All publications sorted by recency

René Schumann, Franco Romerio, Werner Hediger and Hannes Weigt, The Future of Swiss Hydropower: An integrated assessment of operation, investment and sustainability, Conference poster, presented at ‘Sustainable Use of Resources – from Evidence to Intervention’, 29 January 2015, Basel, Switzerland, 2015
René Schumann, Franco Romerio, Werner Hediger and Hannes Weigt, The Future of Swiss Hydropower, Conference poster and presentation, presented at 'NRP 70 / NRP 71 Kick-off Event', April 24, Luzern, Switzerland, 2015
Michael Barry, Patrick Bauer, Ludovic Gaudard, Gianluca Giuliani, Werner Hediger, Franco Romerio, Moritz Schillinger, René Schumann, Guillaume Voegeli and Hannes Weigt, The Future of Swiss Hydropower A Review on Drivers and Uncertainties, Conference poster and presentation, presented at the ‘SCCER-SoE Annual Conference 2015, 2015
  • []: Won the 3rd price in the poster competition

Michael Barry and René Schumann, Dynamic and Configurable Mathematical Modelling of a Hydropower plant Research in Progress Paper, in: Presented at the 29. Workshop "Planen, Scheduling und Konfigurieren, Entwerfen" (PuK 2015), Dresden, 2015
Michael Barry, Moritz Schillinger, Hannes Weigt and René Schumann, Configuration of Hydro Power Plant Mathematical Models, in: Energy Informatics: Proceedings of the Energieinformatik 2015, Springer, 2015
Sokhn Maria, Alexandre Cotting, Eliane Maalouf and Arnaud Zufferey, From data to data’s transparency, in: Electronic Government and Electronic Participation, IFIP EGOV2015, pages 342-343, IOS Press, 2015
Rafael Matos-Wasem, Le tourisme. Genèse, croissance et déclin, Editions Valais Valeur Ajoutée, 2015
Riccardo Bonazzi, Group positioning system. A tool to visualize the journey of startup creators, in: Proceedings of the 30th EGOS Colloquium. Sub-theme 28: Entrepreneurial Design and Designing Entrepreneurship, 2015
Katarzyna Klimek, State Tourism Policies in Switzerland and Selected Good Practices for Polish Tourism (2014), in: Folia Turistica, Varia - English Volume:Nr 33 - 2014(pp. 35-62)
Jerome Treboux, Fabian Cretton, Dominique Genoud, Anne Le Calvé, Florian Evéquoz, Antonio J Jara and Blaise Larpin, Social Media Data analysis and Semantics for Tourism Understanding - Poster, in: {ASE@360}The Eighth ASE International Conference on Social Computing, Stanford, CA, USA, August 18-20, 2015, 2015
Kuonen Patrick, Andermatt – Shared Value (2014), in: Pantograph
Fabian Cretton, Zhan Liu and Anne Le Calvé, Linked Data Integration and Consumption: A Case of Open-Interconnected Application in Swiss Administration, in: Proceedings of the International Conference on Semantic Web Business and Innovation (SWBI2015), Sierre, Switzerland, pages 13-22, The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications, 2015
Roland Schegg and Patrick Kullmann, Investorentrends und -strategien in des Luxushotellerie (2015), in: ImmoInvest - Das Schweizer Magazin für Standorte und Immobilien:S-P/15(pp. 41-42)
Marcin Piotr Pawlowski, Antonio J Jara and Maciej J. Ogorzalek, EAP for IoT: More Efficient Transport of Authentication Data - TEPANOM Case Study, in: 29th {IEEE} International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops, {AINA} 2015 Workshops, Gwangju, South Korea, March 24-27, 2015, pages 694--699, 2015
Luc Dufour, Dominique Genoud, Antonio J Jara, Jerome Treboux, Bruno Ladevie and Jean-Jacques Bezian, A non-intrusive model to predict the exible energy in a residential building, in: 2015 {IEEE} Wireless Communications and Networking Conference Workshops, {WCNC} Workshops 2015, New Orleans, LA, USA, March 9-12, 2015, pages 69--74, 2015
Jerome Treboux, Antonio J Jara, Luc Dufour and Dominique Genoud, A predictive data-driven model for traffic-jams forecasting in smart santader city-scale testbed, in: 2015 {IEEE} Wireless Communications and Networking Conference Workshops, {WCNC} Workshops 2015, New Orleans, LA, USA, March 9-12, 2015, pages 64--68, 2015
Antonio J Jara, Yunchuan Sun, Houbing Song, Rongfang Bie, Dominique Genoud and Yann Bocchi, Internet of Things for Cultural Heritage of Smart Cities and Smart Regions, in: 29th {IEEE} International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops, {AINA} 2015 Workshops, Gwangju, South Korea, March 24-27, 2015, pages 668--675, 2015