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Nicole Glassey Balet
First name(s): Nicole
Last name(s): Glassey Balet

Publications of Nicole Glassey Balet
Zhan Liu, Anne Darbellay, Nicole Glassey Balet and Valérie Vuille, Advancing Gender Equality in Media: Tackling Stereotypes and Biases with AI, in: 16th International Conference on Intelligent Decision Technologies, Madeira, Portugal, pages 413-424, Springer, 2024
Zhan Liu and Nicole Glassey Balet, Adaptive Semantic Matching in a Multilingual Context (2023), in: International Journal of Semantic Computing, 17:03(435-453)
  • []: IF 2022 = 0.8

Zhan Liu, Shaban Shabani, Xianyun Yu, Sokhn Maria and Nicole Glassey Balet, A Collaborative Intelligence Approach to Fighting COVID-19 False News: A Chinese Case, in: 15th International Conference on Human-Centered Intelligent Systems, KES, Rhodes, Greece, pages 3-12, Springer, 2022
Zhan Liu and Nicole Glassey Balet, Bringing Big Data into Media: A Decision-Making Model for Targeting Digital News Content, in: 2022 IEEE/ACIS 7th International Conference on Big Data, Cloud Computing, and Data Science (BCD), pages 218-223, IEEE, 2022
Zhan Liu, Matthieu Delaloye, Nicole Glassey Balet, Sébastien Hersant, Frédéric Gris and Laurent Sciboz, Trust in the News: A Digital Labelling Solution for Journalistic Contents (2022), in: Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 12:2(e202207)
  • []: IF 2022 = 2

Zhan Liu, Matthieu Delaloye, Nicole Glassey Balet and Laurent Sciboz, The Impact of Labelling Journalistic Content on Readership, in: Proceedings of the 12th Conference of New European Media Summit Initiative, New European Media, Dublin, Ireland (Online), 2020
Zhan Liu, Shaban Shabani, Nicole Glassey Balet and Sokhn Maria, Detection of Satiric News on Social Media: Analysis of the Phenomenon with a French Dataset, in: The 28th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN 2019), Valencia, Spain, IEEE, 2019
Anne-Dominique Salamin and Nicole Glassey Balet, Digital Native Students’ learning expectations in Higher Education, University of Applied Sciences (HES-SO), Switzerland, HES-SO Valais-Wallis, Sierre, Switzerland, 2019
Afaf Merazi, Zhan Liu, Nicole Glassey Balet and Camille Pellaton, A multi -criteria decision making approach for ranking wheelchair accessible tourism, in: Digital, Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Financing 2018 conference, Lyon, France, 2018
Zhan Liu, Shaban Shabani, Nicole Glassey Balet, Sokhn Maria and Fabian Cretton, How to motivate participation and improve quality of crowdsourcing when building accessibility maps, in: 3th International Workshop on Accessible Devices and Services in the 15th Conference of IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC), Las Vegas, USA, IEEE, 2018
  • []: Best Paper Award

Zhan Liu, Sokhn Maria, Nicole Glassey Balet and Fabian Cretton, The impact of digital social media on tourism: a Case Study of experiences of Chinese visitors in Switzerland, in: Ré-invention des territoires touristiques: entre attentes des consommateurs, adaptation de l’offre et nouvelles formes de résidentialité, Université de Lausanne (UNIL), Sion, Switzerland, 2018
Zhan Liu, Nicole Glassey Balet, Sokhn Maria and Eline De Gaspari, Crowdsourcing-Based Mobile Application for Wheelchair Accessibility (2017), in: Journal on Technology & Persons with Disabilities, 5(1-15)
Zhan Liu, Jialu Shan, Nicole Glassey Balet and Gang Fang, Semantic Social Media Analysis of Chinese Tourists in Switzerland (2017), in: Information Technology & Tourism, 17:2(183–202)
  • []: SJR 2017 = 0.535 SNIP 2017 = 1.166

Zhan Liu, Nicole Glassey Balet, Fabian Cretton, Sokhn Maria and Anne Le Calvé, SWICICO: Social Media Analysis Based on Linked Data for New trends of Chinese Tourists in Switzerland, in: 1st Swiss Text Analytics Conference, Swiss Federal Commission for Technology and Innovation, and the Data Science Laboratory of ZHAW, Zurich, 2016
Shengjing Sun, Zhan Liu, Carlos A. Iglesias and Nicole Glassey Balet, Tourists Traits Analysis on Social Networks, in: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Tourism (ICOT), The International Association for Tourism Policy, Naples, Italy, 2016
Zhan Liu, Anne Le Calvé and Nicole Glassey Balet, Exploring the New Trends of Chinese Tourists in Switzerland, in: The 65th AIEST Conference: Tourism in/from and to emerging countries: Challenges and implications, under special consideration of China - Young researchers workshop, Lijiang, China, AIEST, 2015
Zhan Liu, Fabian Cretton, Anne Le Calvé, Nicole Glassey Balet, Alexandre Cotting and Fabrice Chapuis, MUSYOP: Towards a Query Optimization for Heterogeneous Distributed Database System in Energy Data Management, in: Proceedings of the International Conference on Computing Technology and Information Management (ICCTIM2014), Dubai, pages 1-9, The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications, 2014