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Rafael Matos-Wasem, Can "slow tourism" bring new life to Alpine regions (2002), in: Leisure Futures: acte du colloque, Centre for Tourism and Service Economics, University of Innsbruck(254-263)
Rafael Matos-Wasem, Les "villes tentaculaires" ne sont rien sans le monde rural (2009), in: Les Ruralités, (29 juillet 2009)
Rafael Matos-Wasem, Le tourisme: une vue globale (2008), in: Industrie et Accueil. Environnement et management
Rafael Matos-Wasem, Les nouvelles vertus de l'air de montagne dans la promotion touristique des stations alpines (2007), in: BENDER, Gabriel. Tourisme et vacances. Une machine qui change le monde et le regard
Gabriel Bender and Rafael Matos-Wasem, Tourisme et vacances. Une machine qui change le monde et le regard, CREPA (Centre Régional d'Etudes des Populations Alpines), 2007
Rafael Matos-Wasem, Ecotourisme, tourisme durable, tourisme proche de la nature... pour ne pas y perdre son latin (2003), in: Cahiers de l'Aumônerie (Aumônerie Protestante de l'Université de Genève)(5-18)
Hilary Murphy, Elia Adriana Centeno Gila and Roland Schegg, An investigation of Motivation to Share Online Content by Young Travelers - Why and Where., in: Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2010, pages 466-478, Springer-Verlag, Wien New-York, 2010
Roland Schegg and Michael Fux, A Comparative Analysis of Content in Traditional Survey versus Hotel Review Websites., in: Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2010, pages 429-440, Springer-Verlag, Wien New-York, 2010
Jamie Murphy and Roland Schegg, Exploring Email Service Quality (EMSQ) Factors., Springer-Verlag, Wien New-Qork, 2007
Miriam Scaglione, Roland Schegg, Jean-Philippe Trabichet and Ahmad Fareed Ismail, Web 2.0 implementation: A comparison of tourism versus online newspapers., in: Journal of Information Technology and Tourism (JITT) Workshop El Gouda, Egypt, Second Arab International Conference for eTourism and eCommerce, 2009
Miriam Scaglione, Roland Schegg, Jean-Philippe Trabichet and Jamie Murphy, Mass Media in the Web 2.0 era., International Telecommunication Society, 4th Africa-Asia-Australasia Regional Conference, Perth, Western Australia, 2009
Ahmad Fareed Ismail, Noor Hazarina Hashim, Roland Schegg and Jamie Murphy, Internet Implementation Leapfrogging and Website Performance, Australian & New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC), Australian & New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC), 2009
Florian Verdet, Driss Matrouf, Jean-François Bonastre and Jean Hennebert, Factor Analysis and SVM for Language Recognition, in: 10th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, InterSpeech, Brighton, pages 164-167, 2009
Xin Zhou, Ivan Eggel and Henning Müller, The medGIFT group at ImageCLEF 2009, in: Working Notes of CLEF 2009 (Cross Language Evaluation Forum), 2009
Marko Niinimäki, Xin Zhou, Adrien Depeursinge and Henning Müller, Plug-in Grid: A virtualized grid Cluster, in: MICCAI workshop on HealthGrids, pages 74--83, 2009
William Hersh, Henning Müller, Jayashree Kalpathy-Cramer, Eugene Kim and Xin Zhou, The consolidated Medical Image Retrieval Task Test Collection (2009), in: Journal of Digital Imaging, 22(6)(648-655)
  • []: Impact Factor: 1.413 (2010)

Allan Hanbury and Henning Müller, Towards automated component--level evaluation, in: Proceeding of the SIGIR Workshop on new evaluation methodologies, 2009
David Godel, Omar Abou Khaled, Michael Schumacher, Henning Müller, Francois Mooser, Sandrine Ding and Elena Mugellini, Medicoordination: Regional implementation of the Swiss ehealth strategy, in: Proceedings of the IADIS Multi conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, 2009
Henning Müller and Thomas M. Deserno, Content-based medical image retrieval, in: Biomedical Image Processing - Methods and Applications, pages 471-496, Springer, 2011
Jayashree Kalpathy-Cramer and Henning Müller, Evaluation campaigns in medical imaging, in: Biomedical Image Processing - Methods and Applications, pages 497-520, Springer, 2011
Thomas Steiner and Florian Doche, Design and implementation of a Mobile Phone-based Hospitality Service Quality Assessment System, Proceedings of the International Conference in Lausanne, Switzerland, 2006, 2006
Jean Hennebert, Alain Wahl and Andreas Humm, Video of Sign4J, a Novel Tool to Generate Brute-Force Signature Forgeries,, 2006