Medical image analysis and retrieval

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Publications for keyword "Medical image analysis and retrieval"
| 1-50 | 51-100 | 101-150 | 151-189 |

Henning Müller, Jayashree Kalpathy-Cramer, Charles E. Kahn, Jr., William Hatt, Steven Bedrick and William Hersh, Overview of the 2008 Medical Image Retrieval Task, in: Evaluating Systems for Multilingual and Multimodal Information Access - 9th Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum, 2009
  • []: Impact Factor: 0.402 (2005)

Marko Niinimäki, Xin Zhou, Adrien Depeursinge, Antoine Geissbuhler and Henning Müller, Building a Community Grid for Medical Image Analysis inside a Hospital, a Case Study, in: Medical imaging on grids: achievements and perspectives (Grid Workshop at MICCAI 2008), pages 3-12, 2008
Xin Zhou, Adrien Depeursinge and Henning Müller, Hierarchical classification using a frequency-based weighting and simple visual features (2008), in: Pattern Recognition Letters, 29:15(2011-2017)
  • []: Impact Factor: 0.853 (2007)

Henning Müller and Antoine Geissbuhler, Medical Multimedia Retrieval 2.0 (2008), in: Methods of Information in Medicine, 3:supplement 1(55-63)
  • []: Impact Factor: 1.451 (2007)

Henning Müller, Sensors, Signals, and Images in Medical Informatics: Progress and Evaluation (2008), in: Methods of Information in Medicine, 3:supplement 1(64-66)
  • []: Impact Factor: 1.451 (2007)

Henning Müller, Xiaohong Gao and Shuqian Luo, Special Issue of the conference Medical Imaging and Medical Informatics (2008), in: Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 93:3(225-226)
  • []: Impact Factor: 0.887 (2007)

Mikko Juhani Pitkanen, Xin Zhou, Antti E. J. Hyvärinen and Henning Müller, Using the Grid for Enhancing the Performance of a Medical Image Search Engine, in: 21th IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS), pages 367-372, 2008
Henning Müller, Xin Zhou, Adrien Depeursinge, Mikko Juhani Pitkanen, Jimison Iavindrasana and Antoine Geissbuhler, Medical Visual Information Retrieval: State of the Art and Challenges Ahead, in: Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, pages 683-686, 2007
Henning Müller, Antoine Geissbuhler and Patrick Ruch, ImageCLEF 2004: Combining Image and Multi-lingual Search for Medical Image Retrieval., in: Multilingual Information Access for Text, Speech and Images: Result of the fifth CLEF evaluation campaign, pages 718-727, Springer, 2005
Henning Müller, Joris Heuberger and Antoine Geissbuhler, Logo and text removal for medical image retrieval, in: Springer Informatik aktuell: Proceedings of the Workshop Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin, pages 35-39, Springer, 2005
Henning Müller, Samuel Marquis, Gilles Cohen and Antoine Geissbuhler, Lung CT analysis and retrieval as a diagnostic aid, in: Proceedings of the Medical Informatics Europe Conference (MIE 2005), pages 453-458, 2005
Henning Müller, Christian Lovis and Antoine Geissbuhler, Medical Image Retrieval and the medGIFT project, in: Medical Imaging and Telemedicine (MIT 2005), pages 2-7, 2005
Paul Clough, Henning Müller and Mark Sanderson, The CLEF Cross-Language Image Retrieval Track (ImageCLEF) 2004, in: Multilingual Information Access for Text, Speech and Images: Result of the fifth CLEF evaluation campaign, pages 597-613, Springer, 2005
Henning Müller and Patrick Ruch, Combining Images and Text for ImageCLEF 2004, in: Workshop of the IM2 project on multimodal information access, 2004
Henning Müller, Antoine Rosset, Jean-Paul Vallée and Antoine Geissbuhler, Comparing feature sets for content-based medical information retrieval, in: Proceedings of the SPIE International Conference on Medical Imaging, pages 99-109, 2004
Henning Müller, Patrick Ruch and Antoine Geissbuhler, Enriching content-based medical image retrieval with automatically extracted MeSH terms, in: Jahrestagung der deutschen Gesellschaft für medizinische Informatik (GMDS 2004), pages 266-269, 2004
Henning Müller, Wolfgang Müller, Stéphane Marchand-Maillet, David McG. Squire and Thierry Pun, A Framework for Benchmarking in Visual Information Retrieval (2003), in: International Journal on Multimedia Tools and Applications, 21:2(55-73)
Henning Müller, Antoine Rosset and Antoine Geissbuhler, Content-based access to medical image databases,, in: Proceedings of the annual congress of the Swiss society of radiology, 2003
Henning Müller, Antoine Rosset, Jean-Paul Vallée and Antoine Geissbuhler, Integrating Content-based visual access methods into a medical case database, in: Proceedings of the Medical Informatics Europe Conference (MIE 2003), pages 480-485, 2003
Stéphane Marchand-Maillet, Henning Müller, Wolfgang Müller and Thierry Pun, The Reality of Content-based Image Retrieval, in: Proceeding of the meeting Suchbilder, pages 86-98, 2003
Henning Müller and Antoine Geissbuhler, Using the GNU Image Finding Tool for Medical image retrieval, in: Conference of Oshca - the Open Source Health Care Alliance, 2003
Henning Müller, Jäger des verlorenen Fotos - Das GNU Image Finding Tool in der Praxis (2002), in: ct Magazin für Computertechnik, 6(252-257)
Henning Müller, Stéphane Marchand-Maillet and Thierry Pun, The truth about Corel - Evaluation in Image Retrieval, in: Proceedings of the International Conference on the Challenge of Image and Video Retrieval (CIVR 2002), pages 38-49, Springer-Verlag, 2002
Henning Müller, User Interaction and Performance Evaluation in Content-Based Visual Information Retrieval, Computer Vision and Multimedia Laboratory, University of Geneva, 2002
Henning Müller, Wolfgang Müller, Stéphane Marchand-Maillet, David McG. Squire and Thierry Pun, A web-based evaluation system for content-based image retrieval, in: Proceedings of the 9th ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACM MM 2001), pages 50-54, The Association for Computing Machinery, 2001
Wolfgang Müller, Stéphane Marchand-Maillet, Henning Müller, David McG. Squire and Thierry Pun, Evaluating Image Browsers Using Structured Annotation (2001), in: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (JASIST), 52:11(961-968)
Henning Müller, Suchen ohne Worte - wie inhaltsbasierte Suche funktioniert (2001), in: ct Magazin für Computertechnik, 15(162-172)
| 1-50 | 51-100 | 101-150 | 151-189 |