- Accessibility
- Accessible Communication
- AI-Assisted Composition
- artisanship
- Autonomous vehicles
- Collaborative Tools
- Design Thinking
- embodied interaction.
- Enterprise Ressource Planning
- ethnography
- ethnomethodology
- gestion énergétique des bâtiments
- Higher education
- Innovation
- Internet des objets
- Linguistic Ontology
- Methodology
- Microgrid
- operating modes
- Pre-Experiment
- public transportation
- Quasi-Experiment
- role play
- Semantic
- service design
- service experience
- Service Oriented Architecture
- Shared Value
- tacit knowledge
- Text Simplification
- theatre-based design
- tourism
- Universal Design
- User-Centered Design
- Validation
- vocational training
- web sémantique
Publicaties van Benjamin Nanchen gesorteerd op nieuwheid
Modèle de développement d’une plateforme numérique collaborative pour le FALC, pagina's 47-63, Revue suisse de pédagogie spécialisée (SZH/CSPS), 2023 | , en ,
[URL] |
ORCHESTRATING TOURISM ACTORS' NETWORK VIA THE "N-1 N+1 TOUCHPOINTS" ALGORITHM: A B2B CHATBOT TO IMPROVE CUSTOMERS JOURNEYS, in: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference e-Society, 2021 | , , , , en ,
Quasi-experiment to measure the suitability of design innovation in service processes - The case of autonomous vehicles for mobility service, 16th International Research Conference in Service Management, 2020 | , , en ,
Service Design Thinking Methodology For Co-Innovating The User Experience, Chair of Tourism, Hospitality and Gastronomy CETT- University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Smart Tourism Congress Barcelona, 2018 | , , , , en ,
[URL] |
Service Design and Educational Challenges to Foster Innovation in Tourism: the case of the Swiss Matterhorn Region, Association de recherches et publications en management, deel 34, 2017 | , , , , en ,
[DOI] [URL] |
Expectation and experience: Passenger acceptance of autonomous public transportation vehicles, Mumbai, India, Springer, 2017 | , , en ,
On the Road with an Autonomous Passenger Shuttle: Integration in Public Spaces, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), Denver Colorado, 2017 | , , en ,
[URL] |
Présentation du projet iBATs, SMART GRIDS - CRE, 2014 | , en ,
[URL] |
MUlti-SYstem OPtimisation (2013), in: Flash informatique:7(29-31) | , , , , , en ,
L’Internet des objets au service de la gestion énergétique des bâtiments, Bulletin 10s / 2013 ITG-Sonderausgabe / Numéro spécial ITG, 2013 | , , , , , , , en ,
[URL] |
Putting the Customer Back in the Center of SOA with Service Design and User-Centered Design, in: Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing, pagina's pp 94-103, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013 | , en ,
[DOI] [URL] |
Innovation à la HES-SO Valais-Wallis, RTS - Swiss Engineering, 2013 | ,
[URL] |
eGov Innovation Center : un nouveau centre de compétence pour la cyberadministration, 2012 | , , , en ,
Plus de sécurité grâce à votre mobile !, 2012 | en ,
[URL] |
Microgrid : un réseau électrique à taille humaine !, 2012 | en ,
[URL] |
Performing Service Design Experiments Using Ethnomethodology and Theatre-Based Reenactment: A Swiss Ski Resort Case Study (2012), in: Service Science,Informs, Vol. 4:No. 2(pp. 1–13) | , en ,
[URL] |
FairTrace : des applications mobiles sur les traces du coton équitable, Alliance, 2012 | en ,