadline Missing-Rate
- Deals
- débats publics
- Decentralisation
- Decentralized healthcare data
- decentralized reasoning
- decision making
- Decision Support System
- decision tree ensemble
- Decision Tree Ensemble
- decision trees
- Decision trees
- Decision-system
- decomposition filters
- Deep Convolutinoal Neural Network
- Deep convolutional neural network
- Deep Learning
- Deep Neural Network
- définition des besoins
- delay tolerant networking
- Demand Model
- démarche participative
- dementia
- dementia
- Democracy 2.0
- Denoising
- Dependency
- depth information
- design
- design science
- Design Thinking
- Desktop Grid
- destination management organization (dMO)
- destination marketing & strategy planning
- destruction
- detection
- Détection de lignes de vigne
- determinants of performance
- development
- développement
- développement durable
- développement urbain durable
- Diabetes management Wearable devices Glucose ECG Accelerometers Annotated food pictures
- Diabetes Monitoring
- Diabetes type 2
- Diagnostic aid
- Diagram Interchange
- Diffeomorphic Register
- Difficulty assessment
- Diffuse Axonal Injury
- diffusion
- Diffusion magnetic resonance imaging
- diffusion models
- diffusion of innovation
- Diffusion of Innovations
- Digital competencies
- digital ethnography
- Digital hospital
- digital labelling
- digital microscope
- digital natives
- digital newspaper industry
- digital pathology
- digital rehabilitation
- digital Social media
- Digital twin
- Digital Twin
- digitalisation
- digitilisation
- Dimensionality reduction
- Disability and health
- Disabled Pedestrian Level
- Disabled travel
- Discrete choice analysis
- Discrete wavelet transform
- discrete wavelet transforms
- discriminative training
- disease progression
- Disrtibution
- distant
- distant learning
- Distributed Agent Environments
- Distributed AI
- distributed architecture
- distributed computing
- distributed constraint optimization
- distributed content sharing
- Distributed databases
- distributed decision-making
- Distributed Learning
- Distributed Machine Learning
- distributed power generation
- Distributed systems
- distribution
- DMO websites
- Document Engineering
- Document Exchange
- domain name registration
- données
- Dossier Patient
- Drills Evacuation
- Duchenne muscular dystrophy
- Due Diligence
- Dynamic Consent Management
- Dynamic Data Aggregation
- dynamic EHR
- dynamic health record exchange
- dynamic programming
- E
- e
- e-coupon
- E-Governance
- e-Government
- e-Health Interoperability
- e-learning
- e-learning policy
- e-learning strategy
- e-loyalty
- e-satisfaction
- e-services
- e-tourism
- early warning system
- early-life
- Ease of Use
- ecog
- ecological validity
- ecologie
- écologie
- economic development
- économie circulaire
- economie circulaire
- économie collaborative
- Economie de fonctionnalité
- économie régionale
- Edge Computing
- Edge histogram
- education
- Edutainment
- efficiency
- efficient access
- eGovernment
- eHealth
- Eigentümer
- Eigentumsverhältnisse
- Eigenverantwortung
- Einzelhandel
- elearning projects
- Electric Vehicle
- electric vehicle charging
- electrical neuroimaging
- electricity
- electricity market
- électrification
- Electrodes
- electromyography
- Electronic Health Records
- Elliptic Curve Cryptography
- Email responses
- embodied interaction.
