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Matteo Cognolato
First name(s): Matteo
Last name(s): Cognolato

Publications of Matteo Cognolato sorted by first author


Manfredo Atzori, Roger Schaer, Matteo Cognolato and Henning Müller, Electromyography for Hand Prosthetics Demo, in: XXVIII Conférence francophone sur l'Interaction Homme-Machine, Fribourg, Suisse, 2016



Matteo Cognolato, Manfredo Atzori, Diego Faccio, Cesare Tiengo, Franco Bassetto, Roger Gassert and Henning Müller, Hand Gesture Classification in Transradial Amputees Using the Myo Armband Classifier, in: 7th IEEE International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (Biorob), Enschede, The Netherlands, pages 156 - 161, 2018
Matteo Cognolato, Manfredo Atzori and Henning Müller, Head-mounted eye gaze tracking devices: An overview of modern devices and recent advances (2018), in: Journal of Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies Engineering, 5


Andrea Gigli, Valentina Gregori, Matteo Cognolato, Manfredo Atzori and Arjan Gijsberts, Visual Cues to Improve Myoelectric Control of Upper Limb Prostheses, in: 7th IEEE International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRob), Enschede, The Netherlands, pages 783-788, IEEE, 2018



Francesca Stival, Stefano Michieletto, Matteo Cognolato, Enrico Pagello, Henning Müller and Manfredo Atzori, A Quantitative Taxonomy of Human Hand Grasps, (2019), in: Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation,, 16:28
  • []: 2019. (IF=3.865)



Luke T Taverne, Matteo Cognolato, Tobias Bützer, Roger Gassert and Otmar Hilliges, Video-based Prediction of Hand-grasp Preshaping with Application to Prosthesis Control, in: 2019 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Montreal, Quebec, Canada, pages 4975 - 4982, IEEE, 2019