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Topic: Institute of Informatics (II)

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  • 1349 publications (0 read)
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Publications for topic "Institute of Informatics (II)" sorted by journal and type

Publications of type Inproceedings


René Schumann and Jürgen Sauer, Implications and Consequences of Mass Customization on Manufacturing Control, in: Innovative Processes and Products for Mass Customization. Proceedings of the Joint Conference of the International Mass Customization Meeting 2007 (IMCM 07) and the International Conference on Economic, Technical and Organisational Aspects of Product Conf, pages 365 - 378, GITO, 2007
Florian Evéquoz and Denis Lalanne, Indexing and Visualizing Digital Memories Through Personal Email Archive, in: Supporting Human Memory with Interactive Systems, Workshop at HCI 2007 (HCI 2007), pages 21--24, 2007
Tobias Gass, Antoine Geissbuhler and Henning Müller, Learning a frequency-based weighting for medical image classification, in: Medical Imaging and Medical Informatics (MIMI) 2007, pages 137-147, 2007
Adrien Depeursinge, Daniel Sage, Asmâa Hidki, Alexandra Platon, Pierre-Alexandre Poletti, Michael Unser and Henning Müller, Lung Tissue Classification Using Wavelet Frames, in: Proceedings of International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2007
Henning Müller, Xin Zhou, Adrien Depeursinge, Mikko Juhani Pitkanen, Jimison Iavindrasana and Antoine Geissbuhler, Medical Visual Information Retrieval: State of the Art and Challenges Ahead, in: Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, pages 683-686, 2007
Jürgen Sauer and René Schumann, Modelling and Solving Workforce Scheduling Problems, in: 21. Workshop Planen, Scheduling und Konfigurieren, Entwerfen (PUK), pages 93 - 101, 2007
Anne-Dominique Salamin, Myself EUR project : Cognitive aspects on distant learning, in: Conférence internationale Solutions Ressources Humaines, Paris, 2007
Florian Evéquoz and Denis Lalanne, Personal Information Management Through Interactive Visualizations, in: Poster Compendium of the IEEE Information Visualization Conference (Doctoral Colloquium InfoVis 2007), pages 158--160, 2007
René Schumann and Jürgen Sauer, Planung entlang der Supply Chain, in: Informatik 2007, pages 420 - 421, Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI), 2007
Jürgen Sauer, Ingo J. Timm and René Schumann, Planung und Simulation in logistischen Anwendungen, in: Informatik 2007, pages 377 - 378, Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI), 2007
Laurent Sciboz, Systèmes d'information logistique au service du consommateur, in: 7e Forum suisse de Logistique Collaborer pour gagner, EPFL, Lausanne, 2007
Danny Weyns, Alexander Helleboogh, Tom Holvoet and Michael Schumacher, The Agent Environment in Multi-Agent Systems: A Middleware Perspective, in: Fifth European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems (EUMAS'07), Hammamet, Tunisia, 2007
Xin Zhou, Julien Gobeill, Patrick Ruch and Henning Müller, University and Hospitals of Geneva at ImageCLEF 2007, in: Working Notes of the 2007 CLEF Workshop, 2007
  • []: Impact Factor: 0.402 (2005)

Michael Schumacher, Tim van Pelt, Ion Constantinescu, Alexandre de Oliveira e Sousa and Boi Faltings, WSDir: a Federated Directory System of Semantic Web Services, in: 16th IEEE International Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructures for Collaborative Enterprises (WETICE 2007), Paris, France, 2007


Henning Müller, Daniel Scherly and Antoine Geissbuhler, A student helpdesk to ease computer use in a medical curriculum, in: Slice of Life 2006 Workshop for Medical Multimedia Developers and Educators, pages 158, 2006
Laurent Sciboz, Concilier l'inconciliable: produire et motiver. Les sept règles clés du nouveau pilotage des organisations, in: Concilier l’inconciliable: Productivité et Motivation. Expériences, pilotes et réalités pour 2006 Lausanne, 2006
Anne Le Calvé and Miriam Scaglione, Data Mining et trajectoires individuelles en prestations d'Assurance Maladie, in: Risques en Assurance-Finance et Modèles Statistiques , F-Angers, 2006
Florian Evéquoz, Maurizio Rigamonti, Denis Lalanne and Rolf Ingold, Document inquisitor : un système de validation des structures et d'élicitation de modèles de documents, in: Proceedings of 9ème Colloque International sur le Document Electronique (CIDE' 9), Fribourg, Switzerland, pages 79--95, Europia, 2006
Heikki Helin, Tim van Pelt, Michael Schumacher and Ahti Syreeni, Efficient Networking for Pervasive eHealth Applications, in: European Conference on EHealth (ECEH06), Fribourg, Switzerland, GI-Edition, Germany, 2006
Thomas Steiner,, in: Proceedings of the AIEST conference Marketing Efficiency in Tourism-Coping with Volatile Demand, Pontresina, CH, 2006
Herve Chiquet, Florian Evéquoz and Denis Lalanne, Elcano, a Tangible Personal Multimedia Browser, in: Adjunct proceedings of the 19th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST 2006), Montreux, Switzerland, pages 51--52, ACM Press, 2006
Laurent Sciboz, EPC in sterilised instruments, in: Securing the European Healthcare Supply Chain GS1 Conference, Dublin, Ireland, 2006
Jean-Pierre Rey, Etat de l'art des standards, langages et outils dans le domaine SOA, in: Architectures de Systèmes d'Information Orientées Services SOA, Lausanne, 2006
Laurent Sciboz, Future trends in NRFIDS and Ubiquitous Networks, in: International Telecommunication Union conference [ITU] - Networked RFID : Systems and Services, Genève, 2006
Henning Müller, Christelle Despont-Gros, William Hersh, Jeffery Jensen, Christian Lovis and Antoine Geissbuhler, Health care professionals' image use and search behaviour, in: Proceedings of the Medical Informatics Europe Conference (MIE 2006), pages 24-32, 2006
Laurent Bagnoud, Les processus administratifs et la Cyberadministration. Etat de l'art en Suisse et comparaison avec l'Europe. L'inventaire officiel, les conséquences sur le fédéralisme, in: Concilier l’inconciliable: Productivité et Motivation. Expériences, pilotes et réalités pour 2006 Lausanne, 2006
Mehdi Radgohar, Florian Evéquoz and Denis Lalanne, Phong, Augmenting Virtual and Real Gaming Experience, in: Adjunct proceedings of the 19th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST 2006), Montreux, Switzerland, pages 71--72, ACM Press, 2006
Anne-Dominique Salamin, Quality in the new learning space: ongoing process of teacher and staff training, in: Eden 2006 annuel conference, E-Competences for Life, Employment and Innovation, Vienna, 2006
Laurent Sciboz, Réseaux intelligents pour une saisie des données par RFID, in: Journée technique de l'ITG, HEIG-Vd Yverdon-les-Bains, 2006