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Tópico: Institute of Informatics (II)

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  • 1349 publicações (0 read)
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  • 18 Subtópico
Publications for topic "Institute of Informatics (II)" sorted by first author


Stefano Bromuri, A Tensor Factorization Approach to Generalization in Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning, in: Proceedings of the 12th IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology (IAT 2012), 2012
Stefano Bromuri, Johannes Krampf, René Schumann and Michael Schumacher, Enforcing Security in Pervasive Healthcare Monitoring Gestational Diabetes Mellitus, in: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on eHealth, Telemedicine, and Social Medicine (eTELEMED 2012), Valencia, Spain, páginas 221-226, IARIA, 2012
Stefano Bromuri and Maxime Morge, Multiparty Argumentation Game for Consensual Expansion, in: ICAART13, 5th international conference on agents and artificial intelligence, Barcelona, Spain, 2013
Stefano Bromuri and Maxime Morge, Multiparty Argumentation Game for Consensual Expansion Applied to Evidence Based Medicine, in: 14th Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, Murcia, Spain, 2013
Stefano Bromuri and Michael Schumacher, Creating Resilient Self-Healing Agent Environments, in: Proceedings of the 8th European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems (EUMAS 2010), Paris, 2010
Stefano Bromuri, Michael Schumacher and Kostas Stathis, A Self-Healing Distributed Pervasive Health System (2013), in: International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology (IJWET), 8:2(177-196)
Stefano Bromuri, Michael Schumacher and Kostas Stathis, Pervasive Healthcare using Self-Healing Agent Environments, Springer Verlag, Advances in Intelligent and Soft-Computing, 2011
Stefano Bromuri, Michael Schumacher, Kostas Stathis and Juan Ruiz, Monitoring Gestational Diabetes Mellitus with Cognitive Agents and Agent Environments, in: Proceedings of the 2011th IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology (IAT 2011), 2011
Albert Brugues de la Torre, Stefano Bromuri, Josep Pegueroles-Vallés and Michael Schumacher, Providing Interoperability to a Pervasive Healthcare System Through the HL7 CDA Standard, in: Proceedings of the 15th International HL7 Interoperability Conference, Prague (Czech Republic), páginas 5-12, 2015
Albert Brugues de la Torre, Stefano Bromuri, Josep Pegueroles-Vallés and Michael Schumacher, MAGPIE: An Agent Platform for the Development of Mobile Applications for Pervasive Healthcare, in: Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Assistive Medicine, Prague (Czech Republic), páginas 6-10, 2014
Albert Brugues de la Torre, Stefano Bromuri, Josep Pegueroles-Vallés and Michael Schumacher, Towards a Personalizable Health System for Diabetes, in: Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI), 2014 IEEE-EMBS International Conference on, Valencia (Spain), 2014
Albert Brugues de la Torre, Stefano Bromuri and Michael Schumacher, Demonstration of MAGPIE: An Agent Platform for Monitoring Chronic Diseases on Android, in: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (PAAMS'17), Porto (Portugal), Springer Verlag, 2017
Albert Brugues de la Torre, Magí Lluch-Ariet and Josep Pegueroles-Vallés, Security Analysis of a Protocol Based on Multiagents Systems for Clinical Data Exchange, in: Complex, Intelligent, and Software Intensive Systems (CISIS), 2013 Seventh International Conference on, Taichung (Taiwan), páginas 305-311, 2013
Albert Brugues de la Torre, Josep Pegueroles-Vallés, Stefano Bromuri and Michael Schumacher, Current Trends in Interoperability, Scalability and Security of Pervasive Healthcare Systems, in: Recent Advances in Ambient Intelligence and Context-Aware Computing, páginas 227-247, IGI Global, 2015
Berk Buzcu, Davide Calvaresi, Banani Anuraj and Jean-Paul Calbimonte, Towards Dynamic Self-Organizing Wearables for Head and Neck Digital Rehabilitation, in: Proceedings of the 18th ACM International Conference on Distributed and Event-based Systems, ACM, 2024


