Gaetano Manzo
First name(s): Gaetano
Last name(s): Manzo

Publications of Gaetano Manzo sorted by journal and type


Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine

Elsevier Ad-Hoc networks

ITC 31- Networked Systems and Services

Journal of Medical Systems

MDPI - Electronics

MDPI Electronics

Revue Medicale Suisse

SAC 2020, SFECS - Sustainability of Fog/Edge Computing Systems

Stud Health Technol Inform

Anjani Dhrangadhariya, Gaetano Manzo and Henning Müller, PICO to PICOS: Weak Supervision to Extend Datasets with New Labels (2024), in: Stud Health Technol Inform, Volume 316: Digital Health and Informatics Innovations for Sustainable Health Care Systems(1775 - 1779)


Gaetano Manzo, Test (2020), in: Test

Vehicular Communications


Publications of type Inproceedings


Gaetano Manzo, Yvan Pannatier, Gabriel Autès, Michaël De Lucia, Jean-Gabriel Piguet and Jean-Paul Calbimonte, Serendipity and Diversity Boosting for Personalized Streaming Media Recommendation, in: Proceedings of the 13th Italian Information Retrieval Workshop {(IIR} 2023), Pisa, Italy, June 8-9, 2023, pages 30--40,, 2023
Gaetano Manzo, Benjamin Pocklington, Yvan Pannatier, Cathy Gay, Anjani Dhrangadhariya, Sophie Carrard, Roger Hilfiker and Jean-Paul Calbimonte, Towards Semantic Modeling of Patient Trajectories for Rehabilitation of Osteoarthritis, in: 14th International Conference on Semantic Web Applications and Tools for Health Care and Life Sciences ({SWAT4HCLS}), pages 135--136, 2023


Davide Calvaresi, Stefan Eggenschwiler, Jean-Paul Calbimonte, Gaetano Manzo and Michael Schumacher, A personalized agent-based chatbot for nutritional coaching, in: IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, pages 682–687, ACM, 2021
Gaetano Manzo, Davide Calvaresi, Jean-Paul Calbimonte, Okoro Esteem and Michael Schumacher, Study of Context-based Personalized Recommendations for Points of Interest, in: IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, pages 482–487, ACM, 2021




Gianluca Rizzo, Gaetano Manzo and Marco G Ajmone Marsan, Performance Modeling of Vehicular Floating Content in Urban Settings, in: International Teletraffic Conference, ITC 29, IEEE, Genoa, IEEE, 2017
  • []: Best Student Paper award



Gianluca Rizzo and Gaetano Manzo, SDN Coordination for CCN and FC Content Dissemination in VANETs, pages 221--233, Springer International Publishing, 2016