Topic: Institute of Informatics (II)

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Publications for topic "Institute of Informatics (II)" sorted by recency

Franco Bassetto, Giorgio Giatsidis, Henning Müller and Manfredo Atzori, Advancements towards non invasive, naturally controlled robotic hand prostheses, in: XX Congress of the Federation of European Societies for Surgery of the Hand (FESSH), Milan, Italy, 2015
Elma Kotter and Henning Müller, Semantics in Radiology, in: ECIR EPOS poster, Vienna, Austria, 2015
Jayashree Kalpathy-Cramer, Henning Müller, Dina Demner-Fushman and Sameer Antani, Special Issue (2015), in: Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 39
  • []: IF 2012=1.664

Damien Zufferey, Probabilistic Multi-Label Learning for Medical Data (2014), in: IEEE Intelligent Informatics Bulletin, 15:1(26--27)
Daniel Hadrian and Florian Evéquoz, CARES: Requirements Specification with BPMN 2.0 in WTO Procurement, in: Proceeding of Informatik 2014 (Workshop BPM im Öffentlichen Sektor), Stuttgart, Germany, GI, 2014
Gianluca Rizzo, Alex Carmine Olivieri and frederic morard, A Publish-Subscribe Approach to IoT Integration: the Smart Office Use Case (2015), in: Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops (WAINA), 2015 IEEE 29th International Conference on
Albert Brugues de la Torre, Stefano Bromuri, Josep Pegueroles-Vallés and Michael Schumacher, Providing Interoperability to a Pervasive Healthcare System Through the HL7 CDA Standard, in: Proceedings of the 15th International HL7 Interoperability Conference, Prague (Czech Republic), pages 5-12, 2015
Magí Lluch-Ariet, Albert Brugues de la Torre, Francesc Vallverdú and Josep Pegueroles-Vallés, Knowledge sharing in the health scenario (2014), in: Journal of Translational Medicine, 12:Suppl 2(S8)
  • []: Impact Factor JCR 2013 = 3.991

Zhan Liu, Adaptive Privacy Management System Design For Context-Aware Mobile Devices, Département des systèmes d'information (HEC), Université de Lausanne, 2014
Jörg Dallmeyer, René Schumann, Andreas D. Lattner and Ingo J. Timm, Don't Go with the Ant Flow: Ant-inspired Traffic Routing in Urban Environments (2015), in: Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Technology, Planning, and Operations (J-ITS)
Nour Charara, Iman Jarkass, Sokhn Maria, Elena Mugellini and Omar Abou Khaled, ADABeV: Automatic Detection of Abnormal Behavior in Video-surveillance, International Conference on Image, Signal and Vision Computing, Oslo, Norway, 2012
Nour Charara, Sokhn Maria, Iman Jarkass, Omar Abou Khaled and Elena Mugellini, Multimodal Context Modeling and Classification, in: Electro/Information Technology (EIT), Electro/Information Technology (EIT), 2014 IEEE International Conference, 5-7.06.2014, Milwaukee, WI, pages 341 - 346, IEEE, 2014
Nour Charara, Omar Abou Khaled, Elena Mugellini, Iman Jarkass and Sokhn Maria, Depth Based Context Modeling and Classification in Video-surveillance, in: Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Vision and Machine Learning, International Conference on Machine Vision and Machine Learning, 14-15.08.2014, Prague, Czech Republic, 2014
Sokhn Maria, Eliane Maalouf, Arnaud Zufferey and Florian Evéquoz, Energetic Dashboard: Driving decision making, in: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (ICEGOV2014), ICEGOV 2014, 27-30.10.2014, Guimarães, Portugal, ACM Press, 2014
Eliane Maalouf and Sokhn Maria, Semantic based auto-completion of business process modeling in Government, in: INFORMATIK 2014 proceedings, BPM im Öffentlichen Sektor workshop at INFORMATIK 2014, 22-26.09.2014, University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany, pages 1107-1118, GI-Edition, 2014
Eliane Maalouf, Sokhn Maria, Anne Le Calvé and Fabian Cretton, Semi-Automatic Business Process Modeling for E-Government, eGov 2014, 1-3.09.2014, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, pages 237-243, IOS Press, 2014
Luc Dufour, Dominique Genoud, Gianluca Rizzo, Bruno Ladevie and Jean-Jacques Bezian, Identification method for home electrical signal disaggregation, SET 2014, 25-28.08.2014, Geneva, Switzerland, The 13th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies, 2014