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Tópico: Institute of Informatics (II)

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  • 1349 publicações (0 read)
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  • 18 Subtópico
Publications for topic "Institute of Informatics (II)" sorted by title



Luc Dufour, Dominique Genoud, Gianluca Rizzo, Bruno Ladevie and Jean-Jacques Bezian, Identification method for home electrical signal disaggregation, SET 2014, 25-28.08.2014, Geneva, Switzerland, The 13th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies, 2014
Bruno Alves and Michael Schumacher, IHE Profiles Open-Source and/or Free Implementations, University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland (HES-SO), 2011
Henning Müller, Tobias Gass and Antoine Geissbuhler, Image Classification with a Frequency-based Information Retrieval Schema for ImageCLEF 2006, in: CLEF 2006 Proceedings, páginas 638-643, 2007
  • []: Impact Factor: 0.402 (2005)

Henning Müller, Paul Clough, William Hersh and Antoine Geissbuhler, ImageCLEF 2004-2005: Results Experiences and New Ideas for Image Retrieval Evaluation, in: International Conference on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI 2005), 2005
Henning Müller, Antoine Geissbuhler and Patrick Ruch, ImageCLEF 2004: Combining Image and Multi-lingual Search for Medical Image Retrieval., in: Multilingual Information Access for Text, Speech and Images: Result of the fifth CLEF evaluation campaign, páginas 718-727, Springer, 2005
Fouad Slimane, Rolf Ingold, Slim Kanoun, Adel Alimi and Jean Hennebert, Impact of Character Models Choice on Arabic Text Recognition Performance, in: 12th International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition (ICFHR 2010), Kolkata (India), 2010
René Schumann and Jürgen Sauer, Implications and Consequences of Mass Customization on Manufacturing Control, in: Innovative Processes and Products for Mass Customization. Proceedings of the Joint Conference of the International Mass Customization Meeting 2007 (IMCM 07) and the International Conference on Economic, Technical and Organisational Aspects of Product Conf, páginas 365 - 378, GITO, 2007
Florian Verdet and Jean Hennebert, Impostures of Talking Face Systems Using Automatic Face Animation, in: IEEE Conference on Biometrics: Theory, Applications and Systems (BTAS 08), Arlington, Virginia, USA, 2008
Jerome Treboux, Rolf Ingold and Dominique Genoud, Improved Line Detection in Images using Neural Networks and DTE Subclassifiers, in: 2021 9th European Workshop on Visual Information Processing (EUVIP), IEEE, Paris, France, páginas 1-6, IEEE, 2021
Jerome Treboux and Dominique Genoud, Improved Machine Learning Methodology for High Precision Agriculture, Bilbao, Spain, Inproceedings of the 2018 Global Internet of Things Summit (GIoTS), 2018
Mariam Barque, Simon Martin, Jérémie Etienne Norbert Vianin, Dominique Genoud and David Wannier, Improving wind power prediction with retraining machine learning algorithms, 2018 International Workshop on Big Data and Information Security (IWBIS), Jakarta, Indonesia, Indonesia, páginas 43-48, IEEE, 2018
Florian Evéquoz and Denis Lalanne, Indexing and Visualizing Digital Memories Through Personal Email Archive, in: Supporting Human Memory with Interactive Systems, Workshop at HCI 2007 (HCI 2007), páginas 21--24, 2007
Ivan Eggel and Henning Müller, Indexing the medical open access literature for textual and content-based visual retrieval, in: MEDINFO 2010 --- Proceedings of the 13th World Congress on Medical Informatics, Cape Town, South Africa, páginas 1277--1281, IOS Press, 2010
Xin Zhou, Adrien Depeursinge and Henning Müller, Information Fusion for Combining Visual and Textual Image Retrieval, in: 20th IEEE International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Istanbul, Turkey, páginas 1590--1593, 2010
Benjamin Nanchen, Innovation à la HES-SO Valais-Wallis, RTS - Swiss Engineering, 2013
Volker Nissen, Maik Günther and René Schumann, Integrated Generation of Working Time Models and Staff Schedules in Workforce Management, in: EvoApplications (2): Applications of Evolutionary Computation - EvoApplications 2011: EvoCOMNET, EvoFIN, EvoHOT, EvoMUSART, EvoSTIM, and EvoTRANSLOG, Torino, Italy, April 27-29, 2011, Proceedings, Part II, páginas 491--500, Springer, 2011
Henning Müller, Antoine Rosset, Jean-Paul Vallée and Antoine Geissbuhler, Integrating Content-based visual access methods into a medical case database, in: Proceedings of the Medical Informatics Europe Conference (MIE 2003), páginas 480-485, 2003
Xiaohong Gao, Henning Müller and Thomas M. Deserno, Integration of Medical images into the Digital Hospital (2011), in: The open medical informatics journal (TOMIJ)(1-2)
Alevtina Dubovitskaya, Petr Novotny, Scott Thiebes, Ali Sunyaev, Michael Schumacher, Zhigang Xu and Fusheng Wang, Intelligent Healthcare Data Management using Blockchain: Current Limitation and Future Research Agenda, in: Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Data Management and Analytics for Medicine and Healthcare, worshop of the 45th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB 2019), Springer, 2019