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Topic: Institute of Informatics (II)

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Publications for topic "Institute of Informatics (II)"

Timotheus Kampik, Amro Najjar and Davide Calvaresi, MAS-aided Approval for Bypassing Decentralized Processes: an Architecture (2018), in: Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Web Intelligence
Davide Calvaresi, Alevtina Dubovitskaya, Jean-Paul Calbimonte, Kuldar Taveter and Michael Schumacher, Multi-Agent Systems and Blockchain: Results from a Systematic Literature Review, in: Proceedings of Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (PAAMS 2018), pages 110-126, Springer, 2018
Adrien Depeursinge, Julien Fageot, Vincent Andrearczyk, John-Paul Ward and Michael Unser, Rotation Invariance and Directional Sensitivity: Spherical Harmonics versus Radiomics Features, in: Machine Learning in Medical Imaging (MLMI), pages 107--115, Springer International Publishing, 2018
Shaban Shabani, Zhan Liu and Sokhn Maria, Semantic Network Visualization of Cultural Heritage Data, in: 1st International Workshop on Knowledge Graphs on Travel and Tourism at the 18th International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE 2018), Cáceres, Spain, Springer, 2018
Davide Calvaresi, Fabien Dubosson and Michael Schumacher, Social Network Chatbots for Smoking Cessation:Towards a Multi-Agent Framework, in: In proceedings of International Conference on Web and Social Media 2018, 2018
Michael Barry, Hubert Abgottspon and René Schumann, Solver Tuning and Model Configuration, in: Proceedings of the 41st German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI 2018), Berlin, pages 141 -- 154, Springer, Cham, 2018
Zhan Liu, Sokhn Maria, Nicole Glassey Balet and Fabian Cretton, The impact of digital social media on tourism: a Case Study of experiences of Chinese visitors in Switzerland, in: Ré-invention des territoires touristiques: entre attentes des consommateurs, adaptation de l’offre et nouvelles formes de résidentialité, Université de Lausanne (UNIL), Sion, Switzerland, 2018
Davide Calvaresi, Giuseppe Albanese, Mauro Marinoni, Fabien Dubosson, Paolo Sernani, Aldo Franco Dragoni and Michael Schumacher, Timing Reliability for Local Schedulers in Multi-Agent Systems (2018), in: In Proceedings of first International Workshop on Real-Time compliant Multi-Agent Systems
Riccardo Tommasini, Yehia Abo Sedira, Daniele Dell'Aglio, Marco Balduini, Muhammad Intizar Ali, Danh Le Phuoc, Emanuele Della Valle and Jean-Paul Calbimonte, VoCaLS: Describing Streams on the Web, in: Proc. of the ISWC 2018 Posters & Demonstrations, Industry and Blue Sky Ideas Tracks co-located with 17th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2018), CEUR-WS, 2018
Aldo Franco Dragoni, Paolo Sernani and Davide Calvaresi, When Rationality Entered Time and Became a Rational Agent in a Cyber Society, in: In proceedings of 3rd International Conference on 'Recent Trends and Applications in Computer Science and Information Technology', Tirana, 2018
Gianluca Rizzo, Zhan Liu, Sokhn Maria, Yann Bocchi and Antonio J Jara, When Smart Comes to Town: A Mobile Platform for Smart District Services, in: Demonstrations of the 15th Conference of IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC), Las Vegas, USA, IEEE, 2018
Yashin Dicente Cid, Henning Müller, Alexandra Platon, Pierre-Alexandre Poletti and Adrien Depeursinge, 3-D Solid Texture Classification Using Locally-Oriented Wavelet Transforms (2017), in: IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 26:4(1899-1910)
  • []: IF 2015 = 3.735
  • []: Matlab code available! click on this entry to download the library.

Gianluca Rizzo, A Centralized Approach for Setting Floating Content Parameters in VANETs, in: Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC), 2017 14th IEEE Annual, IEEE, 2017
Gianluca Rizzo, A multi-pronged approach to adaptive and context aware content dissemination in VANETs (2017), in: Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET), Springer International Publishing
Alex Carmine Olivieri, Shaban Shabani, Sokhn Maria and Cudré-Mauroux Philippe, Assessing Data Veracity through Domain Specific Knowledge Base Inspection, in: 2017 International Conference on Advanced Computer Science and Information Systems (ICACSIS), Jakarta - Indonesia, 2017
Adrien Depeursinge and Julien Fageot, Biomedical Texture Operators and Aggregation Functions: A Methodological Review and User’s Guide, in: Biomedical Texture Analysis: Fundamentals, Applications and Tools, pages 55-94, Elsevier, 2017
Shaban Shabani, Sokhn Maria, Rettig Laura, Cudré-Mauroux Philippe, Beck Lukas, Tănase Claudiu and Schuldt Heiko, City-Stories: A Multimedia Hybrid Content and Entity Retrieval System for Historical Data, in: 4th International Workshop on Computational History, In conjunction with the 26th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2017), Singapore, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2017
Zhan Liu, Nicole Glassey Balet, Sokhn Maria and Eline De Gaspari, Crowdsourcing-Based Mobile Application for Wheelchair Accessibility (2017), in: Journal on Technology & Persons with Disabilities, 5(1-15)