All publications sorted by journal and type

Publications of type Inproceedings


Fabien Dubosson, Stefano Bromuri, Jean-Eudes Ranvier and Michael Schumacher, D1NAMO, A Personal Health System for Glycemic Events Detection, in: Workshop Artificial Intelligence for Diabetes, 22nd European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2016), ECAI, The Hague, Netherlands, 2016
Jean-Eudes Ranvier, Jean-Paul Calbimonte, Fabien Dubosson and Karl Aberer, Detection of Hypoglycemic Events through Wearable Sensors, in: Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Semantic Web Technologies for Mobile and Pervasive Environments co-located with the 13th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2016), Heraklion, Greece, May 29, 2016., pages 21--26, 2016
Tian Guo, Konstantin Kutzkov, Mohamed Ahmed, Jean-Paul Calbimonte and Karl Aberer, Efficient Distributed Decision Trees for Robust Regression, in: Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases - European Conference, ECML PKDD 2016, Riva del Garda, Italy, September 19-23, 2016, Proceedings, Part II, pages 79--95, 2016
Manfredo Atzori, Roger Schaer, Matteo Cognolato and Henning Müller, Electromyography for Hand Prosthetics Demo, in: XXVIII Conférence francophone sur l'Interaction Homme-Machine, Fribourg, Suisse, 2016
Davide Calvaresi, andrea vincentini, Antonio Di Guardo, Daniel Cesarini, Paolo Sernani and Aldo Franco Dragoni, Exploiting a touchless interaction to drive a wireless mobile robot powered by a real-time operating system, in: In Proceedings of: 2nd International Conference Recent Trends and Applications in Computer Science and Information Technology, 2016
Sokhn Maria, Alexandre Cotting, Florian Evéquoz and Arnaud Zufferey, From Data to Decisions, in: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (ICEGOV2016), ICEGOV 2016, Montevideo, Uruguay, pages 361-362, ACM press, 2016
Anamaria Vizitiu, Lucian Itu, Ranveer Joyseeree, Adrien Depeursinge, Henning Müller and Constantin Suciu, GPU-Accelerated Texture Analysis Using Steerable Riesz Wavelets, in: 24th IEEE Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, and Network-Based Processing, Heraklion Crete, Greece, pages 431--434, 2016
Vincent Grèzes, Les bases du financement participatif (Crowdfunding) dans l'énergie, Haute Ecole d'Ingénieurs HES-SO Valais-Wallis, Sion, 2016
Daniel Cesarini, Davide Calvaresi, chiara farnesi, Diego Taddei, Stefano Frediani, Bodo E. Ungerechts and Thomas Hermann, MEDIATION: an eMbEddeD system for auditory feedback of hand-water InterAcTION while swimming, in: Procedia Engineering - The Engineering of SPORT 11, 11th conference of the International Sports Engineering Association, ISEA 2016, Delft, Elsevier, 2016
Mohammad Reza Zare and Henning Müller, Medical x-ray image classification and retrieval system, in: Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2016), Chiayi, Taiwan, 2016
Jerome Treboux, Fabian Cretton, Florian Evéquoz, Anne Le Calvé and Dominique Genoud, Mining and Visualizing Social Data to Inform Marketing Decisions, in: Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE 30th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, IEEE, Crans-Montana, Switzerland, pages 66-73, 2016
Hanane Lamaazi, Nabil Benamar, Muhammad I Imaduddin, Adib Habbal and Antonio J Jara, Mobility Support for the Routing Protocol in Low Power and Lossy Networks, in: 2016 30th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops (WAINA), IEEE, pages 809--814, 2016
Omar S. Al-Kadi, Dimitri Van De Ville and Adrien Depeursinge, Multidimensional Texture Analysis for Improved Prediction of Ultrasound Liver Tumor Response to Chemotherapy Treatment, in: Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Interventions (MICCAI), pages 619--626, Springer International Publishing, 2016
Antoine Widmer, Roger Schaer and Henning Müller, Plateforme d'Aide aux Ambulanciers, in: 28eme Conférence Francophone sur l'Interaction Homme-Machine, Fribourg, Switzerland, pages 2, 2016
Jean-Paul Calbimonte, Jose Mora and Oscar Corcho, Query Rewriting in RDF Stream Processing, in: Proc. of the 13th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2016), Heraklion, Crete, Greece, pages 486--502, Springer, 2016
Jerome Treboux, Fabian Cretton, Dominique Genoud, Anne Le Calvé, Florian Evéquoz, Antonio J Jara and Blaise Larpin, SoDA - Social Media Data Analysis - Poster, in: SwissText 2016, 1st Swiss Text Analystics Conference, Winterthur, Switzerland, June 8th, 2016, ZHAW, Winterthur, Switzerland, 2016
Zhan Liu, Nicole Glassey Balet, Fabian Cretton, Sokhn Maria and Anne Le Calvé, SWICICO: Social Media Analysis Based on Linked Data for New trends of Chinese Tourists in Switzerland, in: 1st Swiss Text Analytics Conference, Swiss Federal Commission for Technology and Innovation, and the Data Science Laboratory of ZHAW, Zurich, 2016
Grace Eden, Technological Standards and Infrastructures, 7th Biannual Surveillance & Society Conference, Barcelona, Spain, 2016
Shengjing Sun, Zhan Liu, Carlos A. Iglesias and Nicole Glassey Balet, Tourists Traits Analysis on Social Networks, in: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Tourism (ICOT), The International Association for Tourism Policy, Naples, Italy, 2016
Jean-Paul Calbimonte and Karl Aberer, Toward Semantic Sensor Data Archives on the Web, in: Joint Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Managing the Evolution and Preservation of the Data Web (MEPDaW 2016) and the 3rd Workshop on Linked Data Quality (LDQ 2016) co-located with 13th European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2016), Heraklion, Crete, Gree, pages 36--51, 2016
Rima Kilany, Sokhn Maria, Hussein Hellani and Shaban Shabani, Towards Flexible K-Anonymity, in: 7th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Semantic Web, Prague, Czech Republic, pages 288-297, Springer, 2016
Andrea Mauri, Jean-Paul Calbimonte, Daniele Dell'Aglio, Marco Balduini, Marco Brambilla, Emanuele Della Valle and Karl Aberer, TripleWave: Spreading RDF Streams on the Web, in: The Semantic Web - ISWC 2016 - 15th International Semantic Web Conference, Kobe, Japan, October 17-21, 2016, Proceedings, Part II, pages 140--149, 2016