- embodiment
- Emergency simulation User behavio
- emergent properties
- Emotional reactivity
- employment
- emplyoment
- end-user satisfaction
- Energetic dashboards
- energy
- energy balancing groups
- energy consumption
- energy efficiency
- Energy efficient network management
- energy efficient user association
- Energy information management
- energy management
- Energy Markets
- Energy prediction
- energy research
- energy trading
- energy transition
- energy-proportional equipment
- enhanced textbook
- enjeux
- Enterprise Ressource Planning
- Entrepreneur
- entrepreneuriat
- Entrepreneurship
- entreprise
- Entwickler
- Entwicklungsprojekt
- environment
- Environmental Awareness
- Environmental Scanning
- Epilepsy
- Epistemology
- Equilibrium states
- Ergebnisse
- espace urbain
- Ethereum
- Ethical Nutrition Virtual Coaching
- ethics
- ethnography
- ethnomethodology
- ethnomethodology and conversation analysis
- eTourism
- eTourism systems
- Etude d'impact
- études de marchés
- europe
- evaluation
- Evaluation Bevölkerungsbefragung
- evaluation framework
- Evaluation framework — Organ segmentation — Region-of-interest detection — Medical case-based retrieval — Whole-slide image classification — Biomedical texture analysis — Deep learning
- evaluation metrics
- Event Calculus
- Event-related potential (ERP)
- event-related potentials
- event‐related potential
- Eventmanagement
- evidence synthesis
- evolution strategy
- Evolutionary algorithm
- Evolutionary game theory
- executive functions
- exemplification
- Expectation
- experience
- Experiential Learning
- experiment
- experimental design
- experimental evaluation
- Expert finding
- Expertise computing
- explainability
- Explainable AI
- explainable AI (XAI)
- explainable artificial intelligence
- eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI)
- eXplainable Autonomous Agents
- eXplainable BDI model
- explainable negotiations
- Explainable Recommendations
- eXplanable AI
- explanation formulation
- Explanation Strategies
- external/internal channels
- eye fundus images
- F
- Face Verification
- faceted navigation
- Fact-checking Linked open data Semantic web OWL ontology Knowledge base Accuracy
- facteurs de succès
- factor analysis
- fake news
- False news
- Familie
- famille
- feature detection - generalized hough transform - graph cuts - image analysis
- feature extraction
- Feature fusion
- Feature ranking
- feature reuse
- feature selection
- features
- federated databases
- federated learning
- federation
- file distribution
- filter bank
- finance participative
- financement
- Financial Prediction
- Finanzinvestor
- finetuning
- FIR filters
- fiscalité
- Fisher-Pry model
- FIWARE platform
- flash indicators
- flexor and extensor muscle
- Flickr.
- floating content
- floating content parameters
- flows
- fluorodeoxyglucose f18
- fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography
- fMRI
- fMRI retrieval
- focus
- focus group
- food
- food chatbot
- Force
- Force measurement
- Force sensor
- Force sensors
- forecasting
- Forêt aléatoire
- Forgeries
- formation
- Formation continue
- forwarding delay.
- FOS: Computer and information sciences
- FOS: Computer and information sciences
- Fractional Anisotropy
- fracture retrieval
- framework
- Franchise
- French dataset
- frequentation
- fréquentation touristique
- Führungskräfteentwicklung
- Function approximation
- Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging
- fünfsterne-Hotels
- fusion
- future internet
- Fuzzy Logic
- G
- gait pathology
- Game-based learning
- gamification
- Geheimhaltungsvereinbarung
- General Regression Neural Network
- generation Y
- Genetic Algorithm
- Genève
- geo-fencing
- Geo-governance
- geo-prospective
- Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
- Geography
- Geschäftsführung
- Geschäftsidee
- Geschäftsmodell
- Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
- gestion énergétique des bâtiments
- gesture interaction
- Glacial Archaeology
- glaucoma
- glaucoma diagnosis
- Glaucoma diagnosis biomedical signal processing machine learning
- glaucoma prognostication platform
- Global explainability
- global explanations
- Goa
- Goa tourisme
- goal-based XAI
- gold standard
- google glass
- Gossip Learning
- Governance
- Governance Risk and Compliance
- Governmentality
- graph theory
- graphs
- Grasping
- gratitude
- Gray matter
- green business model
- green networking
- green-it
- green-it BI Business-Intelligence
- Grid
- grid computing
- Grid networks
- grid search
- GridFactory
- Grossevent
- ground truth
- Grounded Theory
- Guidelines
- H
- Hadoop
- haemosi
- haemosiderin
- Hand function
- Hand strength
- haptic
- head and neck cancer
- head and neck squamous cell carcinoma
- Health care
- health infrastructures
- health interoperability standards
- health recommender systems
- health support
- Healthcare
- HealthGrid
- healthy aging
- hearing
- heat and cold allodynia
- Heating consumption prediction
- hébergement
- Heidadorf
- hemiplegia
- Herausforderungen
- heritage
