Alle Publicaties

Laurent Sciboz, Introduction : l’initiative Auto-ID, in: IPLnet Workshop Morat, 2004
Jean-Pierre Follonier, IPLnet et les technologies RFID, in: IPLnet Workshop Morat, 2004
David Giauque, L'acteur, le grand oublié des réformes administratives, in: Sait-on piloter le changement ?, pagina's 293 - 318, 2004
David Giauque en Yves Emery, La participation du personnel dans les organisations publiques en mutation en Suisse, in: Communication présentée lors du XVIIème Congrès International des Sociologues de Langue Française, Tours, 2004
Rafael Matos-Wasem, Le tourisme lent contre le bruit et la fureur des vacances (2004), in: LaRevueDurable (Dossier : Quel tourisme pour une planète fragile ?), 11(48 - 51)
Antoine Perruchoud, Les entreprises adoptent le blog (2004), in: PME magazine, ""
Antoine Perruchoud, Les TIC version chinoise (2004), in: PME magazine, ""
Anne Le Calvé en Anne-Dominique Salamin, Mobile Learning - the virtual paper advantages and caracteristics, in: International Conference on Engineering Education and Research “Progress Through Partnership” © 2004 V_B-TUO, Ostrava, ISSN 1562-3580, 2004
Rafael Matos-Wasem, Mountain areas, climate change and tourism, Network for Young Atmospheric Scientists, in: Institut Universitaire Kurt Bösch et British Council, 2004
Roland Schegg, Christelle Marchand, Tatiana Schabander-Welch en Jamie Murphy, Online versus Offline Pricing Practices by Swiss Hotels: An Empirical Study, in: Proceedings of the ENTER Conference 2004, Cairo, Egypt, Frew, A. (ed.): Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism, Springer-Verlag, Wien-New York, 537-545, 2004
David Giauque en Daniel J. Caron, Réformes administratives et gestion des ressources humaines : comparaison de la Suisse et du Canada (2004), in: Revue Internationale de Politique Comparée, vol. 11, no. 2(225 - 240)
David Giauque en Yves Emery, Sens et paradoxes de l'emploi public au XXIème siècle, Lausanne : Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes (PPUR), 2004
David Giauque, Stock-options : un jeu dangereux  (2004), in: Le Nouvelliste, ""
Roland Schegg en Jamie Murphy, The Best Rate: Pricing Practices in Swiss Hotels' Direct Distribution Channels, in: Proceedings of the Hospitality Information Technology Industry Association Conference (HITA04), Dallas, USA, 201-215, 2004
Miriam Scaglione en Andrew Mungall, The combined effects of SwissAir bankruptcy and September 11 2001 on Swiss airports, in: US Transportation Research Board 2004 Annual Meeting. Washington. CD Proceedings, 2004
Miriam Scaglione, Roland Schegg, Thomas Steiner en Jamie Murphy, The Diffusion of Domain Names by Small and Medium-Sized Swiss Hotels, in: Proceedings of the AIEST congress “The Future of SME's in Tourism”, Petra, Jordan, 2004
Tourim in Switzerland in the context of unifying Europe (2004), in: State and Society in the 21st century and Conference materials of the Andrzej Frycz Modrzweski Krakow University (AFMKU)
Katarzyna Klimek, Tourim in Switzerland, yesterday, today and tommoro. (2004), in: Conference materials of the Department of Tourism at AWF in Poznan
Katarzyna Klimek, Tourism in Switzerland in the context of unifying Europe (2004), in: State and Society in 21st century, Conference materials of the Andrzej Frycz Modrzewsky Krakow Universtiy (AMFKU)
Christophe Clivaz, Yves Hausser en Jacques Michelet, Tourism monitoring system based on the concept of carrying capacity – The case of the regional natural park Pfyn-Finges (Switzerland), in: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas, Rovaniemi, Finland, Finnish Forest Research Institute, pagina's 235 - 240, 2004
Thomas Steiner, Bruno Montani en Roland Schegg, Towards Evolutionary Software Processes in Small- and Medium-sized Tourism Enterprises, in: Proceedings of the AIEST congress “The Future of SME's in Tourism”, Petra, Jordan, 2004
Laroussi Bouguila, Florian Evéquoz, Michele Courant en Béat Hirsbrunner, Walking-pad: A Step-in-Place Locomotion Interface for Virtual Environments, in: Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Multimodal interfaces, State College, PA, USA, pagina's 77--81, ACM, 2004