Pol Cirujeda, Henning Müller, Daniel L. Rubin, Todd A. Aguilera, Billy W. Loo Jr., Maximilian Diehn, Xavier Binefa and Adrien Depeursinge, 3D Riesz–wavelet based Covariance descriptors for texture classification of lung nodule tissue in CT, in: 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), pages 7909-7912, 2015
Luc Dufour, Dominique Genoud, Antonio J Jara, Jerome Treboux, Bruno Ladevie and Jean-Jacques Bezian, A non-intrusive model to predict the exible energy in a residential building, in: 2015 {IEEE} Wireless Communications and Networking Conference Workshops, {WCNC} Workshops 2015, New Orleans, LA, USA, March 9-12, 2015, pages 69--74, 2015
Jerome Treboux, Antonio J Jara, Luc Dufour and Dominique Genoud, A predictive data-driven model for traffic-jams forecasting in smart santader city-scale testbed, in: 2015 {IEEE} Wireless Communications and Networking Conference Workshops, {WCNC} Workshops 2015, New Orleans, LA, USA, March 9-12, 2015, pages 64--68, 2015
Manfredo Atzori, Cesare Tiengo, Giorgio Giatsidis, Henning Müller and Franco Bassetto, Advancements towards a functional amputation of the hand., in: Proceedings of the 26th EURAPS Annual Meeting, European Association of Plastic Surgeons (EURAPS), Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 2015
Franco Bassetto, Giorgio Giatsidis, Henning Müller and Manfredo Atzori, Advancements towards non invasive, naturally controlled robotic hand prostheses, in: XX Congress of the Federation of European Societies for Surgery of the Hand (FESSH), Milan, Italy, 2015
Alevtina Dubovitskaya, Visara Urovi, Karl Aberer and Michael Schumacher, An Agent Framework for Dynamic Health Data Aggregation for Research Purposes, IX Workshop on Agents Applied in Health Care, held in conjunction with AAMAS 2015, 2015
Carmelita D'Mello, Kaustubh Kamat, Miriam Scaglione, Klaus Weiermair, Jacob Ganef Pah and Subhash Kizhakanveatil Bhaskaran Pillai, Assessing Tourism Infrastructure in Goa : a Gap Analysis, AIEST - Association Internationale d'Experts Scientifiques du Tourisme, Lijiang, PR of China, 2015
Damien Zufferey, Stefano Bromuri and Michael Schumacher, Case-based retrieval of similar diabetic patients, in: Workshop on Personal Health Systems for Chronic Diseases (PHSCD 2015) at Pervasive Health 2015, Istanbul, Turkey, IEEE, ACM, 2015