- HES-SO Valais Wallis
- Heterogeneous data processing
- heterogeneous devices
- Heterogeneous distributed database system
- Hidden Markov models
- hierarchy
- high precision agriculture
- High-resolution lung CT
- Higher education
- Hiking tourism
- histoire
- Histopathology
- history
- history of science
- HolidayCheck
- HOLL rapesseed
- Holocaust testimonies
- Home appliances
- Home Automation
- home training
- Hospital
- hospital staff
- hospitality
- Hospitality industry
- hospitality marketing
- host perceptions
- Hot water consumption prediction
- hotel
- hotel industry
- hotel review platforms
- Hotel web sites
- Hotelier
- Hotellerie
- Hôtellerie
- Household energy use
- Household energy use Behaviour Climate change mitigation Climate policy Energy consumption Governmentality
- HPV status explanation. TNM explanation
- Human Behaviours
- Human Dynamics
- human in the loop
- Human Intelligence
- human memory
- Human Resource Management
- Human-Centered Computing
- Human-centered computing systems and tools
- Human-centred approach
- human-dignity
- human-machine interaction
- Human-Robot Interaction
- Humans
- Hybrid Intelligence
- hybridité
- hydro power
- hyper-connected users
- Hyper-spectral images
- hypertonia
- Hypoglycemia
- hypothesis-driven
- I
- ICTs
- Identifikation
- iem
- Illusory contour
- Image
- image acquisition
- image analysis
- image browsing
- image categorization
- image classif
- image classification
- Image color analysis
- Image databases
- Image management
- image processing
- Image recognition
- image recognition algorithms
- Image registration
- image retrieval
- image retrieval evaluation
- image segmentation
- image storage
- image texture Brodatz textures
- ImageCLEF
- ImageCLEF benchmark
- imagination
- Immersive Virtual Reality
- Impact analysis
- impact assessment
- impacts
- Implementation stage
- importance-performance analysis
- improved machine-learning algorithms
- India
- indicateurs indirects
- industrie
- industry
- Industry focus group
- inertial sensors
- infant
- infodemia
- Informatics
- Information and Communication Technologies
- Information and communication technologies.
- information business
- Information correlation
- Information extraction
- information fusion
- Information Needs
- information retrieval
- information retrieval evaluation
- information retrieval literature
- information retrieval systems
- Information Systems
- information technology
- informatique
- Informatique médicale
- Infrastructure
- Infrastructures for computation
- Inhaber
- Inhaberstruktur
- Inkrafttreten
- Innovation
- Innovation agronomique
- innovation collaborative
- innovation management
- innovation mapping
- Innovation mechanisms
- innovation organisationnelle
- innovation ouverte collaborative
- Innovation patterns
- innovation pédagogique
- Innovation Policy
- institut entrepreneuriat et management
- Instrumente
- Insulin
- integrated planning
- Integrating the Healthcare Enterprize
- Integration
- intelligence artificielle
- Intelligence Cycle. Veille stratégique
- Intelligence Economique
- intelligence émotionnelle
- Intelligence Needs
- Intelligence Process
- Intelligent Agents
- intelligibility
- Intensive training
- Interactive
- interfaces
- Interference
- interference-limited cellular networks
- Internal Medicine
- international business platform
- International classification of functioning
- Internationalisation
- Internet
- Internet des objets
- Internet implementation
- Internet of Things
- Internet of Things (IoT)
- Internet of things Smart buildings Indoor localization Security services Distributed access control Capability
- Internet Standards
- Internet/Web of Things
- Interopérabilité.
- Interoperability
- Interpolation
- interpretability
- intersektorale Synergien
- interstitial lung diseases
- intervention
- intrapreneuriat
- Inverse Scaling
- inverted file
- Investissement
- Investitionen
- investments
- Investor
- Investorentypen
- IoT
- IoT connectivity landscape
- IoT Middleware
- IPv6
- ischemic stroke
- isolation
- IT project management
- J
- journalist self-assessment
- Journalistic Content
- jREC
- juste prix. fixation des prix
- K
- Kanizsa
- Kaufpreis
- Kaufvertrag
- Kernel methods
- key dimension
- key success factors
- Keywords: blockchain
- Kinesio taping
- knowledge and data management
- Knowledge Capture Process
- knowledge discovery from data
- knowledge exploitation
- knowledge exploration
- Knowledge Graphs
- Knowledge Validity
- Knowledge-based View
- Kohonen
- Krakow
- Kreislaufwirtschaft
- Krise
- L
- Label
- landline and mobile telephony
- landscape
- language
- Language Identification
- language modelling
- large - scale systems
- large language model
- Leadership
- leapfrogging
- learning
- learning (artificial intelligence)
- learning objects
- Learning Organization
- learning policy
- Learning University
- Learning-based controller
- Least Cost Path Analysis
- leisure
- Lesion detection
- Lesion segmentation
- lexicographic analysis
- lexicographic analysis.
