Alle Publicaties

Vincent Grèzes, Creating Shared Value, Fondation The Ark, Fondation pour l'innovation en Valais, Sierre, TechnoArk Conference, 2014
Nour Charara, Omar Abou Khaled, Elena Mugellini, Iman Jarkass en Sokhn Maria, Depth Based Context Modeling and Classification in Video-surveillance, in: Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Vision and Machine Learning, International Conference on Machine Vision and Machine Learning, 14-15.08.2014, Prague, Czech Republic, 2014
Mila Trombitas, Der Duft des Schnees (2014), in: Wildernews, Sommer 2014:68(4-6)
René Schumann, Serge Delafontaine, Caroline Taramarcaz en Florian Evéquoz, Effective Business process documentation in federal structures, in: Proceeding of Informatik 2014 (Workshop BPM im Öffentlichen Sektor), Stuttgart, Germany, pagina's 1043 - 1058, GI, 2014
Manfredo Atzori en Henning Müller, Electromyography Low Pass Filtering Effects on the Classification of Hand Movements in Amputated Subjects, in: SCIEI International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (ICDSP), Milano, Italy, 2014
Sokhn Maria, Eliane Maalouf, Arnaud Zufferey en Florian Evéquoz, Energetic Dashboard: Driving decision making, in: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (ICEGOV2014), ICEGOV 2014, 27-30.10.2014, Guimarães, Portugal, ACM Press, 2014
Antonio Foncubierta-Rodríguez, Antoine Widmer, Adrien Depeursinge en Henning Müller, Enhanced visualization of pulmonary perfusion in 4D Dual Energy CT images, in: Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), Chicago, IL, USA, pagina's 6710-6713, 2014
Jean-Paul Calbimonte en Oscar Corcho, Evaluating SPARQL Queries over Linked Data Streams, in: Linked Data Management., pagina's 137--161, 2014
João Palotti, Allan Hanbury en Henning Müller, Exploiting Health Related Features to Infer User Expertise in the Medical Domain, in: Web Search and Data Mining workshop, New York City, NY, USA, 2014
Marcin Piotr Pawlowski, Antonio J Jara en Maciej J. Ogorzalek, Extending Extensible Authentication Protocol over IEEE 802.15.4 Networks, in: Eighth International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing, {IMIS} 2014, Birmingham, United Kingdom, 2-4 July, 2014, pagina's 340--345, 2014
Antoine Widmer, Roger Schaer, Dimitrios Markonis en Henning Müller, Facilitating Medical Information Search using Google Glass connected to a Content-based Medical Image Retrieval System, in: Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), Chicago, IL, USA, 2014
Bruno Alves, Michael Schumacher, Fabian Cretton, Anne Le Calvé, Gilles Cherix, David Werlen, Christian Gapany, Betrand Baeryswil, Doris Gerber en Philippe Cloux, Fairtrace: Applying Semantic Web Tools & Techniques to the Textile Traceability, in: Enterprise Information Systems - 15th International Conference, ICEIS 2013, Angers, France, July 4-7, 2013, Revised Selected Papers, Springer Verlag, 2014
Oscar Jimenez del Toro en Henning Müller, Hierarchical multi-structure segmentation guided by anatomical correlations, in: Proceedings of the VISCERAL Challenge at ISBI, Beijing, China, pagina's 32-36, 2014
Mastelic Joëlle, Marlyne Sahakian en Riccardo Bonazzi, How to keep a living lab alive, European Network of Living Labs, Amsterdam, 2014
Luc Dufour, Dominique Genoud, Gianluca Rizzo, Bruno Ladevie en Jean-Jacques Bezian, Identification method for home electrical signal disaggregation, SET 2014, 25-28.08.2014, Geneva, Switzerland, The 13th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies, 2014
Henning Müller, Allan Hanbury, Angus Roberts, Konstantin Pentchev en Vassil Momtchev, Khresmoi: semantics in medical search, in: ECSW workshop on EU funded projects, Anissara, Greece, 2014
Magí Lluch-Ariet, Albert Brugues de la Torre, Francesc Vallverdú en Josep Pegueroles-Vallés, Knowledge sharing in the health scenario (2014), in: Journal of Translational Medicine, 12:Suppl 2(S8)
  • []: Impact Factor JCR 2013 = 3.991