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Jean-Paul Calbimonte, Workflow Management System, Universidad Católica Boliviana San Pablo, Bachelor Thesis, 2004
Henning Müller, Wolfgang Müller, Stéphane Marchand-Maillet, David McG. Squire and Thierry Pun, A Framework for Benchmarking in Visual Information Retrieval (2003), in: International Journal on Multimedia Tools and Applications, 21:2(55-73)
Miriam Scaglione, Ray Iunius and Stephan Fraenkel, An evaluation method for student business project: Case study in South America, in: 2003 Euro-CHRIE conference, Proceedings. pp 81-85. In collaboration with Iunius, Ray & Fraenkel, Stephan, 2003
Henning Müller, Antoine Rosset and Antoine Geissbuhler, Content-based access to medical image databases,, in: Proceedings of the annual congress of the Swiss society of radiology, 2003
Roland Schegg and Markus Jufer, Design und Vernetzung bringen Erfolg. (2003), in: Hotel+Tourismus Revue, 25(11 -)
Thomas Steiner and Roland Schegg, Direktverkauf braucht effiziente Medien (2003), in: Hotel+Tourismus Revue, 45
Miriam Scaglione, Does national passion for motor racing drive destination tourism? A case study of hotel overnights during the Monaco Formula 1 Grand Prix, in: Keller, P. Bieger,T.(Ed) (2003) 53rd AIEST Congress, Sport and Tourism, Vol 45, pp. 175-191, 2003
Yann Bourban, Marzio Albertoni, Marcel Siegenthaler and Myrna Flores, E-business and Supply Chain Integration for the Leather Industry, in: IMS 2003, 7th IFAC Workshop on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems, Budapest, Hungary, 2003
Roland Schegg, Richard Leuenberger and Jamie Murphy, E-Mail Customer Service by Upscale International Hotels, in: Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism, pages 20 - 28, 2003
Roland Schegg, Susanne Frey and Jamie Murphy, E-mail Customer Service in the Swiss Hotel Industry (2003), in: Tourism and Hospitality Research, (4)3(197 - 212)
Roland Schegg and Thomas Steiner, E-Mail-Kontakte werden besser genutzt (2003), in: Hotel+Tourismus Revue, 45(4 - 4)
Rafael Matos-Wasem, Eau et tourisme : un mélange explosif ?, in: Actes des Journées du développement durable, Atelier 4 : Tourisme et eau : un nouveau conflit ?, pages 18 - 19, 2003
Rafael Matos-Wasem, Ecotourisme, tourisme durable, tourisme proche de la nature... pour ne pas y perdre son latin (2003), in: Cahiers de l'Aumônerie (Aumônerie Protestante de l'Université de Genève)(5-18)
David Giauque and Yves Emery, Emergence of contradictory injunctions in Swiss NPM Projects (2003), in: The International Journal of Public Sector Management, , vol. 16, no. 6(468 - 481)
Roland Schegg and Marc Amstutz, Energiesparen. Optimierung des Verbrauchs lohnt sich (2003), in: Hotel+Tourismus Revue, 45(17 - 17)
Henning Müller, Antoine Geissbuhler and Stéphane Marchand-Maillet, Extensions to the Multimedia Retrieval Markup Language - A Communication Protocol for Content-Based Multimedia Indexing, in: Proceedings of the Internation Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI 2003), pages 173-180, 2003
Roland Schegg and Jamie Murphy, Five star treatment? E-mail Customer Service by International Luxury Hotels (2003), in: Information Technology and Tourism, 6 (2)(99 - 112)
Miriam Scaglione and Andrew Mungall, Forecasting trends in Swiss Airports, in: 23nd International Symposium on Forecasting, Merida (Mexico), 2003
Miriam Scaglione and Colin Johnson, From human to artificial advice agents in tourism: Limits and possibilities., in: Tenth International Conference On Information Technology and Travel & Tourism (IFITT) Helsinki (Finland). (Enter 2003) In collaboration with Colin Johnson. Working paper., 2003
Henning Müller, Arnaud Garcia, Jean-Paul Vallée and Antoine Geissbuhler, Grid Computing at the University Hospitals of Geneva, in: Proceedings of the 1st healthGrid conference, pages 264-276, 2003
Roland Schegg and Thomas Steiner, Hotellerie nutzt die Dynamik des Webs (2003), in: Hotel+Tourismus Revue, 24(5 - 5)
Henning Müller, Antoine Rosset, Jean-Paul Vallée and Antoine Geissbuhler, Integrating Content-based visual access methods into a medical case database, in: Proceedings of the Medical Informatics Europe Conference (MIE 2003), pages 480-485, 2003
Henning Müller and Antoine Geissbuhler, Interactive Communication in the Medical Domain, in: Conference of GSASA (Gesellschaft der Schweizer Amts- und Spitalsapotheker), 2003
David Giauque and Yves Emery, L'action syndicale au sein d'organisations publiques en mutation: entre sur-participation et sur-détermination, in: Communication présentée lors du colloque du Groupe Européen d'Administration Publique (GEAP), Lisbonne, 2003
David Giauque and Yves Emery, La quête inachevée des compétences collectives (2003), in: Lausanne : Société d'études économiques et sociales et Revue économique et sociale, ""(199 - 209)
David Giauque, Le client, nouvelle figure disciplinaire au sein de l'administration publique (2003), in: Pyramides (dossier relation de service et secteur public ), (Revue du Laboratoire d'Etudes et de Recherches en Administration Publique de l'Université Libre de Bruxelles, 7(89 - 104)