- limb tracking
- Line Detection
- Line Recognition
- linear model
- Linguistic Ontology
- Linked Business Process Models
- Linked Data
- Linked Data Application
- linked open data
- Linked Open Government data
- literature
- Living Lab
- lliptic Curve Cryptography
- Local explainability
- Local explainability · Global explainability · Feature rank- ing · rule extraction
- location based services
- location-based services
- Locked-box
- locomotion
- log file analysis
- Logic Programming
- Logistic regression
- logistics
- long-term competitiveness
- long-term spatial load distribution
- Low Power Wide Area
- Low-Power Wifi
- lung
- Lung graph model
- Lung image
- Lung image analysis
- Lung image retrieval
- lung segmentation
- lung tissue classification
- Luxury hotels
- luxushotellerie
- M
- M-wave
- M2M
- machine learning
- Machine Learning (cs.LG)
- machine learning algorithms
- Machine-Type Communications
- Magnetic resonance imaging
- Magnocellular
- management
- management stratégique
- Management-Tool
- managen
- manipulation
- manual annotation
- manual muscle score
- manufacturing control
- MapReduce
- marche touristique
- market
- Market research
- marketing
- Marketing course
- Marketing générationnel
- marketing intelligence
- marketing research
- Markttendenzen
- MAS analysis
- MAS negotiation timing compliant
- MAS Simulator
- mass customization
- Mathematical solvers
- Mäzen
- Measurement
- medGIFT
- media
- MediaEval benchmark
- mediator
- Medical
- Medical case-based retrieval
- Medical computer vision
- medical image analysis
- Medical image analysis and retrieval
- medical image processing
- Medical image retrieval
- medical image search
- Medical Images
- medical imaging
- Medical informatics
- Medical information retrieval
- medical information search
- medical search system
- Medical Technology
- medical training
- Medicine identification technologies
- Mehrwertgenerierung
- memory
- MeSH
- Metadata
- metaheuristic
- metastasis
- Méthodes
- Méthodologie
- Methodology
- Micro-learning
- Microgrid
- microgrids
- Microscopic traffic simulation
- Microscopic Traffic Simulation
- Middleware
- Mieter
- mild cognitive impairment
- Military healthcare
- mindmapping
- Mirror Movement characterization
- Mirrors
- Mitarbeitende
- mitigation pathways
- Mixed Integer Problems
- mobile
- mobile and urban sensing
- mobile application
- Mobile applications
- mobile apps
- mobile communication
- Mobile Computing
- mobile devices
- Mobile Edge Computing
- mobile information retrieval
- mobile networks
- mobile platforms
- mobile radio
- mobile sensing
- mobile TAM
- mobile users
- mobilité
- Mobility
- mobility disabilities
- mobility model
- Modal choice simulation
- Model Driven Development
- modèle d'affaire
- modèle d'affaire durable
- modeling
- Modell-driven development (MDD)
- modified ashworth scale
- Modular architecture
- Monitoring
- moodle plugins voting
- morphometric features
- motivation
- motor evoked potentials
- motor function
- motor impairments
- Motor recovery
- mountain
- Movement
- Moving network paradigm
- multi - agent systems
- multi agent based simulation
- Multi-agent systems
- Multi-agent based simulation
- Multi-Agent Simulator
- Multi-Agent Systems
- Multi-Agent Systems Real-Time Systems
- multi-atlas based segmentation
- Multi-contact stimula
- multi-criteria decision making
- Multi-label classification
- multi-location sound recordings
- Multi-protocol integration
- multi-task learning
- Multiagent simulation
- multiagent simulations
- Multiagent system
- multiagent systems
- multiagent-based simulation
- Multiagent-based Simulation (MABS)
- multidimensional image data analysis
- multilingual
- multilingual ontology
- multilingual semantic communication
- multimedia
- multimedia content analysis
- multimedia library
- multimodal
- Multimodal information retrieval and information fusion
- multimodal retrieval
- multimodality
- multiple criteria decision analysis (MCDA)
- Multiple sclerosis
- multisensory
- multoimodal retrieval
- muscle
- Muscle coherence
- Muscle extensibility
- Muscle tone
- muscle weakness
- musées
- Museum school visit
- mystery guest survey
- N
- N2pc
- Nachfolgeregelung
- nachhaltiges EBITDA
- Named Entity Recognition
- Natural Language Processing
- naturalistic
- Naturalistic studies
- nature
- Nature Museum
- Near-infrared spectroscopy
- Needs Definition
- negative relevance feedback
- Negotiation
- Negotiation desgin
- Negotiation design
