Alle Publicaties gesorteerd op nieuwheid

Jakub Mlynar, Farzaneh Bahrami, Andre Ourednik, Nico Mutzner, Himanshu Verma en Hamed Alavi, AI beyond Deus ex Machina – Reimagining Intelligence in Future Cities with Urban Experts, in: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '22), April 29-May 5, 2022, New Orleans, LA, USA, ACM, 2022
Head and Neck Tumor Segmentation and Outcome Prediction, Springer International Publishing, 2022
Vincent Andrearczyk, Valentin Oreiller, Mario Jreige, Joel Castelli, John O. Prior en Adrien Depeursinge, Segmentation and Classification of Head and Neck Nodal Metastases and Primary Tumors in PET/CT, in: 44th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC), pagina's 4731-4735, 2022
Zhan Liu, Matthieu Delaloye, Nicole Glassey Balet, Sébastien Hersant, Frédéric Gris en Laurent Sciboz, Trust in the News: A Digital Labelling Solution for Journalistic Contents (2022), in: Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 12:2(e202207)
  • []: IF 2022 = 2

Gaetano Manzo, Davide Calvaresi, Jean-Paul Calbimonte, Okoro Esteem en Michael Schumacher, Study of Context-based Personalized Recommendations for Points of Interest, in: IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, pagina's 482–487, ACM, 2021
Davide Calvaresi, Stefan Eggenschwiler, Jean-Paul Calbimonte, Gaetano Manzo en Michael Schumacher, A personalized agent-based chatbot for nutritional coaching, in: IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, pagina's 682–687, ACM, 2021
Sandra Grèzes en Vincent Grèzes, Designing a sustainable, circular culinary system - The case of the tourism region of Valais, Switzerland, TOURMAN 2021 - 4th International Scientific Conference “Restarting tourism, travel and hospitality: The day after", Internati, 2021
Daniel Abler, Vincent Andrearczyk, Valentin Oreiller, Javier Barranco Garcia, Diem Vuong, Stephanie Tanadini-Lang, Matthias Guckenberger, Mauricio Reyes en Adrien Depeursinge, Comparison of MR preprocessing strategies and sequences for radiomics-based MGMT prediction, in: Brainlesion: Glioma, Multiple Sclerosis, Stroke and Traumatic Brain Injuries (MICCAI/BrainLes 2021), Cham, pagina's 367–380, Springer International Publishing, 2022
Jean-Paul Calbimonte, Davide Calvaresi en Michael Schumacher, Towards Collaborative Creativity in Persuasive Multi-agent Systems, in: Advances in Practical Applications of Agents, Multi-Agent Systems, and Social Good. The PAAMS Collection, pagina's 40-51, Springer, 2021