Vincent Grèzes
First name(s): Vincent
Last name(s): Grèzes


Publications of Vincent Grèzes sorted by first author
| 1-50 | 51-100 | 101-101 |


Riccardo Bonazzi and Vincent Grèzes, Co-Utility : Theory and Applications., chapter United We Stand: Exploring the Notion of Cooperation Support System for Business Model Design, pages 167 - 188, Springer, Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, volume 110, 2018



Sandra Grèzes and Vincent Grèzes, Analysing and Designing Circular Value Networks for Sustainable Tourism – a Case Study, Dubrovnik, Croatia, ENTerprise REsearch InNOVAtion Conference - ENTRENOVA, 2024
Sandra Grèzes and Vincent Grèzes, Designing a Sustainable, Circular Culinary System (2023), in: Circular Economy and Sustainability
Sandra Grèzes and Vincent Grèzes, Designing a sustainable, circular culinary system - The case of the tourism region of Valais, Switzerland, TOURMAN 2021 - 4th International Scientific Conference “Restarting tourism, travel and hospitality: The day after", Internati, 2021
Vincent Grèzes, Les conditions cadres favorables à l'économie circulaire, in: L'économie circulaire: Entre retour aux sources et innovation., Carrefour de la Transition, Sion, 2024
Vincent Grèzes, Reflexive Knowledge Capture for Technological Competitive Intelligence - A Hybrid Competitive Intelligence Process, Dubrovnik, Croatia, ENTerprise REsearch InNOVAtion Conference - ENTRENOVA, 2024
Vincent Grèzes, Augmented Strategic Diagnosis to Enhance the Public Policy Process of Tourism Destinations with Chat GPT (2023), in: 4th International Conference on Digital, Innovation, Financing and Entrepreuneurship
Vincent Grèzes, Lessons of Innovation Strategies Emerged from the Crisis (2023), in: 4th International Conference on Digital, Innovation, Financing and Entrepreuneurship - DIFE 2023
Vincent Grèzes, Lessons from Using Mind mapping to Evaluate the Learnings – Dos and Don’ts, Dubrovnik, ENTerprise REsearch InNOVAtion Conference - ENTRENOVA, 2023
Vincent Grèzes, ChatGPT-4 as a Groundbreaking Tool for Grounded Theory: Technical Capabilities, Epistemological Limits (2023), in: The European Association for REsearch on SERvices (RESER) International Conference
Vincent Grèzes, L'industrie valaisanne sous la loupe (2022), in: Avenir Industrie Valais
Vincent Grèzes, Trois exemples de renseignement humain pour la veille prospective (2022), in: Futuribles, La veille prospective. Pour quoi faire ? Comment faire ?
Vincent Grèzes, Strategies of Companies Facing Client and Resources Limitations: Innovation Patterns Analysis, TOURMAN 2021 - 4th International Scientific Conference “Restarting tourism, travel and hospitality: The day after", International Hellenic University, 2021
Vincent Grèzes, Le Valais industriel, statistiques et valeur ajoutée, in: Forum Industrial Futur 2019, Avenir Industrie Valais Wallis, Sion, 2019
Vincent Grèzes, Elements de réflexion pour une vision industrielle valaisanne à l'horizon 2030, in: Forum Industrial Future 2019, Avenir Industrie Valais Wallis, Sion, 2019
Vincent Grèzes, Plateformes participatives : premières présentations et exemples, in: Table ronde : L'organisation des JO2026 comme moteur de la durabilité, Avenir Ecologie, Salon Prim'vert, 2018
Vincent Grèzes, Sharing Economy : un nouveau modèle pour dynamiser votre entreprise ?, in: L'économie collaborative en Valais, Valais Excellence, Maison de l'entrepreneuriat, Sierre, 2018
Vincent Grèzes, Les bases du financement participatif (Crowdfunding) dans l'énergie, Haute Ecole d'Ingénieurs HES-SO Valais-Wallis, Sion, 2016
Vincent Grèzes, The Definition of Competitive Intelligence Needs through a Synthesis Model, Institute for Competitive Intelligence, Strasbourg, France, 7th International Competitive Intelligence Conference, 2015
Vincent Grèzes, The Definition of Competitive Intelligence Needs through a Synthesis Model (2015), in: Journal of Intelligence Studies in Business (JISB), 5:1(40-56)
Vincent Grèzes, Succès d’une campagne de crowdfunding au Maya Boutique Hotel à Nax (2015), in: Blog de l'Observatoire Valaisan du Tourisme
Vincent Grèzes, Crowdfunding - Poser les bases de votre projet de financement participatif: clés de succès et prototypage, in: Tourism Professional Meeting 2015: Sharing Economy and New Digital Marketing Trends, Tourism Professional Meeting 2015: Sharing Economy and New Digital Marketing Trends, Sierre, Switzerland, HES-SO Valais-Wallis, 2015
Vincent Grèzes, Creating Shared Value, Fondation The Ark, Fondation pour l'innovation en Valais, Sierre, TechnoArk Conference, 2014
| 1-50 | 51-100 | 101-101 |