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Visara Urovi, Stefano Bromuri, Kostas Stathis en Alexander Artikis, Towards Runtime Support for Norm-Governed Multi-Agent Systems, in: Twelfth International Conference on the Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, 2010
Visara Urovi, Stefano Bromuri, Kostas Stathis en Alexander Artikis, Initial Steps Towards Run-Time Support for Norm-Governed Systems, in: Coordination, Organization, Institutions and Norms in Agent Systems (COIN@AAMAS10), 2010
Visara Urovi, Alex Carmine Olivieri, Albert Brugues de la Torre, Stefano Bromuri, Nicoletta Fornara en Michael Schumacher, Securing P2P Cross-Community Health Record Exchange in IHE compatible systems (2014), in: International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools, 23:1(1440006)
  • []: Impact Factor JCR 2013 = 0.321

Visara Urovi en Michael Schumacher, The present and the future of Dynamic e-Health Interoperability in Switzerland - Results of an online questionnaire, in: 7th International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF), Angers, France, pagina's 244-249, ACM, 2014


Dimitri Van De Ville, Adrien Depeursinge en Michel Kocher, Rotation-invariant non-local means based on Riesz pyramid features and SURE parameter selection, in: 84th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM 2013), Novi Sad, Serbia, 2013
Pierre Vanhulst, Florian Evéquoz, Raphaël Tuor en Denis Lalanne, A Descriptive Attribute-Based Framework for Annotations in Data Visualization, in: Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, pagina's 143-166, {Springer International Publishing}, 2019
Guillaume Vanoost, Yashin Dicente Cid, Daniel L. Rubin en Adrien Depeursinge, A lung graph model for the classification of interstitial lung disease on CT images, in: SPIE Medical Imaging 2019: Computer-Aided Diagnosis, International Society for Optics and Photonics, pagina's 869-876, SPIE, 2019
Kate Varini, Miriam Scaglione en Roland Schegg, Distribution channel and efficiency: An Analytic Hierarchy Process approach. (2011), in: Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2011, Springer-Verlag, Wien-New York(547-558)
Florian Verdet en Jean Hennebert, Impostures of Talking Face Systems Using Automatic Face Animation, in: IEEE Conference on Biometrics: Theory, Applications and Systems (BTAS 08), Arlington, Virginia, USA, 2008
Florian Verdet, Driss Matrouf, Jean-François Bonastre en Jean Hennebert, Coping with Two Different Transmission Channels in Language Recognition, in: Odyssey 2010, The Speaker and Language Recognition Workshop, Brno, Czech Republic, pagina's 230-237, 2010
Florian Verdet, Driss Matrouf, Jean-François Bonastre en Jean Hennebert, Factor Analysis and SVM for Language Recognition, in: 10th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, InterSpeech, Brighton, pagina's 164-167, 2009
Himanshu Verma, Florian Evéquoz, Guillaume Pythoud, Grace Eden en Denis Lalanne, Engaging Pedestrians in Designing Interactions with Autonomous Vehicles, in: Extended {{Abstracts}} of the 2019 {{CHI Conference}} on {{Human Factors}} in {{Computing Systems}}, pagina's LBW0126:1--LBW0126:6, {ACM}, 2019
Himanshu Verma, Florian Evéquoz, Guillaume Pythoud, Grace Eden en Denis Lalanne, Engaging Pedestrians in Designing Interactions with Autonomous Vehicles (2019), in: In Proceedings of the Extended Abstracts of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems(126:1--126:6)
Himanshu Verma, Guillaume Pythoud, Grace Eden, Denis Lalanne en Florian Evéquoz, Pedestrians and Visual Signs of Intent: Towards Expressive Autonomous Passenger Shuttles (2019), in: Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable, and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT), 3:3(31)
Anamaria Vizitiu, Lucian Itu, Ranveer Joyseeree, Adrien Depeursinge, Henning Müller en Constantin Suciu, GPU-Accelerated Texture Analysis Using Steerable Riesz Wavelets, in: 24th IEEE Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, and Network-Based Processing, Heraklion Crete, Greece, pagina's 431--434, 2016
Alexandra Vuistiner, BusiNETvs: Motivation, Banque Cantonale du Valais, HES-SO Valais, 2008
Alexandra Vuistiner, Parler en public et relooking, in: Atelier Career-Woman, Saillon, 2008
Alexandra Vuistiner, BusiNETvs: Formation Continue, Banque cantonale du Valais, HEVs Sierre, 2007
Alexandra Vuistiner en Anne-Claude Luisier, Senso5: cinq sens pour apprendre à manger, in: Colloque Senso5 Approche sensorielle de l'alimentation chez l'enfant, Sion, 2008


Alain Wahl, Jean Hennebert, Andreas Humm en Rolf Ingold, Generation and Evaluation of Brute-Force Signature Forgeries, in: International Workshop on Multimedia Content Representation, Classification and Security (MRCS'06), Istanbul, Turkey, pagina's 2-9, 2006
Alain Wahl, Jean Hennebert, Andreas Humm en Rolf Ingold, A novel method to generate Brute-Force Signature Forgeries, University of Fribourg, Department of Informatics, nummer 274-06-09, 2006