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Institute of Informatics (II)
Onderwerp: SI-Lab

Smart Infrastructure Laboratory



  • 119 publicaties (0 read)
  • 193 auteurs [bekijk]
  • 5 Sub-onderwerpen
Alle publicaties voor onderwerp "SI-Lab"
| 1-50 | 51-100 | 101-119 |

Krešimir Kušić, Davide Calvaresi, Amy Liffey, Lora Fanda, Martin Gregurić, Edouard Ivanjko en René Schumann, Evaluation of Traffic Controller Performance via Systematic Exploration, in: Post-proceedings of the 66th International Symposium ELMAR-2024, Zadar, Croatia, pagina's 165 -- 168, IEEE, 2024
Krešimir Kušić, René Schumann, Martin Gregurić, Edouard Ivanjko en Marko Šoštarić, Reliable learning-based controllers and how structured simulation is a path towards them, in: Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Advances in Signal Processing and Artificial Intelligence (ASPAI’ 2023), TENERIFE (CANARY ISLANDS), SPAIN, pagina's 268 -- 274, 2023
Krešimir Kušić, René Schumann en Edouard Ivanjko, Building a Motorway Digital Twin in SUMO: Real-Time Simulation of Continuous Data Stream from Traffic Counters,, in: Proceedings of the 2022 International Symposium ELMAR, Zadar, Croatia, pagina's 71 -- 76, IEEE, 2022
Khoa Nguyen en René Schumann, A Socio-psychological Approach to Simulate Trust and Reputation in Modal Choices, in: PRIMA 2020: Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems, pagina's 39--54, Springer International Publishing, 2021
Valentino Piana, Sylvain Weber, Alperen Bektas en René Schumann, Electric vehicle customers in Switzerland, Poster presented at SCCER Mobility Annual Conference., 2019
Michael Barry en René Schumann, Strategies for Runtime Prediction and Mathematical Solvers Tuning, in: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2019), 2019
René Schumann en Caroline Taramarcaz, Towards Systematic Testing of Complex Interacting Systems, in: Proceedings of the First Workshop on Systemic Risks in Global Networks co-located with 14. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI 2019), Siegen, Germany, pagina's 55-63, CEUR Workshop proceedings, 2019
Alperen Bektas en René Schumann, Using Mobility Profiles for Synthetic Population Generation, in: Social Simulation Conference (SSC), Mainz, Springer, 2019
Alperen Bektas, Khoa Nguyen en René Schumann, Can Agent-Based Computational Economics Mimic Neoclassical Demand Curve?, Conference poster and presentation, presented at "Fifth International Symposium in Computational Economics and Finance", 2018
Stefan Eggenschwiler, Michael Barry en René Schumann, Exploring effects of parameter configuration on runtime, using mathematical solvers, in: Proceedings of the 31. Workshop "Planen, Scheduling und Konfigurieren, Entwerfen" (PuK 2018), 2018
Valentino Piana, Green Mobility, hoofdstuk National scenarios of accelerated decarbonization of mobility and transport, Edizioni Ambiente, 2018
Valentino Piana, Green Mobility, hoofdstuk La sfida di Share'ngo, Edizioni Ambiente, 2018
Michael Barry, Hubert Abgottspon en René Schumann, Solver Tuning and Model Configuration, in: Proceedings of the 41st German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI 2018), Berlin, pagina's 141 -- 154, Springer, Cham, 2018
Gianluca Rizzo, Yann Bocchi en Audrey Dupont, NOSE: A NOmadic Scalable Ecosystem for Pervasive Sensing, Computing and Communication, in: International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS), Springer, Springer International Publishing, 2017
Michael Barry, Patrick Bauer, Ludovic Gaudard, Gianluca Giuliani, Werner Hediger, Franco Romerio, Moritz Schillinger, Lutz Schlange, René Schumann, Guillaume Voegeli en Hannes Weigt, The Future of Swiss Hydropower: Is there money left somewhere?, Forschungsstelle Nachhaltige Energie- und Wasserversorgung Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät der Universität Basel, Interim Project Report, 2017
| 1-50 | 51-100 | 101-119 |