- Neonatal brain damage
- Nestlé
- Nettofinanzverbindlichkeiten
- Nettoumlaufvermögen
- Network protocols
- network resilience
- network visualization
- network-level energy proportionality
- Networking
- Neural Network
- Neural networks
- neuro-fuzzy classification
- neurodevelopment
- neuroimaging
- Neurology
- Neuronal plasticity
- Neuropsychology
- neuroscience
- Neurosciences
- neurosurgery
- new demand of 21st century
- new demand of XXI century.
- New Trends
- news article quality
- News articles
- news consumption
- news content
- news satire
- Norm
- Normative Systems
- nosocomial infection
- Novelty search
- number
- number words
- numeracy
- numerals
- numerical cognition
- nutrition coaching
- Nutrition Coaching Legal Concerns
- Nutrition virtual coach
- O
- Oberwallis
- Object
- object completion
- object detection
- object detection
- object localization
- Object recognition
- Objective Function
- observatoire valaisan du tourisme
- océan bleu
- Ökonomie
- oncology
- one-to-many negotiation mechanism
- online
- online booking
- online distribution
- online planning
- online reviews
- online survey
- Ontologies
- Ontology
- Open access
- open data
- Open Innovation
- Open source
- open systems
- OpenRISC
- operating modes
- operation management
- operations research
- operative
- opportunistic communications
- opportunistic networking
- optimal model generation
- optimal wavelet basis
- optimization
- Optimized Machine learning
- oral history
- organ segmentation
- organisation
- Organization
- Oropharynx
- orthogonal filters
- Outcomes research
- Outils
- P
- P2P
- Pächter
- package planning
- Paediatric research
- Paediatrics
- paiements électroniques
- pandemic management
- Parallelism
- Parcellation
- Parkinson
- participation citoyenne
- Participatory
- participatory approach
- Parvocellular
- passing-by interactions
- Patent
- Patient monitoring
- Patient participation
- patrimoine
- patrimoine de l'humanité
- Pattern Recognition
- Péadgogie
- Pedagogy
- pedestrians
- Pediatrics
- Peer-to-peer systems
- penn scale
- Perceived enjoyment
- perception
- performance
- Performance Analysis
- performance evaluation
- Performance indicator
- Performance maintainance
- Performance Measurement
- Performance monitoring
- personal data disclosed
- Personal data streams
- Personal Health Systems
- personal information management (PIM)
- Personalisation
- personalization
- personalization available
- Personalized Education
- personalized medicine
- personalized virtual assistant
- personnalized learning
- Persuasion
- persuasion technology
- pervasive computing
- Pervasive Healthcare
- phishing
- physiological signals
- phytonutrition
- piétonisation
- Pilotage énergétique décentralisé
- plan piéton
- Planning
- Planning Systems
- plant production
- plateformes participatives
- point of interest
- Poland
- Polen
- politique
- pollutants dispersion
- Portable computers
- positive economy
- Post-disaster communication
- post-disaster communications
- post-purchase behaviour
- Power demand
- power grids
- power system analysis computing
- Pre-Experiment
- precision
- Precision agriculture
- Prediction
- Prédiction énergétique
- Predictive energy management
- Predictors
- Preference modeling
- preterm
- Primary cortex
- Privacy
- privacy agents
- privacy calculus
- privacy calculus. privacy
- Privacy concerns
- Privacy Manager mobile application
- Privacy ontologies
- privacy risk management
- privacy-enhancing tools
- privacy-friendly value propositions
- probability
- problem solving
- Problem-solving
- process
- Process Auto Completion
- Process Decomposition
- Process Fragmentation
- Process Ontology
- Process Translation
- Production décentralisée
- professional skills
- Project Management
- promotion
- prosumers
- Protocols
- Prototype evaluation
- Pseudonymization
- public autonomous vehicles
- public policy
- public transport
- public transportation
- Publish Subscribe
- Pulmonary embolism
- Pulmonary hypertension
- PV forecast
- python
- Q
- QoS-aware greening
- qualitative
- quality control
- Quality Management
- Quality of Experience
- quality of service
- quality of service
- Quality of service
- quantitative biomarkers
- quantitative sensory testing
- Quasi-Experiment
- query drift
- query modification
- query optimization
- query-adaptive fusion
- queues
- R
- radiation oncology
- radio access networks
- radiofrequency interference
- radiomics
- Random Forests
- Random Graphs.
