All publications sorted by title


René Schumann, Andreas D. Lattner and Ingo J. Timm, Produktionsplanung zwischen Autonomie und Regulation, in: 10. Paderborner Frühjahrstagung, pages 58 - 75, ALB-HNI Verlagsschriftenreihe, 2008
Thomas Steiner, Prolog goes Middleware - Java-based Embedding of Logic Servers (2001), in: PC Artificial Intelligence, ""(25 - 27)
Thomas Steiner, Prolog, Java und Middleware (2001), in: Java Spektrum, 5
Bruno Alves, Michael Schumacher, David Godel, Philippe Richard, Abu Khaled Omar and Henning Müller, Prototype d'interopérabilité entre hôpitaux et médecins traitants, in: Actes de GISEH 2010, conférence francophone "Gestion et Ingénierie des Systèmes Hospitaliers", Clermont-Ferrand, France, 2010
Albert Brugues de la Torre, Stefano Bromuri, Josep Pegueroles-Vallés and Michael Schumacher, Providing Interoperability to a Pervasive Healthcare System Through the HL7 CDA Standard, in: Proceedings of the 15th International HL7 Interoperability Conference, Prague (Czech Republic), pages 5-12, 2015
Henning Müller and Jayashree Kalpathy-Cramer, Putting the content into context - features and gaps in image retrieval (2009), in: International Journal on Healthcare Information Systems and Informatics, 4:1(88-98)
Arnita Saini, Benjamin Nanchen and Florian Evéquoz, Putting the Customer Back in the Center of SOA with Service Design and User-Centered Design, in: Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing, pages pp 94-103, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013


Jamie Murphy, Roland Schegg and Doina Olaru, Quality Clusters: Dimensions of Email Responses by Luxury Hotels (2007), in: International Journal of Hospitality Management, 26:3(743 - 747)
Anne-Dominique Salamin, Quality in the new learning space: ongoing process of teacher and staff training, in: Eden 2006 annuel conference, E-Competences for Life, Employment and Innovation, Vienna, 2006
Francesca Stival, Stefano Michieletto, Enrico Pagello, Henning Müller and Manfredo Atzori, Quantitative hierarchical representation and comparison of hand grasps from electromyography and kinematic data, in: Workshop Learning Applications for Intelligent Autonomous Robots, 15th International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems, Baden-Baden, Germany, 2018
Geoffrey Sonn, Lewis D. Hahn, Richard Fan, Jocelyn Barker, Adrien Depeursinge and Daniel L. Rubin, Quantitative Image Texture Analysis Predicts Malignancy on Multiparametric Prostate MRI, in: 91st Annual Meeting of the Western Section of American Urological Association, Indian Wells, CA, USA, 2015
David Giauque, Quel rôle pour la formation dans les processus de transformation du secteur public, in: Transformation des öffentlichen Sektors. Welchen Beitrag kann die Ausbildung leisten? - Transformation dans le secteur public. Que faut-il attendre de la formation? Mont-sur-Lausanne: Loisirs et Pédagogie, pages 231 - 241, 1998
Christophe Clivaz, Quelles activités économiques complémentaires au tourisme pour Crans-Montana?, in: Conférence au centre de Congrès Le Régent, Crans, pages 15 - 21, 1997
Jayashree Kalpathy-Cramer, William Hersh, Steven Bedrick and Henning Müller, Query Analysis to Improve medical Image Retrieval, in: Society for Imaging Informatics in Medicine (SIIM) 2008, 2008
Jean-Paul Calbimonte, Jose Mora and Oscar Corcho, Query Rewriting in RDF Stream Processing, in: Proc. of the 13th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2016), Heraklion, Crete, Greece, pages 486--502, Springer, 2016


Oscar Jimenez del Toro, Pol Cirujeda, Yashin Dicente Cid and Henning Müller, RadLex Terms and Local Texture Features for Multimodal Medical Case Retrieval, in: Multimodal Retrieval in the Medical Domain (MRMD) 2015, Vienna, Austria, Springer, 2015