Todas as publicações

Jean Hennebert, Speaker Verification, in: Biometrics And Human Identity, Grada, 2008
Thomas Deselaers, Henning Müller and Thomas M. Deserno, Special issue of ImageCLEF (2008), in: Pattern Recognition Letters, 29(1987)
  • []: Impact Factor: 0.853 (2007)
Henning Müller, Xiaohong Gao and Shuqian Luo, Special Issue of the conference Medical Imaging and Medical Informatics (2008), in: Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 93:3(225-226)
  • []: Impact Factor: 0.887 (2007)

Andreas Humm, Jean Hennebert and Rolf Ingold, Spoken Signature For User Authentication (2008), in: SPIE Journal of Electronic Imaging, Special Section on Biometrics: ASUI January-March 2008, 17:1(011013-1--011013-11)
Ingo J. Timm, Tjorben Bogon, Andreas D. Lattner and René Schumann, Teaching Distributed Artificial Intelligence with RoboRally, in: Proceedings of the 6th German Conference, MATES 2008,, páginas 171-182, Springer, Berlin, 2008
Andreas D. Lattner, Tjorben Bogon, René Schumann and Ingo J. Timm, Temporal Pattern Mining in Logistics, in: Proceedings of the 13. International Symposium on Logistics (ISL 2008), páginas 308 - 316, Centre for Concurrent Enterprise Nottingham University, 2008
Rafael Matos-Wasem, Tourisme urbain durable: considérations théoriques, réalisations et potentiel, in: Séminaire du Département de l'Economie et de la Santé, Canton de Genève, “ Tourisme et développement durable ” (Crans-Montana), 2008
Rafael Matos-Wasem, Tourisme, loisirs et qualité sonore des espaces alpins, in: XIe Rencontres AME Architecture – Musique - Ecologie (Isérables, Valais), 2008
Dominique Savoy, Une autre voie vers le master (2008), in: Le Nouvelliste, ""
Mikko Juhani Pitkanen, Xin Zhou, Antti E. J. Hyvärinen and Henning Müller, Using the Grid for Enhancing the Performance of a Medical Image Search Engine, in: 21th IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS), páginas 367-372, 2008
Roland Schegg, Web 2.0 - Das Internet des Kunden (2008), in: Businessmagazin für Gastronomie und Hotellerie, Edition 1/08,(p. 65.)
Jean Christophe Loubier and Giuseppe Pini, A markovian approach to detect socio spatial communities, ECTQG, Montreux, 15th European colloquium on theoritical and quantitative geography, 2007
Jean Hennebert, Renato Loeffel, Andreas Humm and Rolf Ingold, A New Forgery Scenario Based On Regaining Dynamics Of Signature, in: Accepted for publication, International Conference on Biometrics (ICB 2007), Seoul Korea, 2007
Antoine Perruchoud, Adapter son modèle d'affaires (2007), in: Le Nouvelliste, ""
Denis Lalanne, Maurizio Rigamonti, Florian Evéquoz, Bruno Dumas and Rolf Ingold, An Ego-centric and Tangible Approach to Meeting Indexing and Browsing, capítulo 8, páginas 84--95, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 4892/2008, 2007
Miriam Scaglione, Analysing the impact of land transportation on regional tourism: the case of the closure of the Glion Tunnel in the Valais, Switzerland, in: Public lecture with Prof Andrew Harvey from Cambridge University, HES-SO Valais, Sierre, 2007
Antoine Perruchoud, BusiNETvs: Financement, Banque Cantonale du Valais, HEVs Sierre, 2007
Alexandra Vuistiner, BusiNETvs: Formation Continue, Banque cantonale du Valais, HEVs Sierre, 2007
Antoine Perruchoud, BusiNETvs: Informatique PME, Banque cantonale du Valais, HEVs Sierre, 2007
Antoine Perruchoud, BusiNETvs: Internationalisation, Banque Cantonale du Valais, HES-SO Valais, 2007
Natalie Sarrasin, BusiNETvs: Internet, Banque cantonale du Valais, HEVs Sierre, 2007
Laurent Bagnoud, BusiNETvs: Paiements électroniques, Banque Cantonale du Valais, HES-SO Valais, 2007
Laurent Bagnoud, Concept et avantages des transactions électroniques pour les PME, in: Conférence BusiNETvs Paiements électroniques, factures dématérialisées, HES-SO Valais, Sierre, 2007
Katarzyna Klimek, Conditions of the development of business tourism in Switzerland (2007), in: Scientific Journals UEK:761, p. 57-79
Leif Meier and René Schumann, Coordination of Interdependent Planning Systems, a Case Study, in: Informatik 2007, páginas 389 - 396, Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI), 2007