- random waypoint
- Randomized controlled trials
- ranking travel destinations
- RDF stream processing
- RDF streams
- RDF Wrapper
- readership
- readerships perceptions
- Real-time Big Data analytics
- Real-Time Data
- real-time MAS
- Real-time Multi-agent systems
- Real-time multi-agent systems · RT-MAS · Timing predictability · Timing reliability
- real-time multi-agents
- Real-Time Negotiation
- Real-Time Scheduler
- real-time sensors.
- real-time systems
- Real-Tme Retraining
- real-world
- real-world neuroscience
- recall
- recommender systems
- Records
- recovery
- recruitment
- reference database
- region detector
- région périphérique
- Region-of-interest detection
- Regional Development
- Regional Innovation
- Regional Innovation System
- regional nature park
- regularity
- Regulated autonomy
- Rehabilitation
- Rehabilitation Medicine
- relevance feedback
- Reliability
- remembrance
- remontées mécaniques
- renewable energy
- renewables
- rénovation
- Reputation
- requesting
- Requirement Engineering
- Research Limits
- Réseaux de neurones
- Réseaux de neurones convolutionnel
- residents
- residual voluntary motor function
- Residual voluntary motor function recovery
- resilience
- resource
- response time
- Responsible Research and Innovation
- RESTful Web services
- result diversification
- retraining
- retrieval
- revenue
- revenue model
- revenus
- review
- RevPAR
- rewards
- RH
- Rician Noise
- Riesz
- Riesz transform
- rigour
- RIO+20
- risk of bias
- risk optimization
- Risperidone
- road map
- Roads
- Robustness
- role play
- rote memorization
- Routing
- rule extraction
- rule-based methods
- rules extraction
- rules induction
- Runtime Prediction
- Russie
- S
- safe storage
- Saga
- santé
- satisfaction
- scalability
- Scene segmentation
- scheduling
- Scheduling Algorithms
- Scheduling Simulation
- Schizophrenia
- schooling
- Schulleitung
- Schweiz
- scientific communication
- scientific data
- screening
- search
- search context
- Search Interfaces
- search pruning
- secteur public
- sécurité informatique
- Security
- Security GT
- segmentation
- Segmentation d’image
- Selbstorganisation
- selection
- selection process
- selective attention
- Self-Healing
- self-management
- Self-Organization
- Self-perceived spasticity
- Self-regulation
- Self-stabilizing
- Semantci Web Technology
- Semantic
- Semantic agents
- semantic annotation
- Semantic Business Process Management
- Semantic Business Process Modeling
- Semantic Interoperability
- semantic matching
- semantic processing
- semantic search
- semantic search engine
- Semantic streams
- semantic web
- Semantic Web Services
- Semantic Web Technologies
- Semantic Web Technology
- Semantic Web.
