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Vincent Grèzes
First name(s): Vincent
Last name(s): Grèzes


Publications of Vincent Grèzes sorted by journal and type
| 1-50 | 51-100 | 101-101 |

Publications of type Inproceedings


Vincent Grèzes, Lessons from Using Mind mapping to Evaluate the Learnings – Dos and Don’ts, Dubrovnik, ENTerprise REsearch InNOVAtion Conference - ENTRENOVA, 2023





Vincent Grèzes, Elements de réflexion pour une vision industrielle valaisanne à l'horizon 2030, in: Forum Industrial Future 2019, Avenir Industrie Valais Wallis, Sion, 2019
Vincent Grèzes, Le Valais industriel, statistiques et valeur ajoutée, in: Forum Industrial Futur 2019, Avenir Industrie Valais Wallis, Sion, 2019


Vincent Grèzes, Plateformes participatives : premières présentations et exemples, in: Table ronde : L'organisation des JO2026 comme moteur de la durabilité, Avenir Ecologie, Salon Prim'vert, 2018
Vincent Grèzes, Randolf Ramseyer, Benjamin Nanchen, Rolf Wilk, Sandra Grèzes and Antoine Perruchoud, Service Design Thinking Methodology For Co-Innovating The User Experience, Chair of Tourism, Hospitality and Gastronomy CETT- University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Smart Tourism Congress Barcelona, 2018
Vincent Grèzes, Sharing Economy : un nouveau modèle pour dynamiser votre entreprise ?, in: L'économie collaborative en Valais, Valais Excellence, Maison de l'entrepreneuriat, Sierre, 2018


Vincent Grèzes and Emeline Hébert, La veille au service du tourisme valaisan: l'exemple de l'Observatoire Valaisan du Tourisme, Neuchâtel, 14ème Journée franco-suisse Intelligence Economique et Veille Stratégique, 2017


Vincent Grèzes, Les bases du financement participatif (Crowdfunding) dans l'énergie, Haute Ecole d'Ingénieurs HES-SO Valais-Wallis, Sion, 2016


Vincent Grèzes, Lionel Emery, Roland Schegg and Antoine Perruchoud, Crowdfunded Tourism Activities: Study on the Direct Impact of Swiss Crowdfunding Platforms on the Tourism Industry, Travel & Tourism Research Association 2015 European Chapter Conference, Innsbruck, Austria, TTRA European Chapter, 2015
Vincent Grèzes, Crowdfunding - Poser les bases de votre projet de financement participatif: clés de succès et prototypage, in: Tourism Professional Meeting 2015: Sharing Economy and New Digital Marketing Trends, Tourism Professional Meeting 2015: Sharing Economy and New Digital Marketing Trends, Sierre, Switzerland, HES-SO Valais-Wallis, 2015
Vincent Grèzes, The Definition of Competitive Intelligence Needs through a Synthesis Model, Institute for Competitive Intelligence, Strasbourg, France, 7th International Competitive Intelligence Conference, 2015


Vincent Grèzes, Creating Shared Value, Fondation The Ark, Fondation pour l'innovation en Valais, Sierre, TechnoArk Conference, 2014


Vincent Grèzes, Harry Fulgencio and Antoine Perruchoud, Embedding Business Model for Sustainable Collaborative Innovation in African Living Labs, Nairobi, Kenya, IST Africa 2013 Conference Proceedings, IIMC International Information Management Corporation Ltd 2013, 2013


Vincent Grèzes, Zhan Liu, Olivier Crettol and Antoine Perruchoud, From business model design to environmental scanning: the way to a new semantic tool to support SMEs' strategy, in: Proceedings of eChallenges e-2012 Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, IIMC International Information Management Corporation Ltd 2012, 2012

Publications of type Misc




Publications of type Phdthesis


Publications of type Proceedings


Sandra Grèzes and Vincent Grèzes, Designing a sustainable, circular culinary system - The case of the tourism region of Valais, Switzerland, TOURMAN 2021 - 4th International Scientific Conference “Restarting tourism, travel and hospitality: The day after", Internati, 2021
Vincent Grèzes, Strategies of Companies Facing Client and Resources Limitations: Innovation Patterns Analysis, TOURMAN 2021 - 4th International Scientific Conference “Restarting tourism, travel and hospitality: The day after", International Hellenic University, 2021





| 1-50 | 51-100 | 101-101 |