Jean-Paul Calbimonte, Linked Data Notifications for RDF Streams, in: Proceedings of the Web Stream Processing workshop (WSP 2017) co-located with 16th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2017), Vienna, Austria, October 22nd, 2017., páginas 66--73, 2017
Jean-Paul Calbimonte, Scalable and Reactive Programming for Semantic Web Developers, in: Proceedings of the ESWC Developers Workshop 2015 co-located with the 12th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2015), páginas 47--53, 2015
Jean-Paul Calbimonte, RDF Stream Processing: Let's React, in: Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Ordering and Reasoning Co-located with the 13th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2014), Riva del Garda, Italy, October 20th, 2014., páginas 1--10, 2014
Jean-Paul Calbimonte and Karl Aberer, Toward Semantic Sensor Data Archives on the Web, in: Joint Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Managing the Evolution and Preservation of the Data Web (MEPDaW 2016) and the 3rd Workshop on Linked Data Quality (LDQ 2016) co-located with 13th European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2016), Heraklion, Crete, Gree, páginas 36--51, 2016
Jean-Paul Calbimonte and Karl Aberer, Reactive Processing of RDF Streams of Events, in: Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Detection, Representation, and Exploitation of Events in the Semantic Web (DeRiVE 2015) Co-located with the 12th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2015), páginas 1--11, 2015
Jean-Paul Calbimonte, Davide Calvaresi, Fabien Dubosson and Michael Schumacher, Towards Profile and Domain Modelling in Agent-based Applications for Behavior Change, in: Proc of the 17th International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (PAAMS), páginas 16-28, Springer Verlag, 2019
Jean-Paul Calbimonte, Davide Calvaresi and Michael Schumacher, Decentralized Management of Patient Profiles and Trajectories through Semantic Web Agents, in: Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Semantic Web Meets Health Data Management (SWH 2020) co-located with the 19th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2020), páginas 19--29,, 2020
Jean-Paul Calbimonte, Davide Calvaresi and Michael Schumacher, Multi-Agent Interactions on the Web through Linked Data Notifications, in: Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Multi-Agent Systems EUMAS 2017, Springer, 2017
Jean-Paul Calbimonte and Oscar Corcho, Evaluating SPARQL Queries over Linked Data Streams, in: Linked Data Management., páginas 137--161, 2014
Jean-Paul Calbimonte, Oscar Corcho and Alasdair J. G. Gray, Enabling Ontology-Based Access to Streaming Data Sources, in: The Semantic Web - ISWC 2010 - 9th International Semantic Web Conference, ISWC 2010, Shanghai, China, November 7-11, 2010, Revised Selected Papers, Part I, páginas 96--111, 2010
Jean-Paul Calbimonte, Fabien Dubosson, Roger Hilfiker, Alexandre Cotting and Michael Schumacher, The MedRed Ontology for Representing Clinical Data Acquisition Metadata, in: Proceedings of the International Semantic Web Conference, páginas 38--47, Springer, 2017
Jean-Paul Calbimonte, Alejandro Fernandez-Carrera and Oscar Corcho, Demo paper: tablet-based visualisation of transport data in Madrid using SPARQL-Stream, in: Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Semantic Sensor Networks co-located with the 12th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2013), Sydney, Australia, October 22nd, 2013., páginas 67--70, 2013
Jean-Paul Calbimonte, Hoyoung Jeung, Oscar Corcho and Karl Aberer, Semantic Sensor Data Search in a Large-Scale Federated Sensor Network, in: Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Semantic Sensor Networks, SSN11, Bonn, Germany, October 23, 2011, páginas 23--38, 2011
Jean-Paul Calbimonte, Simon Martin, Davide Calvaresi and Alexandre Cotting, A Platform for Difficulty Assessment and Recommendation of Hiking Trails, in: Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism (ENTER 2021), 2021
Jean-Paul Calbimonte, Simon Martin, Davide Calvaresi, Nancy Zappellaz, Roger Hilfiker and Alexandre Cotting, Semantic Data Models for Hiking Trail Difficulty Assessment, in: ENTER Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism, páginas 295-306, Springer, 2020
Jean-Paul Calbimonte, Jose Mora and Oscar Corcho, Query Rewriting in RDF Stream Processing, in: Proc. of the 13th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2016), Heraklion, Crete, Greece, páginas 486--502, Springer, 2016
Jean-Paul Calbimonte, Fabio Porto and C. Maria Keet, Functional Dependencies in OWL ABOX, in: XXIV Simposio Brasileiro de Banco de Dados, 05-09 de Outubro, Fortaleza, Ceara, Brasil, Anais, páginas 16--30, 2009
Jean-Paul Calbimonte, Sofiane Sarni, Julien Eberle and Karl Aberer, XGSN: An Open-source Semantic Sensing Middleware for the Web of Things, in: Joint Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on the Foundations, Technologies and Applications of the Geospatial Web, TC 2014, and 7th International Workshop on Semantic Sensor Networks, SSN 2014, co-located with 13th International Semantic Web Con, páginas 51--66, 2014