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Tópico: Institute of Informatics (II)

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  • 1349 publicações (0 read)
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  • 18 Subtópico
Publications for topic "Institute of Informatics (II)" sorted by first author


William Hersh, Jeffery Jensen, Henning Müller, Paul Gorman and Patrick Ruch, A qualitative task analysis for developing an image retrieval test collection, in: ImageCLEF/MUSCLE workshop on image retrieval evaluation, páginas 11-16, 2005
William Hersh, Henning Müller, Jeffery Jensen, Jianji Yang, Paul Gorman and Patrick Ruch, Advancing Biomedical Image Retrieval: Development and Analysis of a Test Collection (2006), in: Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 13:5(488-496)
  • []: Impact Factor: 3.979 (2005)

William Hersh, Henning Müller, Jayashree Kalpathy-Cramer, Eugene Kim and Xin Zhou, The consolidated Medical Image Retrieval Task Test Collection (2009), in: Journal of Digital Imaging, 22(6)(648-655)
  • []: Impact Factor: 1.413 (2010)

Joris Heuberger, Antoine Geissbuhler and Henning Müller, Lung CT segmentation for image retrieval, in: Medical Imaging and Telemedicine (MIT 2005), páginas 57-62, 2005
Dieter Hildebrand, René Schumann, Türk Kiziltoprak and Jan Behrens, Enabling SME Logistic Networks using Lean IT Solutions, a Case Study, páginas 17 - 36, Erich Schmidt Verlag, Operations and Technology Management, 2007
Andreas Humm, Jean Hennebert and Rolf Ingold, Combined Handwriting And Speech Modalities For User Authentication (2009), in: IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A: Systems and Humans, 39:1(25--35)
Andreas Humm, Jean Hennebert and Rolf Ingold, Spoken Signature For User Authentication (2008), in: SPIE Journal of Electronic Imaging, Special Section on Biometrics: ASUI January-March 2008, 17:1(011013-1--011013-11)
Andreas Humm, Rolf Ingold and Jean Hennebert, Spoken Handwriting for User Authentication using Joint Modelling Systems, in: Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis (ISPA 09), Salzburg, Austria, September 16 - 18, 2009


Jimison Iavindrasana, Gilles Cohen, Adrien Depeursinge, Rodolphe Meyer, Henning Müller and Antoine Geissbuhler, Minimal Set of Attributes Required to Report Hospital-Acquired Infection Cases, in: IDAMAP 2008 - Workshop on Intelligent Data Analysis in Biomedicine and Pharmacology, Washington DC, páginas 23-28, 2008
Jimison Iavindrasana, Gilles Cohen, Adrien Depeursinge, Henning Müller, Rodolphe Meyer and Antoine Geissbuhler, Clinical Data Mining: a Review (2009), in: Yearbook of Medical Informatics(121-133)
  • []: Impact Factor: 1.451 (2007)

Jimison Iavindrasana, Adrien Depeursinge, Gilles Cohen, Antoine Geissbuhler and Henning Müller, Asymmetric margin support vector machines for lung tissue classification, in: IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Barcelona, Spain, páginas 1--8, 2010
Bogdan Ionescu, Adrian Popescu, Henning Müller, Maria Menendez and Anca-Livia Radu, Benchmarking Result Diversification in Social Image Retrieval, in: IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Paris, France, 2014
Bogdan Ionescu, Adrian Popescu, Anca-Livia Radu and Henning Müller, Result Diversification in Social Image Retrieval: A Benchmarking Framework (2016), in: Multimedia Tools and Applications, 75:2(1301-1331)
  • []: IF 2013 =1.058



Antonio J Jara, Trust Extension Protocol for Authentication in Networks Oriented to Management (TEPANOM), in: Availability, Reliability, and Security in Information Systems - {IFIP} {WG} 8.4, 8.9, {TC} 5 International Cross-Domain Conference, {CD-ARES} 2014 and 4th International Workshop on Security and Cognitive Informatics for Homeland Defense, SeCIHD 2014, Fri, páginas 155--165, 2014
Antonio J Jara, Yann Bocchi and Dominique Genoud, Social Internet of Things: The Potential of the Internet of Things for Defining Human Behaviours, in: 2014 International Conference on Intelligent Networking and Collaborative Systems, Salerno, Italy, September 10-12, 2014, páginas 581--585, 2014
Antonio J Jara, Yann Bocchi and Dominique Genoud, Big Data for Smart Cities with KNIME A Real Experience in the SmartSantander Testbed (2014), in: Software: Practice and Experience
  • []: Impact Factor JCR 2013: 1.148

Antonio J Jara, Yann Bocchi and Dominique Genoud, Determining Human Dynamics through the Internet of Things, in: Web Intelligence (WI) and Intelligent Agent Technologies (IAT), 2013 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Joint Conferences on, IEEE, USA, páginas 109 - 113, IEEE, 2013