Thema: Institute of Informatics (II)

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Marko Niinimäki, Xin Zhou, Adrien Depeursinge, Antoine Geissbuhler und Henning Müller, Building a Community Grid for Medical Image Analysis inside a Hospital, a Case Study, in: Medical imaging on grids: achievements and perspectives (Grid Workshop at MICCAI 2008), Seiten 3-12, 2008
Henning Müller, Xin Zhou, Adrien Depeursinge, Mikko Juhani Pitkanen, Jimison Iavindrasana und Antoine Geissbuhler, Medical Visual Information Retrieval: State of the Art and Challenges Ahead, in: Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, Seiten 683-686, 2007
Henning Müller und Patrick Ruch, Combining Images and Text for ImageCLEF 2004, in: Workshop of the IM2 project on multimodal information access, 2004
Henning Müller und Eusebio Passaretti, Editorial. (2008), in: Swiss Medical Informatics, 64
Henning Müller, Sensors, Signals, and Images in Medical Informatics: Progress and Evaluation (2008), in: Methods of Information in Medicine, 3:supplement 1(64-66)
  • []: Impact Factor: 1.451 (2007)

Henning Müller, User Interaction and Performance Evaluation in Content-Based Visual Information Retrieval, Computer Vision and Multimedia Laboratory, University of Geneva, 2002
Henning Müller, Xiaohong Gao und Shuqian Luo, Special Issue of the conference Medical Imaging and Medical Informatics (2008), in: Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 93:3(225-226)
  • []: Impact Factor: 0.887 (2007)

Henning Müller und Antoine Geissbuhler, Medical Multimedia Retrieval 2.0 (2008), in: Methods of Information in Medicine, 3:supplement 1(55-63)
  • []: Impact Factor: 1.451 (2007)

Henning Müller und Antoine Geissbuhler, Interactive Communication in the Medical Domain, in: Conference of GSASA (Gesellschaft der Schweizer Amts- und Spitalsapotheker), 2003
Henning Müller und Antoine Geissbuhler, Using the GNU Image Finding Tool for Medical image retrieval, in: Conference of Oshca - the Open Source Health Care Alliance, 2003
Henning Müller, Jäger des verlorenen Fotos - Das GNU Image Finding Tool in der Praxis (2002), in: ct Magazin für Computertechnik, 6(252-257)
Henning Müller, Suchen ohne Worte - wie inhaltsbasierte Suche funktioniert (2001), in: ct Magazin für Computertechnik, 15(162-172)
Wolfgang Müller, David McG. Squire, Henning Müller und Thierry Pun, Hunting moving targets: an extension to Bayesian methods in multimedia databases, Computer Vision Group, Computing Centre, University of Geneva, Nummer 99.03, 1999
Henning Müller, David McG. Squire, Wolfgang Müller und Thierry Pun, Efficient access methods for content-based image retrieval with inverted files, Computer Vision Group, Computing Centre, University of Geneva, Nummer 99.02, 1999
Henning Müller, Daniel Scherly und Antoine Geissbuhler, A student helpdesk to ease computer use in a medical curriculum, in: Slice of Life 2006 Workshop for Medical Multimedia Developers and Educators, Seiten 158, 2006
Henning Müller, Antoine Rosset, Jean-Paul Vallée und Antoine Geissbuhler, Comparing feature sets for content-based medical information retrieval, in: Proceedings of the SPIE International Conference on Medical Imaging, Seiten 99-109, 2004
Henning Müller, Antoine Rosset, Jean-Paul Vallée und Antoine Geissbuhler, Integrating Content-based visual access methods into a medical case database, in: Proceedings of the Medical Informatics Europe Conference (MIE 2003), Seiten 480-485, 2003
Henning Müller, Patrick Ruch und Antoine Geissbuhler, Enriching content-based medical image retrieval with automatically extracted MeSH terms, in: Jahrestagung der deutschen Gesellschaft für medizinische Informatik (GMDS 2004), Seiten 266-269, 2004
Henning Müller, Antoine Rosset und Antoine Geissbuhler, Content-based access to medical image databases,, in: Proceedings of the annual congress of the Swiss society of radiology, 2003
Henning Müller, Wolfgang Müller, David McG. Squire, Stéphane Marchand-Maillet und Thierry Pun, Long Term Learning in Content-Based Image Retrieval, Computer Vision Group, Computing Centre, University of Geneva, Nummer 00.04, 2000
Henning Müller, Wolfgang Müller, David McG. Squire, Stéphane Marchand-Maillet und Thierry Pun, Learning feature weights from user behavior in Content-Based Image Retrieval, in: ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (Workshop on Multimedia Data Mining MDM/KDD2000), Seiten 67-72, 2000
Henning Müller, Wolfgang Müller, David McG. Squire, Zoran Pecenovic, Stéphane Marchand-Maillet und Thierry Pun, An Open Framework for Distributed Multimedia Retrieval, in: Recherche d'Informations Assistée par Ordinateur (RIAO'2000) Computer-Assisted Information Retrieval, Seiten 701-712., 2000
Henning Müller, Wolfgang Müller, David McG. Squire, Stéphane Marchand-Maillet und Thierry Pun, Strategies for positive and negative relevance feedback in image retrieval, in: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2000), Seiten 1043-1046, IEEE, 2000
Henning Müller, Wolfgang Müller, David McG. Squire und Thierry Pun, Performance Evaluation in Content-Based Image Retrieval: Overview and Proposals, Computer Vision Group, Computing Centre, University of Geneva, Nummer 99.05, 1999
Henning Müller, Stéphane Marchand-Maillet und Thierry Pun, The truth about Corel - Evaluation in Image Retrieval, in: Proceedings of the International Conference on the Challenge of Image and Video Retrieval (CIVR 2002), Seiten 38-49, Springer-Verlag, 2002
Henning Müller, Wolfgang Müller, Stéphane Marchand-Maillet, David McG. Squire und Thierry Pun, A Framework for Benchmarking in Visual Information Retrieval (2003), in: International Journal on Multimedia Tools and Applications, 21:2(55-73)
Wolfgang Müller, Stéphane Marchand-Maillet, Henning Müller, David McG. Squire und Thierry Pun, Evaluating Image Browsers Using Structured Annotation (2001), in: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (JASIST), 52:11(961-968)
Henning Müller, Wolfgang Müller, Stéphane Marchand-Maillet, David McG. Squire und Thierry Pun, A web-based evaluation system for content-based image retrieval, in: Proceedings of the 9th ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACM MM 2001), Seiten 50-54, The Association for Computing Machinery, 2001