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Thomas Steiner en Arnaud Dufour, Agent-based Cybermarketing for the Tourism Industry, in: Proceedings of the ENTER conference, 1998
Thomas Steiner, Bruno Montani en Roland Schegg, Towards Evolutionary Software Processes in Small- and Medium-sized Tourism Enterprises, in: Proceedings of the AIEST congress “The Future of SME's in Tourism”, Petra, Jordan, 2004
Thomas Steiner en Roland Schegg, Direktverkauf braucht effiziente Medien (2003), in: Hotel+Tourismus Revue, 45
Thomas Steiner en Roland Schegg, Hotels weniger auf Internet als andere KMU (2002), in: Hotel+Tourismus Revue, ""(10 - 10)
Francesca Stival, Stefano Michieletto, Matteo Cognolato, Enrico Pagello, Henning Müller en Manfredo Atzori, A Quantitative Taxonomy of Human Hand Grasps, (2019), in: Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation,, 16:28
  • []: 2019. (IF=3.865)

Francesca Stival, Stefano Michieletto, Enrico Pagello, Henning Müller en Manfredo Atzori, Quantitative hierarchical representation and comparison of hand grasps from electromyography and kinematic data, in: Workshop Learning Applications for Intelligent Autonomous Robots, 15th International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems, Baden-Baden, Germany, 2018
Nathalie Stumm, COMUNIS. Stratégie pour une promotion intercommunale des sites industriels et artisanaux. (2011), in: INterreg B - Saisir les opportunités. Une valeur ajoutée pour la Suisse et pour l'Europe.(pg. 12-13)
Nathalie Stumm en Nicolas Délétroz, Aménagement du territoire - Le Valais coordinateur d'un projet (2010), in: RegioS. Le magazine du développement régional., N°4(pg.25-27)
Shengjing Sun, Zhan Liu, Carlos A. Iglesias en Nicole Glassey Balet, Tourists Traits Analysis on Social Networks, in: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Tourism (ICOT), The International Association for Tourism Policy, Naples, Italy, 2016


Abdel Aziz Taha, Allan Hanbury en Oscar Jimenez del Toro, A Formal Method For Selecting Evaluation Metrics For Image Segmentation, in: IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) 2014, Paris, France, 2014
Charalampos Tampitsikas, Stefano Bromuri, Nicoletta Fornara en Michael Schumacher, Interdependent Artificial Institutions in Agent Environments (2012), in: Applied Artificial Intelligence, 26:4
  • []: Impact Factor = 0.505

Charalampos Tampitsikas, Stefano Bromuri en Michael Schumacher, First-Class Electronic Institutions in the Object Event Calculus, in: Proccedings of the 8th European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems (EUMAS 2010), Paris, 2010
Charalampos Tampitsikas, Stefano Bromuri en Michael Schumacher, MANET: A Model for First-Class Electronic Institutions, in: Coordination, Organizations, Institutions, and Norms in Agent Systems VII, Springer Verlag, 2012
Gözde Ayşe Tataroğlu Özbulak, Decentralized Stream Reasoning Agents, in: Proceedings of the 17th ACM International Conference on Distributed and Event-Based Systems, Neuchatel, Switzerland, pagina's 203–206, Association for Computing Machinery, 2023
Luke T Taverne, Matteo Cognolato, Tobias Bützer, Roger Gassert en Otmar Hilliges, Video-based Prediction of Hand-grasp Preshaping with Application to Prosthesis Control, in: 2019 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Montreal, Quebec, Canada, pagina's 4975 - 4982, IEEE, 2019
Ian Thoma, Lou Fedon, Antonio J Jara en Yann Bocchi, Towards a Human Centric Intelligent Society: Using Cloud and the Web of Everything to Facilitate New Social Infrastructures, in: Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS), 2015 9th International Conference on, IEEE, pagina's 319--324, 2015
Ingo J. Timm, Tjorben Bogon, Andreas D. Lattner en René Schumann, Teaching Distributed Artificial Intelligence with RoboRally, in: Proceedings of the 6th German Conference, MATES 2008,, pagina's 171-182, Springer, Berlin, 2008
Ingo J. Timm, Andreas D. Lattner en René Schumann, Reflection and Norms: Towards a Model for Dynamic Adaptation for MAS, in: Normative Multi-Agent Systems, Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik, Germany, 2009
Ingo J. Timm en René Schumann, Performance Measurement of Multiagent Systems: Towards Dependable MAS, in: Proc. of the 2009 Spring Simulation Multiconference ADS, BIS, MSE, MSEng, pagina's 177-184, SCS, 2009
Thomas Timmermann en René Schumann, An approach to solve the Multi Depot Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows (MDVRPTW) in static and dynamic scenarios, in: Proceedings of the 22. Workshop "Planen, Scheduling und Konfigurieren, Entwerfen (PuK 2008), 2008