All publications sorted by title


David Giauque and Frederic Varone, Policy management and performance-related pay : comparative analysis of service contracts in Switzerland (2001), in: International Review of Administrative Sciences, vol. 67, no. 3,(543 - 565)
Dijana Petrovska, Jean Hennebert, Hakan Melin and Dominique Genoud, POLYCOST : A Telephone-Speech Database for Speaker Recognition, in: Speaker Recognition and its Commercial and Forensic Applications (RLA2C), Avignon, France, pages 211-214, 1998
Jean Hennebert and Dijana Petrovska, POST: Parallel Object-Oriented Speech Toolkit, in: International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP 96), Philadelphia, USA, pages 1966-1969, 1996
Miriam Scaglione, Post–crisis forecasting: better make haste slowly, in: Managing Tourism Crises, CAB International, Wallingford, Oxford, UK, 2006 Chapter 2, 2006
Roland Schegg and Patrick Kullmann, Prägender Eindruck beim Gast. Folge 1: Reservierungsanfragen. (2005), in: Österreichische Gewerbe-Zeitung ÖGZ, 14(3 - 3)
Zhan Liu, Jialu Shan, Riccardo Bonazzi and Yves Pigneur, Privacy as a Tradeoff: Introducing the Notion of Privacy Calculus for Context-Aware Mobile Applications, in: Proceedings of the 47st Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2014), Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA, pages 1063-1072, IEEE Computer Society, 2014
  • []: ERA and CORE: rank "A" conference on Information Systems.

Zhan Liu, Riccardo Bonazzi and Yves Pigneur, Privacy-Based Adaptive Context-Aware Authentication System for Personal Mobile Devices (2016), in: Journal of Mobile Multimedia, 12:1&2(159-180)
  • []: IF 2015 = 0.55 / SJR 2015 = 0.21

Zhan Liu, Riccardo Bonazzi, Boris Fritscher and Yves Pigneur, Privacy-Friendly Business Models for Location-Based Mobile Services (2011), in: Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research, 6:2(90--107)
  • []: IF 2015 = 1.59 / SJR 2015 = 0.492

Damien Zufferey, Probabilistic Multi-Label Learning for Medical Data (2014), in: IEEE Intelligent Informatics Bulletin, 15:1(26--27)