Todas as publicações

Mastelic Joëlle, L'Energy Living Lab, un écosystème d'innovation pour la transition énergétique, Journée internationale de la sociologie de l'énergie, Tours, 2015
Mastelic Joëlle, L'usager au centre de la réflexion (2015), in: Bulletin electrosuisse/VSE/AES
Vincent Grèzes, Lionel Emery, Antoine Perruchoud and Roland Schegg, Le crowdfunding : une opportunité pour le tourisme (2015), in: Livre Blanc : le crowdfunding en Suisse 2015(33-34)
Rafael Matos-Wasem, Le tourisme. Genèse, croissance et déclin, Editions Valais Valeur Ajoutée, 2015
Fabian Cretton, Zhan Liu and Anne Le Calvé, Linked Data Integration and Consumption: A Case of Open-Interconnected Application in Swiss Administration, in: Proceedings of the International Conference on Semantic Web Business and Innovation (SWBI2015), Sierre, Switzerland, páginas 13-22, The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications, 2015
Roger Schaer, Fanny Salamin, Oscar Jimenez del Toro, Manfredo Atzori, Henning Müller and Antoine Widmer, Live ECG Readings Using Google Glass in Emergency Situations, in: 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), Milano, Italy, 2015
Anne-Dominique Salamin, Mobile Collection and Dissemination of Seniors’ Skills, ICELW conference Columbia University New York 2015, 2015
Alba García Seco de Herrera, Henning Müller and Stefano Bromuri, Overview of the ImageCLEF 2015 medical classification task, in: Working Notes of CLEF 2015 – Cross Language Evaluation Forum, CEUR, 2015
Oscar Jimenez del Toro, Antonio Foncubierta-Rodríguez, Henning Müller, Georg Langs and Allan Hanbury, Overview of the VISCERAL Retrieval Benchmark 2015, in: Multimodal Retrieval in the Medical Domain, Vienna, Austria, Springer, 2015
Hanane Lamaazi, Nabil Benamar, Muhammad Iqbal Imaduddin and Antonio J Jara, Performance assessment of the routing protocol for low power and lossy networks, in: Wireless Networks and Mobile Communications (WINCOM), 2015 International Conference on, IEEE, páginas 1--8, 2015
Albert Brugues de la Torre, Stefano Bromuri, Josep Pegueroles-Vallés and Michael Schumacher, Providing Interoperability to a Pervasive Healthcare System Through the HL7 CDA Standard, in: Proceedings of the 15th International HL7 Interoperability Conference, Prague (Czech Republic), páginas 5-12, 2015
Geoffrey Sonn, Lewis D. Hahn, Richard Fan, Jocelyn Barker, Adrien Depeursinge and Daniel L. Rubin, Quantitative Image Texture Analysis Predicts Malignancy on Multiparametric Prostate MRI, in: 91st Annual Meeting of the Western Section of American Urological Association, Indian Wells, CA, USA, 2015
Oscar Jimenez del Toro, Pol Cirujeda, Yashin Dicente Cid and Henning Müller, RadLex Terms and Local Texture Features for Multimodal Medical Case Retrieval, in: Multimodal Retrieval in the Medical Domain (MRMD) 2015, Vienna, Austria, Springer, 2015
Jean-Paul Calbimonte and Karl Aberer, Reactive Processing of RDF Streams of Events, in: Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Detection, Representation, and Exploitation of Events in the Semantic Web (DeRiVE 2015) Co-located with the 12th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2015), páginas 1--11, 2015
Zarina M. Charlesworth, Natalie Sarrasin and Jean Christophe Loubier, Redesigning Course Delivery and Instructional Methods for the inclusion of Web 2.0: Lessons from the Trenches, in: Proceedings of EdMedia: World Conference on Educational Media and Technology 2015, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, páginas pp. 1024-1030, Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), 2015
Jean-Paul Calbimonte, Scalable and Reactive Programming for Semantic Web Developers, in: Proceedings of the ESWC Developers Workshop 2015 co-located with the 12th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2015), páginas 47--53, 2015
Antonio J Jara, Dhananjay Singh and Madhusudan Singh, Secure Cloud Networks for Connected & Automated Vehicles, in: 2015 International Conference on Connected Vehicles and Expo (ICCVE), Shenzhen, China, páginas 330-335, IEEE, 2015