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Davide Calvaresi, Mauro Marinoni, Arnon Sturm, Michael Schumacher en Giorgio Buttazzo, The Challenge of Real-Time Multi-Agent Systems for Enabling IoT and CPS (2017), in: in proceedings of IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI'17)
Krzystof Borodako, Jadwiga Berbeka, Katarzyna Klimek, Agata Niemczyk en Renata Seweryn, The changes of the meeting Industry in Cracow in the context of the global Crisis (2011), in: The journal ENCONTROS CIENTÍFICOS - TOURISM & MANAGEMENT STUDIES, Algavre, Portugal:7(149-157)
Thomas Deselaers, Henning Müller, Paul Clough, Hermann Ney en Thomas M. Lehmann, The CLEF 2005 Automatic Medical Image Annotation Task (2007), in: International Journal in Computer Vision, 74:1(51-58)
  • []: Impact Factor: 3.657 (2005)

Paul Clough, Henning Müller en Mark Sanderson, The CLEF Cross-Language Image Retrieval Track (ImageCLEF) 2004, in: Multilingual Information Access for Text, Speech and Images: Result of the fifth CLEF evaluation campaign, pagina's 597-613, Springer, 2005
Miriam Scaglione en Andrew Mungall, The combined effects of SwissAir bankruptcy and September 11 2001 on Swiss airports, in: US Transportation Research Board 2004 Annual Meeting. Washington. CD Proceedings, 2004
William Hersh, Henning Müller, Jayashree Kalpathy-Cramer, Eugene Kim en Xin Zhou, The consolidated Medical Image Retrieval Task Test Collection (2009), in: Journal of Digital Imaging, 22(6)(648-655)
  • []: Impact Factor: 1.413 (2010)

Rebecca Merkley, Paweł J Matusz en Gaia Scerif, The Control of Selective Attention and Emerging Mathematical Cognition: Beyond Unidirectional Influences, in: Heterogeneity of Function in Numerical Cognition, pagina's 111--126, Elsevier, 2018
Vincent Grèzes, The Definition of Competitive Intelligence Needs through a Synthesis Model, Institute for Competitive Intelligence, Strasbourg, France, 7th International Competitive Intelligence Conference, 2015
Vincent Grèzes, The Definition of Competitive Intelligence Needs through a Synthesis Model (2015), in: Journal of Intelligence Studies in Business (JISB), 5:1(40-56)
Miriam Scaglione, Roland Schegg, Thomas Steiner en Jamie Murphy, The Diffusion of Domain Names by Small and Medium-Sized Swiss Hotels, in: Proceedings of the AIEST congress “The Future of SME's in Tourism”, Petra, Jordan, 2004
Uwe Engelmann, Andre Schröter, Ulrike Baur, Oliver Werner, Markus Schwab, Henning Müller en Hans-Peter Meinzer, The Evolution of a German Teleradiology System, in: World Congress on Medical Informatics (Medinfo), Amsterdam, Netherlands, pagina's 255-259, 1998
René Schumann, Franco Romerio, Werner Hediger en Hannes Weigt, The Future of Swiss Hydropower, Conference poster and presentation, presented at 'NRP 70 / NRP 71 Kick-off Event', April 24, Luzern, Switzerland, 2015
Michael Barry, Patrick Bauer, Ludovic Gaudard, Gianluca Giuliani, Werner Hediger, Franco Romerio, Moritz Schillinger, René Schumann, Guillaume Voegeli en Hannes Weigt, The Future of Swiss Hydropower A Review on Drivers and Uncertainties, Conference poster and presentation, presented at the ‘SCCER-SoE Annual Conference 2015, 2015
  • []: Won the 3rd price in the poster competition

René Schumann, Franco Romerio, Werner Hediger en Hannes Weigt, The Future of Swiss Hydropower: An integrated assessment of operation, investment and sustainability, Conference poster, presented at ‘Sustainable Use of Resources – from Evidence to Intervention’, 29 January 2015, Basel, Switzerland, 2015
Michael Barry, Patrick Bauer, Ludovic Gaudard, Gianluca Giuliani, Werner Hediger, Franco Romerio, Moritz Schillinger, Lutz Schlange, René Schumann, Guillaume Voegeli en Hannes Weigt, The Future of Swiss Hydropower: Is there money left somewhere?, Forschungsstelle Nachhaltige Energie- und Wasserversorgung Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät der Universität Basel, Interim Project Report, 2017
Michael Schumacher en Sascha Ossowski, The Governing Environment, in: In Postproceedings of the Second International Workshop on Environments for Multiagent Systems, pagina's pp. 88-104, Springer Verlag, 2006
Natalie Sarrasin en Zarina M. Charlesworth, The Grass is Always Greener on the Other Side – or is it? Action research in the Web 2.0 classroom., in: Proceedings of Global Learn 2015, Berlin, Gemany, pagina's pp. 457-461, Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), 2015
Riccardo Bonazzi en Yves Pigneur, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy of Dynamic Ridesharing, in: Proceedings of the 48th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2015), Kauai, Hawaii, USA,, 2015