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Publications for topic "ConEx Lab" sorted by journal and type

Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops (WAINA), 2015 IEEE 29th International Conference on

Gianluca Rizzo, Alex Carmine Olivieri and frederic morard, A Publish-Subscribe Approach to IoT Integration: the Smart Office Use Case (2015), in: Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops (WAINA), 2015 IEEE 29th International Conference on

Comput. Sci. Inf. Syst.

Elsevier Computer Networks journal

IEEE Communications Magazine

IEEE ICC E2Nets 2014

{IEEE} Journal on Selected Areas in Communications

José Luis Hernández Ramos, Marcin Piotr Pawlowski, Antonio J Jara, Antonio F. Skarmeta and Latif Ladid, Toward a Lightweight Authentication and Authorization Framework for Smart Objects (2015), in: {IEEE} Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 33:4(690--702)
  • []: Impact Factor = 4.232 (SCI-E indexed / JCR)


Interacting with Computers

Journal International Journal of Web and Grid Services

Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET), Springer International Publishing

Gianluca Rizzo, A multi-pronged approach to adaptive and context aware content dissemination in VANETs (2017), in: Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET), Springer International Publishing

Personal and Ubiquitous Computing

Soft computing manuscrit

Software: Practice and Experience

Antonio J Jara, Yann Bocchi and Dominique Genoud, Big Data for Smart Cities with KNIME A Real Experience in the SmartSantander Testbed (2014), in: Software: Practice and Experience
  • []: Impact Factor JCR 2013: 1.148



Publications of type Book


Publications of type Inproceedings


Gianluca Rizzo, A Centralized Approach for Setting Floating Content Parameters in VANETs, in: Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC), 2017 14th IEEE Annual, IEEE, 2017


Luc Dufour, Dominique Genoud, Antonio J Jara, Jerome Treboux, Bruno Ladevie and Jean-Jacques Bezian, A non-intrusive model to predict the exible energy in a residential building, in: 2015 {IEEE} Wireless Communications and Networking Conference Workshops, {WCNC} Workshops 2015, New Orleans, LA, USA, March 9-12, 2015, pages 69--74, 2015
Jerome Treboux, Antonio J Jara, Luc Dufour and Dominique Genoud, A predictive data-driven model for traffic-jams forecasting in smart santader city-scale testbed, in: 2015 {IEEE} Wireless Communications and Networking Conference Workshops, {WCNC} Workshops 2015, New Orleans, LA, USA, March 9-12, 2015, pages 64--68, 2015
Marcin Piotr Pawlowski, Antonio J Jara and Maciej J. Ogorzalek, EAP for IoT: More Efficient Transport of Authentication Data - TEPANOM Case Study, in: 29th {IEEE} International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops, {AINA} 2015 Workshops, Gwangju, South Korea, March 24-27, 2015, pages 694--699, 2015
Antonio J Jara, Yunchuan Sun, Houbing Song, Rongfang Bie, Dominique Genoud and Yann Bocchi, Internet of Things for Cultural Heritage of Smart Cities and Smart Regions, in: 29th {IEEE} International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops, {AINA} 2015 Workshops, Gwangju, South Korea, March 24-27, 2015, pages 668--675, 2015


Antonio J Jara, Dominique Genoud and Yann Bocchi, Big Data for Cyber Physical Systems: An Analysis of Challenges, Solutions and Opportunities, in: Eighth International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing, {IMIS} 2014, Birmingham, United Kingdom, 2-4 July, 2014, pages 376--380, 2014
Antonio J Jara, Dominique Genoud and Yann Bocchi, Big Data in Smart Cities: From Poisson to Human Dynamics, in: 28th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops, {AINA} 2014 Workshops, Victoria, BC, Canada, May 13-16, 2014, pages 785--790, 2014
Nabil Benamar, Antonio J Jara, Latif Ladid and Moulay Driss El Ouadghiri, Challenges of the Internet of Things: IPv6 and Network Management, in: Eighth International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing, {IMIS} 2014, Birmingham, United Kingdom, 2-4 July, 2014, pages 328--333, 2014
Marcin Piotr Pawlowski, Antonio J Jara and Maciej J. Ogorzalek, Extending Extensible Authentication Protocol over IEEE 802.15.4 Networks, in: Eighth International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing, {IMIS} 2014, Birmingham, United Kingdom, 2-4 July, 2014, pages 340--345, 2014
Antonio J Jara, Yann Bocchi and Dominique Genoud, Social Internet of Things: The Potential of the Internet of Things for Defining Human Behaviours, in: 2014 International Conference on Intelligent Networking and Collaborative Systems, Salerno, Italy, September 10-12, 2014, pages 581--585, 2014
Luc Dufour, Dominique Genoud, Gianluca Rizzo, Antonio J Jara, Pierre Roduit, Jean-Jacques Bezian and Bruno Ladevie, Test Set Validation for Home Electrical Signal Disaggregation, in: Eighth International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing, {IMIS} 2014, Birmingham, United Kingdom, 2-4 July, 2014, pages 415--420, 2014
Antonio J Jara, Trust Extension Protocol for Authentication in Networks Oriented to Management (TEPANOM), in: Availability, Reliability, and Security in Information Systems - {IFIP} {WG} 8.4, 8.9, {TC} 5 International Cross-Domain Conference, {CD-ARES} 2014 and 4th International Workshop on Security and Cognitive Informatics for Homeland Defense, SeCIHD 2014, Fri, pages 155--165, 2014


Antonio J Jara, Yann Bocchi and Dominique Genoud, Determining Human Dynamics through the Internet of Things, in: Web Intelligence (WI) and Intelligent Agent Technologies (IAT), 2013 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Joint Conferences on, IEEE, USA, pages 109 - 113, IEEE, 2013
Antonio J Jara, Antonio F Skarmeta and Marıa Concepción Parra, Enabling Participative Marketing through the Internet of Things, in: Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops (WAINA), 2013 27th International Conference on, IEEE, pages 1301--1306, 2013



Gianluca Rizzo and Gaetano Manzo, SDN Coordination for CCN and FC Content Dissemination in VANETs, pages 221--233, Springer International Publishing, 2016

Publications of type Misc


Publications of type Proceedings




Publications of type Techreport