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Henning Müller
First name(s): Henning
Last name(s): Müller
Institute: Institut Informatique de Gestion


Publications of Henning Müller sorted by recency

Oscar Jimenez del Toro and Henning Müller, Multi-Structure Atlas-Based Segmentation Using Anatomical Regions Of Interest, in: Medical Computer Vision. Large Data in Medical Imaging, Nagoya, Japan, pages 217-221, Springer International Publishing, 2014
  • []: IF 2005=0.402

Alba García Seco de Herrera, Antonio Foncubierta-Rodríguez, Emanuele Schiavi and Henning Müller, 2D-Based 3D Volume Retrieval Using Singular Value Decomposition of Detected Regions, in: Medical Computer Vision. Large Data in Medical Imaging, MICCAI, Nagoya, Japan, pages 185-195, Springer International Publishing, 2014
  • []: (IF 2005=0.402)

Antonio Foncubierta-Rodríguez, Alba García Seco de Herrera and Henning Müller, Medical Image Retrieval using Bag of Meaningful Visual Words: Unsupervised visual vocabulary pruning with PLSA, in: Workshop on Multimedia Information Indexing and Retrieval for Healthcare, ACM Multimedia, Barcelona, Spain, pages 75--82, ACM, 2013
Oscar Jimenez del Toro, Antonio Foncubierta-Rodríguez, Maria-Isabel Vargas Gomez, Henning Müller and Adrien Depeursinge, Epileptogenic lesion quantification in MRI using contralateral 3D texture comparisons, in: Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention – MICCAI 2013, pages 353-360, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013
Philipp Oggier, Henning Müller and Adrien Depeursinge, Mobile image upload for radiology, in: Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, Copenhagen, Denmark, pages 1003, 2013
Manfredo Atzori, Micheal Baechler and Henning Müller, Recognition of Hand Movements in a Trans–Radial Amputated Subject by sEMG, in: International Conference On Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR) 2013, Seatlle, WA, USA, 2013
Antonio Foncubierta-Rodríguez, Oscar Jimenez del Toro, Alexandra Platon, Pierre-Alexandre Poletti, Henning Müller and Adrien Depeursinge, Benefits of texture analysis of dual energy CT for computer-aided pulmonary embolism detection, in: The 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2013), Osaka, Japan, pages 3973-3976, 2013
Adrien Depeursinge, Antonio Foncubierta-Rodríguez, Dimitri Van De Ville and Henning Müller, Rotation–covariant texture learning using steerable Riesz wavelets (2014), in: IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 23:2(898-908)
  • []: Impact Factor=3.199
  • []: Matlab code available! click on this entry to download the library.

Henning Müller, Semantik und Bilddaten: wie Terminologien in der Radiologie helfen könnten, in: Deutscher Roentgenkongress, Hamburg, Germany, 2013
Henning Müller, Medical (visual) information retrieval, in: Information retrieval meets information visualization, winter school book, pages 155-166, 2013
  • []: (IF 2005=0.402)

Henning Müller and Hayit Greenspan, Overview of the 2012 workshop on Medical Content-Based Retrieval for Clinical Decision Support, in: Proceedings of the workshop MCBR-CDS 2012, Nice, France, pages 1-9, 2013
Elma Kotter and Henning Müller, Semantics in radiology, in: ECR, Vienna, Austria, 2013
Allan Hanbury and Henning Müller, A cloud based approach for benchmarking on private data, in: SIGIR workshop on Community IR Evaluation using Private Data Collections, Portland, OR, USA, 2012