All publications

Céline Rozenblat, Guy Mélançon, Jean Christophe Loubier and P-Y Koening, Level in worldwilde air transport network, AAG, San Francisco, Association of American Geographer (AAG), 2007
Adrien Depeursinge, Daniel Sage, Asmâa Hidki, Alexandra Platon, Pierre-Alexandre Poletti, Michael Unser and Henning Müller, Lung Tissue Classification Using Wavelet Frames, in: Proceedings of International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2007
Henning Müller, Xin Zhou, Adrien Depeursinge, Mikko Juhani Pitkanen, Jimison Iavindrasana and Antoine Geissbuhler, Medical Visual Information Retrieval: State of the Art and Challenges Ahead, in: Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, pages 683-686, 2007
Jürgen Sauer and René Schumann, Modelling and Solving Workforce Scheduling Problems, in: 21. Workshop Planen, Scheduling und Konfigurieren, Entwerfen (PUK), pages 93 - 101, 2007
Andreas Humm, Jean Hennebert and Rolf Ingold, Modelling Combined Handwriting And Speech Modalities, in: International Conference on Biometrics (ICB 2007), Seoul Korea, 2007
Jean Hennebert, Andreas Humm and Rolf Ingold, Modelling Spoken Signatures With Gaussian Mixture Model Adaptation, in: IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 07), 2007
David Giauque, Valérie Barbey and Thierry Gaillard, Moteurs de la performance individuelle et collective dans les organisations publiques en transformation, 16ème Colloque international de la Revue Politiques et management public, Florence (Italie), 2007
Anne-Dominique Salamin, Myself EUR project : Cognitive aspects on distant learning, in: Conférence internationale Solutions Ressources Humaines, Paris, 2007
Florian Evéquoz and Denis Lalanne, Personal Information Management Through Interactive Visualizations, in: Poster Compendium of the IEEE Information Visualization Conference (Doctoral Colloquium InfoVis 2007), pages 158--160, 2007
René Schumann and Jürgen Sauer, Planung entlang der Supply Chain, in: Informatik 2007, pages 420 - 421, Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI), 2007
Jürgen Sauer, Ingo J. Timm and René Schumann, Planung und Simulation in logistischen Anwendungen, in: Informatik 2007, pages 377 - 378, Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI), 2007
Jamie Murphy, Roland Schegg and Doina Olaru, Quality Clusters: Dimensions of Email Responses by Luxury Hotels (2007), in: International Journal of Hospitality Management, 26:3(743 - 747)
Stefano Bromuri and Kostas Stathis, Situating Cognitive Agents In GOLEM, in: EEMMAS, pages 115-134, Springer, 2007
Jean Christophe Loubier, Spatial Interpolation for climate data: The use of GIS in climatologie and meteorology, chapter 8: Optimizing the interpolation of temperature by GIS: A space analysis approach, pages 97-107, Dobesch H; Domolard P; Dyras I, Geographical Information Systems Series, 2007
Andreas Humm, Jean Hennebert and Rolf Ingold, Spoken Handwriting Verification using Statistical Models, in: Accepted for publication, International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR 07), Curitiba Brazil, 2007
Laurent Sciboz, Systèmes d'information logistique au service du consommateur, in: 7e Forum suisse de Logistique Collaborer pour gagner, EPFL, Lausanne, 2007
Asmâa Hidki, Technical report on the Talisman project: data entry for a database of interstitial lung diseases, Service of Medical Informatics, University Hospitals of Geneva, 2007
Danny Weyns, Alexander Helleboogh, Tom Holvoet and Michael Schumacher, The Agent Environment in Multi-Agent Systems: A Middleware Perspective, in: Fifth European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems (EUMAS'07), Hammamet, Tunisia, 2007
Thomas Deselaers, Henning Müller, Paul Clough, Hermann Ney and Thomas M. Lehmann, The CLEF 2005 Automatic Medical Image Annotation Task (2007), in: International Journal in Computer Vision, 74:1(51-58)
  • []: Impact Factor: 3.657 (2005)

René Schumann and Jan Behrens, The Potted Plant Packing Problem: Towards a practical solution (2007), in: Künstliche Intelligenz (KI), 21:1(10 - 15)
Antoine Widmer and Yaoping Hu, The role of viewing angle in integrating the senses of vision and touch for perception of object softness (2007), in: Electrical and Computer Engineering, Canadian Journal of, 32:4(193--198)
Bernd Schattenberg, Thorsten Krebs and René Schumann, The World of PuK - Service (2007), in: Künstliche Intelligenz (KI), 21:1(44)
Miriam Scaglione and Colin Johnson, Tourism productivity convergence in Europe: Leaders & Catchers-up. Industry, in: International Association of experts in Tourism, Macao, pages 13 - 25, 2007
Gabriel Bender and Rafael Matos-Wasem, Tourisme et vacances. Une machine qui change le monde et le regard, CREPA (Centre Régional d'Etudes des Populations Alpines), 2007
Farshideh Einsele, Jean Hennebert and Rolf Ingold, Towards Identification Of Very Low Resolution, Anti-Aliased Characters, in: IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and its Applications (ISSPA'07), Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, 2007
Xin Zhou, Julien Gobeill, Patrick Ruch and Henning Müller, University and Hospitals of Geneva at ImageCLEF 2007, in: Working Notes of the 2007 CLEF Workshop, 2007
  • []: Impact Factor: 0.402 (2005)

Michael Schumacher, Tim van Pelt, Ion Constantinescu, Alexandre de Oliveira e Sousa and Boi Faltings, WSDir: a Federated Directory System of Semantic Web Services, in: 16th IEEE International Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructures for Collaborative Enterprises (WETICE 2007), Paris, France, 2007
Alain Wahl, Jean Hennebert, Andreas Humm and Rolf Ingold, A novel method to generate Brute-Force Signature Forgeries, University of Fribourg, Department of Informatics, number 274-06-09, 2006