Todas as publicações

Rafael Matos-Wasem, Le tourisme a-t-il encore un avenir ? Laissons notre imagination prendre le large (2002), in: PLS Point Ligne Surface, 11 (“ Le tourisme ”), 10(15 -)
Roland Schegg, Mehr Hotel-Websites geben Euro-Preise an (2002), in: Hotel+Tourismus Revue, 18(4 - 4)
David Giauque and Yves Emery, Motivational Implications of New Public Management Projects in Swiss Public Organizations: The Emergence of Contradictory Injunctions, in: Communication présentée au colloque du Groupe Européen d'Administration Publique (GEAP), Potsdam, 2002
Antoine Perruchoud and Christian Tanner, Schindler Aufzüge AG, in: Procurement im E-Business Wölfle, Dettling, Schubert, páginas 121 - 134, 2002
David Giauque, Science et management public ou l'histoire d'une relation ambiguë. Le cas de la nouvelle gestion publique (2002), in: Ethique publique (numéro spécial : Ethique de l'administration et du service public), vol. 4, no. 1(45 - 62)
Miriam Scaglione, The Alpes Vaudoises : a tourism frequency diagnosis, in: Cross Cultural Challenges in the tourism industry: The educational answers, Euro-CHRIE Congress, Barcelona, Spain., 2002
Miriam Scaglione, The relative importance of macro-economic and meteorological factors in Alpine Tourism, in: Proceedings of the Leisure Future Conference, Innsbruck, pp. 274-290, 2002
Roland Schegg, Thouraya Gherissi-Labben and Jamie Murphy, The State of Electronic Customer Service in the Tunisian Hotel Industry, in: Proceeding of the 7th Association Information Management Conference in Hammamet, Tunisia, 2002
Henning Müller, Stéphane Marchand-Maillet and Thierry Pun, The truth about Corel - Evaluation in Image Retrieval, in: Proceedings of the International Conference on the Challenge of Image and Video Retrieval (CIVR 2002), páginas 38-49, Springer-Verlag, 2002
Miriam Scaglione, Tous les chemins mènent-ils au Tessin?, in: XXXIX èmes Journées de Geographie du Tourisme, Geneva, 2002
Miriam Scaglione, Transportation towards the Ticino: flying on business but on wheels for leisure, in: Keller, P. Bieger,T.(Ed) (2002) 52rd AIEST Congress ,Air transport and Tourism, Vol 44, pp.245-274, 2002
Henning Müller, User Interaction and Performance Evaluation in Content-Based Visual Information Retrieval, Computer Vision and Multimedia Laboratory, University of Geneva, 2002
Henning Müller, Wolfgang Müller, Stéphane Marchand-Maillet, David McG. Squire and Thierry Pun, A web-based evaluation system for content-based image retrieval, in: Proceedings of the 9th ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACM MM 2001), páginas 50-54, The Association for Computing Machinery, 2001
Wolfgang Müller, Stéphane Marchand-Maillet, Henning Müller, David McG. Squire and Thierry Pun, Evaluating Image Browsers Using Structured Annotation (2001), in: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (JASIST), 52:11(961-968)
David Giauque and Frederic Varone, Policy management and performance-related pay : comparative analysis of service contracts in Switzerland (2001), in: International Review of Administrative Sciences, vol. 67, no. 3,(543 - 565)