Tópico: Institute of Informatics (II)

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Publications for topic "Institute of Informatics (II)" sorted by first author


Alasdair J. G. Gray, Raul Garcia-Castro, Kostis Kyzirakos, Manos Karpathiotakis, Jean-Paul Calbimonte, Kevin R. Page, Jason Sadler, Alex Frazer, Ixent Galpin, Alvaro A. A. Fernandes, Norman W. Paton, Oscar Corcho, Manolis Koubarakis, David De Roure, Kirk Martinez and Asuncion Gomez-Perez, A Semantically Enabled Service Architecture for Mashups over Streaming and Stored Data, in: The Semanic Web: Research and Applications - 8th Extended Semantic Web Conference, ESWC 2011, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, May 29 - June 2, 2011, Proceedings, Part II, páginas 300--314, 2011
Mara Graziani, Thomas Lompech, Henning Müller, Adrien Depeursinge and Vincent Andrearczyk, On the Scale Invariance in State of the Art CNNs Trained on ImageNet (2021), in: Special Issue "Interpretable and Annotation-Efficient Learning for Medical Image Computing" in Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction:3(374–391)
Mara Graziani, Thomas Lompech, Henning Müller, Adrien Depeursinge and Vincent Andrearczyk, Interpretable CNN Pruning for Preserving Scale-Covariant Features in Medical Imaging, in: Workshop on Interpretability of Machine Intelligence in Medical Image Computing at MICCAI 2020, 2020
Vincent Grèzes, Zhan Liu, Olivier Crettol and Antoine Perruchoud, From business model design to environmental scanning: the way to a new semantic tool to support SMEs' strategy, in: Proceedings of eChallenges e-2012 Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, IIMC International Information Management Corporation Ltd 2012, 2012
Michael Grubinger, Paul Clough, Allan Hanbury and Henning Müller, Overview of the ImageCLEF 2007 Photographic Retrieval Task, in: CLEF 2007 Proceedings, páginas 433-444, Springer, 2008
  • []: Impact Factor: 0.402 (2005)

Tian Guo, Jean-Paul Calbimonte, Hao Zhuang and Karl Aberer, SigCO: Mining significant correlations via a distributed real-time computation engine, in: 2015 IEEE International Conference on Big Data, Big Data 2015, páginas 747--756, 2015
Tian Guo, Konstantin Kutzkov, Mohamed Ahmed, Jean-Paul Calbimonte and Karl Aberer, Efficient Distributed Decision Trees for Robust Regression, in: Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases - European Conference, ECML PKDD 2016, Riva del Garda, Italy, September 19-23, 2016, Proceedings, Part II, páginas 79--95, 2016


Daniel Hadrian and Florian Evéquoz, CARES: Requirements Specification with BPMN 2.0 in WTO Procurement, in: Proceeding of Informatik 2014 (Workshop BPM im Öffentlichen Sektor), Stuttgart, Germany, GI, 2014
Allan Hanbury and Henning Müller, Enterprise Search in Medical Data, in: Workshop on Search Computing, Brussels, Belgium, 2012, 2012
Allan Hanbury and Henning Müller, Searching Text and Images in the Medical Domain, in: Medical Informatics Europe, Pisa, Italy, 2012
Allan Hanbury and Henning Müller, A cloud based approach for benchmarking on private data, in: SIGIR workshop on Community IR Evaluation using Private Data Collections, Portland, OR, USA, 2012
Allan Hanbury and Henning Müller, Automated Component-Level Evaluation: Present and Future, in: CLEF 2010, Padova, Italy, páginas 124-135, 2010
Allan Hanbury and Henning Müller, Towards automated component--level evaluation, in: Proceeding of the SIGIR Workshop on new evaluation methodologies, 2009
Allan Hanbury, Henning Müller and Paul Clough, Editorial of the special issue on image and video retrieval evaluation (2010), in: Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 114:4(409-410)
  • []: Impact Factor: 2.22 (2008)

Heikki Helin, Matthias Klusch, António Lopes, Alberto Fernandez, Michael Schumacher, Heiko Schuldt, Federico Bergenti and Ari Kinnunen, CASCOM: Context-Aware Service Co-ordination in Mobile P2P Environments, in: Multiagent System Technologies Third German Conference, MATES 2005, Koblenz, Germany, September 11-13, 2005. Proceedings, páginas pp. 242 - 243, Springer Verlag, 2005
Heikki Helin, Tim van Pelt, Michael Schumacher and Ahti Syreeni, Efficient Networking for Pervasive eHealth Applications, in: European Conference on EHealth (ECEH06), Fribourg, Switzerland, GI-Edition, Germany, 2006
Hussein Hellani, Rima Kilany and Sokhn Maria, Towards internal privacy and flexible K-anonymity, in: Applied Research in Computer Science and Engineering (ICAR), 2015 International Conference on, Lebanon, páginas 1-2, IEEE, 2015
Jean Hennebert, Speaker Verification, in: Biometrics And Human Identity, Grada, 2008