- semantics
- semi-supervised learning
- senior
- Senior citizens
- Sensitivity and specificity
- sensor networks
- sensors
- sensory dominance
- sensory function
- sentiment analysis
- serious game
- serious games
- service
- Service Composition
- service design
- service directories
- service experience
- Service Oriented
- Service Oriented Architecture
- service providers
- Service Quality
- services
- Shared Value
- SharedValue
- shareing economy
- sharing economy
- shift variance degree
- shifting primes
- Shifting Primes,
- Shoppingerlebnis
- Sierre
- sign language
- signal processing
- Signature Verification
- Similarity based classifier
- Simulation
- Sina Weibo
- single sign-on solutions
- single sign-on. personal data dosclosed
- singular value decompasition
- ski area
- skills
- Slide change detection
- SMA simulations
- small and medium enterprise
- small cells
- small hotels
- Smart Agriculture
- Smart building
- Smart Cities
- Smart City
- smart community
- smart contract
- Smart Contracts
- Smart Destinations
- smart devices
- smart electricity grids
- Smart Grid
- smart micro grid
- Smart Motorway
- Smart roads
- smart tourism destination
- smart-grid
- Smartphone
- SmartSantander
- SMEs
- Smoking
- smoking cessation
- Snowden
- Snowmaking
- sociabilisation
- social
- Social Capital
- social change
- Social chatbots
- Social events
- social exchange theory
- social forecasting
- social innovation
- social interaction
- social media
- social networking
- Social Networks
- social photo retrieval
- Social sciences and humanities (SSH)
- social shopping
- social web
- socio-economic
- socio-technical systems
- Socioeconomic factors
- socioemotional development
- Sociology
- soft skills
- software defined network controller
- software defined networks
- Software Engineering
- Solar production prediction
- SoLoMo + Lu
- somatosensory
- soutien
- space
- spam detection
- spasms
- spasticity
- spasticity severity
- spasticity syndrome
- spatial analysis
- spatial modelling
- spatial prediction
- Speaker Verification
- special session
- Speech Processing
- speech production
- Speech Recognition
- speed evaluation
- Spinal cord injuries
- Spinal cord injury
- Spinal cord injury spasticity
- standardization
- Standards
- Startup assessment
- state policies
- statisitiques
- statistical non-parametric mapping
- Statistics
- statistiques
- steerable
- step-in-place
- stochastic dual dynamic programming
- stochastic optimization
- Storage
- Stratege
- Strategic Intelligence Process
- Strategic Management
- Strategic Reflection
- strategic research issues
- Stratégie
- strategies
- strategy
- stream processing agents
- stream reasoning
- streaming data
- Strength
- structural brain mri
- structured simulation
- Structured simulation
- Structured simulations
- students
- students’ feedbacks
- Studer innotec
- Studie
- Studie Verkehrsaufkommen Gästebefragung Zermatt Evaluation Patrick Kuonen HES-SO
- study design
- subacute and chronic spinal cord injury
- subacute spinal cord
- Subacute spinal cord injury
- substitution effects
- Suisse
- suisse romande
- supply-chains
- support vector machines
- surgical procedures
- surveillance
- survey
- Survival analysis
- sustainability
- sustainable
- sustainable development
- Sustainable innovation
- sustainable mobility
- sustainable tourism
- sustainable tourism development
- swarms
- swiss
- Swiss hotels
- Switerland
- Switzerland
- synchronization
- Systematic Literature Review
- Systematic Review
- systematic reviews
- Système d'informatio n
- Systèmes d’Information
- systemic design
- systemisches Design
- Systems
- T
- tablet
- tacit knowledge
- talking faces
- target testing
- Task analysis
- Task-Set Generator
- Taverna
- teaching
- technology
- Technology and Society
- telecommunication network planning
- telecommunication power management
- telecommunication security
- Telemedicine
- Telepresence
- teleradiology
- telerehabilitation
- Temperament
- temporal
- temporality
- tendencies
- tendency
- terminology
- test collection
- test collection creation including signals and images
- test collection retrieval
- test dataset
- text analysis
- text retrieval
- Text Simplification
- textbooks
- textile
- texture
- texture analysis
- texture characterization
- texture classification
- theatre-based design
