Henning Müller
Voornamen: Henning
Achternamen: Müller
Email: Henning.Mueller@hevs.ch
Instituut: Institut Informatique de Gestion


Alle publicaties voor Henning Müller

Mohammad Reza Zare en Henning Müller, Automatic Detection of Biomedical Compound Figure using Bag of Words, in: 4th International Conference on Image Processing, Production and Computer Science (ICIPCS'16), Phuket, Thailand, 2016
Franco Bassetto, Cesare Tiengo, Manfredo Atzori en Henning Müller, Clinical, anatomical and external factors to improve dexterous robotic hand prostheses, in: XXI Congress of the Federation of European Societies for Surgery of the Hand (FESSH), Santander, Spain, 2016
Manfredo Atzori, Roger Schaer, Matteo Cognolato en Henning Müller, Electromyography for Hand Prosthetics Demo, in: XXVIII Conférence francophone sur l'Interaction Homme-Machine, Fribourg, Suisse, 2016
Anamaria Vizitiu, Lucian Itu, Ranveer Joyseeree, Adrien Depeursinge, Henning Müller en Constantin Suciu, GPU-Accelerated Texture Analysis Using Steerable Riesz Wavelets, in: 24th IEEE Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, and Network-Based Processing, Heraklion Crete, Greece, pagina's 431--434, 2016
Mohammad Reza Zare en Henning Müller, Medical x-ray image classification and retrieval system, in: Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2016), Chiayi, Taiwan, 2016
Antoine Widmer, Roger Schaer en Henning Müller, Plateforme d'Aide aux Ambulanciers, in: 28eme Conférence Francophone sur l'Interaction Homme-Machine, Fribourg, Switzerland, pagina's 2, 2016
Bogdan Ionescu, Adrian Popescu, Anca-Livia Radu en Henning Müller, Result Diversification in Social Image Retrieval: A Benchmarking Framework (2016), in: Multimedia Tools and Applications, 75:2(1301-1331)
  • []: IF 2013 =1.058

Alba García Seco de Herrera, Roger Schaer en Henning Müller, Shangri-La: a medical case-based retrieval tool (2016), in: Journal of the American Society for Information Science
  • []: IF 2013=2.230
Ivan Eggel, Roger Schaer en Henning Müller, Using the Cloud as a Platform for Evaluation and Data Preparation, hoofdstuk Using the Cloud as a Platform for Evaluation and Data Preparation, Springer, 2016
Pol Cirujeda, Henning Müller, Daniel L. Rubin, Todd A. Aguilera, Billy W. Loo Jr., Maximilian Diehn, Xavier Binefa en Adrien Depeursinge, 3D Riesz–wavelet based Covariance descriptors for texture classification of lung nodule tissue in CT, in: 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), pagina's 7909-7912, 2015
Manfredo Atzori, Cesare Tiengo, Giorgio Giatsidis, Henning Müller en Franco Bassetto, Advancements towards a functional amputation of the hand., in: Proceedings of the 26th EURAPS Annual Meeting, European Association of Plastic Surgeons (EURAPS), Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 2015
Franco Bassetto, Giorgio Giatsidis, Henning Müller en Manfredo Atzori, Advancements towards non invasive, naturally controlled robotic hand prostheses, in: XX Congress of the Federation of European Societies for Surgery of the Hand (FESSH), Milan, Italy, 2015