Alle Publicaties

Thomas Steiner, Prolog goes Middleware - Java-based Embedding of Logic Servers (2001), in: PC Artificial Intelligence, ""(25 - 27)
Thomas Steiner, Prolog, Java und Middleware (2001), in: Java Spektrum, 5
Henning Müller, Suchen ohne Worte - wie inhaltsbasierte Suche funktioniert (2001), in: ct Magazin für Computertechnik, 15(162-172)
Henning Müller, Wolfgang Müller, David McG. Squire, Zoran Pecenovic, Stéphane Marchand-Maillet en Thierry Pun, An Open Framework for Distributed Multimedia Retrieval, in: Recherche d'Informations Assistée par Ordinateur (RIAO'2000) Computer-Assisted Information Retrieval, pagina's 701-712., 2000
Corinne Fredouille, Johnny Mariethoz, Cédric Jaboulet, Jean Hennebert, Chafik Mokbel en Frédéric Bimbot, Behavior of a Bayesian adaptation method for incremental enrollment in speaker verification, in: IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2000), Istanbul, Turkey, pagina's 1197-1200, 2000
David McG. Squire, Wolfgang Müller, Henning Müller en Thierry Pun, Content-based query of image databases: inspirations from text retrieval (2000), in: Pattern Recognition Letters (Selected Papers from The 11th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis SCIA '99), 21:13-14(1193-1198)
Anne Le Calvé en Jacques Savoy, Database merging strategy based on logistic regression (2000), in: IPM, Volume 36 ,  Issue 3(341 - 359)
Michael Schumacher, Designing and Implementing Objective Coordination in Multi-Agent Systems, University of Fribourg, Computer Science Department, 2000
Henning Müller, Wolfgang Müller, David McG. Squire, Stéphane Marchand-Maillet en Thierry Pun, Learning feature weights from user behavior in Content-Based Image Retrieval, in: ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (Workshop on Multimedia Data Mining MDM/KDD2000), pagina's 67-72, 2000
Christophe Clivaz, Local Agenda 21 and Sustainable Tourism in the Swiss Alps: the Case of Crans-Montana, in: Proceedings of the II International Summer School on Environment, Ordino, Andorra (unpublished), 2000
Henning Müller, Wolfgang Müller, David McG. Squire, Stéphane Marchand-Maillet en Thierry Pun, Long Term Learning in Content-Based Image Retrieval, Computer Vision Group, Computing Centre, University of Geneva, nummer 00.04, 2000
Wolfgang Müller, Henning Müller, Stéphane Marchand-Maillet, Thierry Pun, David McG. Squire, Zoran Pecenovic, Christoph Giess en Arjen P. de Vries, MRML: A communication protocol for content-based multimedia retrieval, in: Proposal, ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG00/M6099, Int. Organiz. for Standardization, Coding of Moving Pictures and Associated Audio, 2000
David Giauque en Yves Emery, Nouvelle gestion publique en Suisse: l'illusoire intrapreneuriat public, in: Communication présentée au 10ème colloque international de la Revue PMP, Paris, 2000
Henning Müller, Wolfgang Müller, David McG. Squire, Stéphane Marchand-Maillet en Thierry Pun, Strategies for positive and negative relevance feedback in image retrieval, in: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2000), pagina's 1043-1046, IEEE, 2000
Wolfgang Müller, Stéphane Marchand-Maillet, Henning Müller en Thierry Pun, Towards a fair benchmark for image browsers, in: SPIE Photonics East, Voice, Video, and Data Communications, pagina's 262-271, 2000
Henning Müller, David McG. Squire, Wolfgang Müller en Thierry Pun, Efficient access methods for content-based image retrieval with inverted files, Computer Vision Group, Computing Centre, University of Geneva, nummer 99.02, 1999
Henning Müller, David McG. Squire, Wolfgang Müller en Thierry Pun, Efficient access methods for content-based image retrieval with inverted files, in: Multimedia Storage and Archiving Systems IV (VV02), pagina's 461-472, 1999
Christophe Clivaz, Environmental Concerns in Tourism Croatia, New York/Geneva: United Nations, in: in Economic Commission for Europe (ed.), pagina's 159 - 167, 1999
Wolfgang Müller, David McG. Squire, Henning Müller en Thierry Pun, Hunting moving targets: an extension to Bayesian methods in multimedia databases, Computer Vision Group, Computing Centre, University of Geneva, nummer 99.03, 1999
Rafael Matos-Wasem en Bertrand Levy, L'image comparée de Genève dans les sources littéraires et touristiques au XXe siècle. Un regard épistémologique (1999), in: Itinera, 22 (La Suisse comme Ville, Colloque. du Groupe d'Histoire urbaine, Genève, 12-13 mars 1998), ""(183 - 192)
David Giauque, La fin d'une distinction traditionnelle entre lieu de travail et lieu de formation? Que d'opportunités gâchées!, in: In: Hansen H. et al. Bildung und Arbeit / Formation et travail. Aarau: Sauerländer, pagina's 85 - 98, 1999