- Theory of computation~Semi-supervised learning
- Therapeutics
- thermal pain threshold
- Third Age
- Threat processing
- Throughput
- ticket assignment
- ticketing system
- Time series analysis
- Timing-Reliability
- tissu économique
- tonic thermal stimulation
- Tools
- top-down
- topic creation
- Total Variation
- touch
- tourim
- tourism
- Tourism academia
- Tourism destination
- tourism development
- Tourism industry
- tourism segmentation
- Tourisme
- tourisme alpin
- tourisme culturel
- tourisme nocturne
- Tourismus
- tourist guides
- tourist perceptions
- touriste
- touristification
- traceability
- tractography Connectome
- trade-off strategies
- traffic
- Traffic control
- Traffic flow prediction
- Traffic sensors
- Traffic simulation
- training
- Traits Analysis
- trajectory prediction
- Transaktion
- Transcranial magnetic stimulation
- transcriptomics
- transfer
- Transfer Learning
- Transferable Belief Model
- transformations urbaines
- transparency
- Traumatic Brain Injury
- traveler
- Treatment-response
- trees (mathematics)
- Trend Analysis
- Triggerfish
- TripAdvisor
- triz
- Trust
- trust and transparency
- trust indicator
- TuCSoN
- Tuning
- Tuning mathematical solvers
- Tuple Space
- typologie
- U
- Übernahme
- Umfrage
- Uncertainty reasoning
- understandability
- unfavourable
- unification
- unifying
- Unilateral cerebral palsy
- Universal Design
- université
- Upper extremity
- Upper limb
- Upper motor neuron syndrome
- urban mobility
- Urban Public Transportation
- Urban Sciences
- usagers
- user behavior
- User Experience.
- user interface
- user interfaces
- user involvement
- user modeling
- user modelling
- User Studies
- User Study
- user testing
- User testing and task analysis
- user's payoff
- User-Centered Design
- user-generated content
- user-oriented information retrieval
- User’s Payoff
- V
- valais
- valeur ajoutée
- Validation
- valorisation
- value networks
- value proposition
- VANETs Content centric networking Content dissemination Floating content Software defined networking Content caching Replication
- VANETs Software defined networking Content centric networking Floating content Content caching and replication
- vanishing moments
- Variable speed limit
- Vector Quantization
- Vectors
- vehicle routing
- vehicle-to-grid
- vehicular communications
- Vehicular networks
- veille
- veille commerciale
- veille stratégique
- veille territoriale
- Verbier
- Verkaufsvertrag
- Vertragsvollzug
- veterinary
- video analysis
- video retrieval evaluation
- Video-based fieldwork
- Video-based fieldwork.
- Video-surveillance
- ville
- Vine Line Detection
- Vineyard Lines
- Vineyards
- Virtual Agents
- Virtual Assistants
- virtual concierge
- Virtual Edge
- virtual environment
- virtual platooning
- virtual power plants
- Virtual reality
- virtual reality learning environments
- virtualization
- VISCERAL benchmark
- visceral-project
- Vision
- Visperterminen
- VispWeihnachten
- vispweihnachten Eventmanagement
- visual
- visual analytics
- visual attention
- Visual evoked potential (VEP)
- visual feature extraction
- visual inforamtion retrieval
- visual information retrieval
- visual perception
- Visual reranking
- VisualERP
- visualization
- vital signs
- vocational training
- Voltage measurement
- Voxel-based morphometry
- W
- walking
- walking-pad
- wavelet
- wavelet based algorithms
- wavelets
- weak supervision
- wearable devices watch elearning memorization
- wearable Multi-agent systems
- web
- Web 2.0
- web 2.0 classroom
- web 2.0 penetration
- web agents
- Web Applications
- web based interface
- web sémantique
- Web services
- Web streams
- Website adoption
- website evaluation
- website performance
- Weihnachtsevent
- Weihnachtsfieber
- Weihnachtsmarkt
- Weihnachtsmarktbesucher
- wellness tourism
- wheelchair
- wheelchair accessibility
- wheelchair users
- whole slide imaging
- Whole-slide image classification
- Wichtigkeit
- wind
- wireless networks
- Wireless sensor networking
- wireless sensor networks
- Workflows
- workforce scheduling
- Worklife Balance
- workshop
- Writer Verification
- writing-in-interaction
- wrong labels
- X
- XAI · Deception · Vulnerability
- XAI · Manipulation · Persuasion
- XAI.
- XML Schema
- Y
- Yearbook
- youtube
- Z
- Zeichnung
- Zigbee
- Zufriedenheit
- ]
- [central sensitization to thermal stimuli