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Roland Schegg, Brigitte Stangl, Michael Fux en Alessandro Inversini, Distribution Channels and Management in the Swiss Hotel Sector, in: Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2013, Berlin-Heidelberg, pagina's pp. 554-565, Springer-Verlag, 2013
Florian Evéquoz, Johan Rochel, Vijay Keswani en L. Elisa Celis, Diverse Representation via Computational Participatory Elections - Lessons from a Case Study, in: Equity and Access in Algorithms, Mechanisms, and Optimization (EAAMO ’22), ACM, Arlington, VA, 2022
Florian Evéquoz, Maurizio Rigamonti, Denis Lalanne en Rolf Ingold, Document inquisitor : un système de validation des structures et d'élicitation de modèles de documents, in: Proceedings of 9ème Colloque International sur le Document Electronique (CIDE' 9), Fribourg, Switzerland, pagina's 79--95, Europia, 2006
Miriam Scaglione, Does national passion for motor racing drive destination tourism? A case study of hotel overnights during the Monaco Formula 1 Grand Prix, in: Keller, P. Bieger,T.(Ed) (2003) 53rd AIEST Congress, Sport and Tourism, Vol 45, pp. 175-191, 2003
Jörg Dallmeyer, René Schumann, Andreas D. Lattner en Ingo J. Timm, Don't Go with the Ant Flow: Ant-inspired Traffic Routing in Urban Environments (2015), in: Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Technology, Planning, and Operations (J-ITS)
Jörg Dallmeyer, René Schumann, Andreas D. Lattner en Ingo J. Timm, Don’t Go with the Ant Flow: Ant-inspired Traffic Routing in Urban Environments, in: Proceedings of the 7th. International Workshop on Agents in Traffic and Transportation (ATT 2012) held at AAMAS 2012, Valencia, Spain, 2012



Antonio J Jara, Alberto F Alcolea, MA Zamora, AF Gómez Skarmeta en Mona Alsaedy, Drugs interaction checker based on IoT, in: Internet of Things (IOT), 2010, IEEE, pagina's 1--8, 2010
Rafael Matos-Wasem, Du vent qui fait vendre (2005), in: L'Alpe, 27(12 - 17)
Christophe Clivaz, Durabilité de l’événementiel sportif. Quelles implications pour les collectivités territoriales ?, in: Les politiques publiques d’accueil d’événements sportifs, pagina's 199 - 221, 2006
Fouad Slimane, Rolf Ingold, Adel Mohamed Alimi en Jean Hennebert, Duration Models for Arabic Text Recognition using Hidden Markov Models, in: International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Modelling, Control and Automation (CIMCA 08), Vienna, Austria, pagina's 838--843, 2008
Michael Barry en René Schumann, Dynamic and Configurable Mathematical Modelling of a Hydropower plant Research in Progress Paper, in: Presented at the 29. Workshop "Planen, Scheduling und Konfigurieren, Entwerfen" (PuK 2015), Dresden, 2015
Sokhn Maria, Omar Abou Khaled en Elena Mugellini, Dynamic Extended rectangle based for 3D visual scene segmentation (2013), in: The International Review on Computers and Software (IRECOS)(p. 892 -900)
Miriam Scaglione, Dynamics of Price Negotiation in Real Estate at Upscale Resorts in the Alps. A case study of Verbier, Valais,, in: 58th AIEST Conference Real Estate market: Impacts on Tourism Destinations Whistler, Canada, pagina's 76 - 96, 2008


Yann Bourban, Marzio Albertoni, Marcel Siegenthaler en Myrna Flores, E-business and Supply Chain Integration for the Leather Industry, in: IMS 2003, 7th IFAC Workshop on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems, Budapest, Hungary, 2003
Roland Schegg, Richard Leuenberger en Jamie Murphy, E-Mail Customer Service by Upscale International Hotels, in: Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism, pagina's 20 - 28, 2003
Roland Schegg, Susanne Frey en Jamie Murphy, E-mail Customer Service in the Swiss Hotel Industry (2003), in: Tourism and Hospitality Research, (4)3(197 - 212)
Roland Schegg en Thomas Steiner, E-Mail-Kontakte werden besser genutzt (2003), in: Hotel+Tourismus Revue, 45(4 - 4)



Marcin Piotr Pawlowski, Antonio J Jara en Maciej J. Ogorzalek, EAP for IoT: More Efficient Transport of Authentication Data - TEPANOM Case Study, in: 29th {IEEE} International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops, {AINA} 2015 Workshops, Gwangju, South Korea, March 24-27, 2015, pagina's 694--699, 2015
Rafael Matos-Wasem, Eau et tourisme : un mélange explosif ?, in: Actes des Journées du développement durable, Atelier 4 : Tourisme et eau : un nouveau conflit ?, pagina's 18 - 19, 2003