Thema: Institute of Informatics (II)

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Publikationen für Thema: Institute of Informatics (II)

Xin Zhou, Julien Gobeill und Henning Müller, The MedGIFT group at ImageCLEF 2008, in: Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5706, Seiten 712-718, 2009
  • []: Impact Factor: 0.402 (2005)

Xin Zhou, Ivan Eggel und Henning Müller, The medGIFT group at ImageCLEF 2009, in: Working Notes of CLEF 2009 (Cross Language Evaluation Forum), 2009
Laurent Sciboz, Tout savoir sur le produit que vous achetez grâce à votre téléphone portable, in: Carrefours Alliance, L'identification des produits dans tous ses états, TechnoArk, Sierre, 2009
Allan Hanbury und Henning Müller, Towards automated component--level evaluation, in: Proceeding of the SIGIR Workshop on new evaluation methodologies, 2009
René Schumann, Thomas Timmermann und Ingo J. Timm, Transportation planning in dynamic environments, in: Operations Research Proceedings 2008, Seiten 319 - 324, Springer, 2009
Laurent Bagnoud und Simon Martin, A Case Study of Business Process Interoperability in a Logistics Supply Chain Environment, in: 2nd International Workshop on Collaborative Business Processes dans le cadre de 6th International Conference on Business Process Management, Milan, 2008
F. Einsele, Rolf Ingold und Jean Hennebert, A Language-Independent, Open-Vocabulary System Based on HMMs for Recognition of Ultra Low Resolution Words, in: 23rd Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (ACM SAC 2008), Fortaleza, Ceara, Brasil, Seiten 429--433, 2008
Asmaa El Hannani und Jean Hennebert, A Review of the Benefits and Issues of Speaker Verification Evaluation Campaigns, in: Proceedings of the ELRA Workshop on Evaluation at LREC 08, Marrakech, Morocco, Seiten 29--34, 2008
Anne-Dominique Salamin, Sandrine Ding und Alexandre Dominguez, Accès au dossier radiologique du patient (Audorap), in: Swiss Conference on Medical Informatics, 2008, Sierre, 2008
Thomas Timmermann und René Schumann, An approach to solve the Multi Depot Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows (MDVRPTW) in static and dynamic scenarios, in: Proceedings of the 22. Workshop "Planen, Scheduling und Konfigurieren, Entwerfen (PuK 2008), 2008
Thomas Deselaers, Thomas M. Deserno und Henning Müller, Automatic Medical Image Annotation in ImageCLEF 2007: Overview, Results, and Discussion (2008), in: Pattern Recognition Letters, 29:15(1988-1995)
  • []: Impact Factor: 0.853 (2007)

Marko Niinimäki, Xin Zhou, Adrien Depeursinge, Antoine Geissbuhler und Henning Müller, Building a Community Grid for Medical Image Analysis inside a Hospital, a Case Study, in: Medical imaging on grids: achievements and perspectives (Grid Workshop at MICCAI 2008), Seiten 3-12, 2008
René Schumann, Andreas D. Lattner und Ingo J. Timm, Challenges in coordinating networked enterprises, in: Proceedings of the 13. International Symposium on Logistics (ISL 2008), Seiten 133 - 142, Centre for Concurrent Enterprise Nottingham University, 2008
René Schumann, Andreas D. Lattner und Ingo J. Timm, Cost of Control for Regulated Autonomy, in: Presented at the International Workshop on Organised Adaptation in Multi-Agent Systems (OAMAS'08, Workshop at the AAMAS 2008), 2008
Michael Schumacher, Alexandre de Oliveira e Sousa, Ion Constantinescu, Tim van Pelt und Boi Faltings, Distributed Directories of Web Services, in: CASCOM: Intelligent Service Coordination in the Semantic Web, Birkhäuser Verlag, 2008
Türk Kiziltoprak, René Schumann, Axel Hahn und Jan Behrens, Distributed process control by smart containers, in: Dynamics in Logistics: First International Conference, LDIC 2007, Bremen, Germany, August 2007. Proceedings, Seiten 321- 328, Springer, 2008
Fouad Slimane, Rolf Ingold, Adel Mohamed Alimi und Jean Hennebert, Duration Models for Arabic Text Recognition using Hidden Markov Models, in: International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Modelling, Control and Automation (CIMCA 08), Vienna, Austria, Seiten 838--843, 2008
Xiaohong Gao, Henning Müller, Martin Looms, Richard Comley und Shuqian Luo, Editorial, in: MIMI 2007 Proceedings, Springer, 2008
  • []: Impact Factor: 0.402 (2005)

Thomas Deselaers, Henning Müller und Thomas M. Deserno, Editorial on the special issue on medical image annotation in ImageCLEF 2007 (2008), in: Pattern Recognition Letters, 29:15(1987)
  • []: Impact Factor: 0.853 (2007)

Henning Müller und Eusebio Passaretti, Editorial. (2008), in: Swiss Medical Informatics, 64
Laurent Sciboz, Xavier Comtesse und Frédéric Pezé, Enjeux, exemples d'application des TIC et incidences sur le développement durable, in: 1ères journées européennes des territoires de demain, St-Julien-en-Alban - Ardèche, 2008
Alain Mowat, Roman Schmidt, Michael Schumacher und Ion Constantinescu, Extending Peer-to-Peer Networks for Approximate Search, in: 23nd ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2008), Fortaleza, Brazil, 2008
Fabian Cretton und Anne Le Calvé, Generic ontology based User Model: GenOUM, SMV technical report series, Nummer 203, 2008
Xin Zhou, Adrien Depeursinge und Henning Müller, Hierarchical classification using a frequency-based weighting and simple visual features (2008), in: Pattern Recognition Letters, 29:15(2011-2017)
  • []: Impact Factor: 0.853 (2007)

Mikko Juhani Pitkanen, Xin Zhou, Miika Tuisku, Tapio Niemi, Ville Ryynänen und Henning Müller, How Grids are Perceived in Healthcare and the Public Service Sector, in: Global HealthGrid: e-Science Meets Biomedical Informatics - Proceedings of HealthGrid 2008, Seiten 61-69, 2008
Florian Verdet und Jean Hennebert, Impostures of Talking Face Systems Using Automatic Face Animation, in: IEEE Conference on Biometrics: Theory, Applications and Systems (BTAS 08), Arlington, Virginia, USA, 2008
Laurent Sciboz, Interopérabilité et standards : les scénarios de développement, in: Internet des objets-Internet du Futur - Construire ensemble l'internet de demain, Nice Acropolis, 2008