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Exploiting IoT-based Sensed Data in Smart Buildings to Model its Energy Consumption
Type of publication: Proceedings
Journal: IEEE ICC International Conference on Communications
Year: 2015
Abstract: Due to the high impact that energy consumption of buildings has at global scale, it has been stated the need of achieving energy-efficient buildings to reduce CO2 emissions and energy consumption at global scale. In this work we propose to model the energy consumption associated with services provided in buildings to help select the best strategies to save energy. To verify the feasibility of the proposed approach using measurements of relevant parameters affecting, we carry out some analysis in a reference building of which we have contextual data. Firstly, we provide a complete characterization of this building in term of its energy consumption and generate accurate building models able to predict its energy consumption given a concrete set of inputs. Finally, considering the generated energy usage profile of the building, we propose some concrete control actions and strategies to save energy.
Keywords: Advanced Metering Infrastructure, Data intelligence analysis, Energy information management, Microgrid
Authors Moreno, Victoria
Dufour, Luc
Genoud, Dominique
Ladevie, Bruno
Bezian, Jean-Jacques
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  • Pub_Conference ICC.pdf