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Henning Müller
Vorname(n): Henning
Nachname(n): Müller
Institut: Institut Informatique de Gestion


Publikationen von Henning Müller sortiert nach erstem Autor


Alba García Seco de Herrera, Antonio Foncubierta-Rodríguez, Emanuele Schiavi und Henning Müller, 2D-Based 3D Volume Retrieval Using Singular Value Decomposition of Detected Regions, in: Medical Computer Vision. Large Data in Medical Imaging, MICCAI, Nagoya, Japan, Seiten 185-195, Springer International Publishing, 2014
  • []: (IF 2005=0.402)

Alba García Seco de Herrera, Henning Müller und Stefano Bromuri, Overview of the ImageCLEF 2015 medical classification task, in: Working Notes of CLEF 2015 – Cross Language Evaluation Forum, CEUR, 2015
Alba García Seco de Herrera, Roger Schaer und Henning Müller, Shangri-La: a medical case-based retrieval tool (2017), in: Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 68:11(2587–2601)
Alba García Seco de Herrera, Roger Schaer und Henning Müller, Shangri-La: a medical case-based retrieval tool (2016), in: Journal of the American Society for Information Science
  • []: IF 2013=2.230
Tobias Gass, Antoine Geissbuhler und Henning Müller, Learning a frequency-based weighting for medical image classification (2008), in: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 4987(99-108)
  • []: Impact Factor: 0.402 (2005)

Tobias Gass, Antoine Geissbuhler und Henning Müller, Learning a frequency-based weighting for medical image classification, in: Medical Imaging and Medical Informatics (MIMI) 2007, Seiten 137-147, 2007
Arjan Gijsberts, Manfredo Atzori, Claudio Castellini, Henning Müller und Barbara Caputo, Measuring Movement Classification Performance with the Movement Error Rate (2014), in: IEEE Transactions on neural systems and rehabiliation engineering
  • []: Impact Factor=3.255

David Godel, Omar Abou Khaled, Michael Schumacher, Henning Müller, Francois Mooser, Sandrine Ding und Elena Mugellini, Medicoordination: Regional implementation of the Swiss ehealth strategy, in: Proceedings of the IADIS Multi conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, 2009
Mara Graziani, Vincent Andrearczyk und Henning Müller, Regression Concept Vectors for Bidirectional Explanations in Histopathology (2018), in: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Workshop on Interpretability of Machine Intelligence in Medical Image Computing at MICCAI 2018(8)
  • []: Best paper award

Mara Graziani, Thomas Lompech, Henning Müller, Adrien Depeursinge und Vincent Andrearczyk, On the Scale Invariance in State of the Art CNNs Trained on ImageNet (2021), in: Special Issue "Interpretable and Annotation-Efficient Learning for Medical Image Computing" in Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction:3(374–391)
Mara Graziani, Thomas Lompech, Henning Müller, Adrien Depeursinge und Vincent Andrearczyk, Interpretable CNN Pruning for Preserving Scale-Covariant Features in Medical Imaging, in: Workshop on Interpretability of Machine Intelligence in Medical Image Computing at MICCAI 2020, 2020
Mara Graziani, Niccolò Marini, Nicolas Deutschmann, Nikita Janakarajan, Henning Müller und Maria Rodriguez Martinez, Attention-based Interpretable Regression of Gene Expression in Histology, in: Proceedings of the The Workshop on Interpretability of Machine Intelligence in Medical Image Computing (iMIMIC) at MICCAI 2022, 2022
Mara Graziani, Henning Müller und Vincent Andrearczyk, Interpreting intentionally flawed models with linear probes, in: ICCV workshop on statistical deep learning in computer vision, Seoul, Korea, 2019