Florian Evéquoz
Voornamen: Florian
Achternamen: Evéquoz


Publicaties van Florian Evéquoz gesorteerd op eerste auteur
| 1-50 | 51-57 |


Pierre Vanhulst, Florian Evéquoz, Raphaël Tuor en Denis Lalanne, A Descriptive Attribute-Based Framework for Annotations in Data Visualization, in: Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, pagina's 143-166, {Springer International Publishing}, 2019
Himanshu Verma, Florian Evéquoz, Guillaume Pythoud, Grace Eden en Denis Lalanne, Engaging Pedestrians in Designing Interactions with Autonomous Vehicles, in: Extended {{Abstracts}} of the 2019 {{CHI Conference}} on {{Human Factors}} in {{Computing Systems}}, pagina's LBW0126:1--LBW0126:6, {ACM}, 2019
Himanshu Verma, Florian Evéquoz, Guillaume Pythoud, Grace Eden en Denis Lalanne, Engaging Pedestrians in Designing Interactions with Autonomous Vehicles (2019), in: In Proceedings of the Extended Abstracts of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems(126:1--126:6)
Himanshu Verma, Guillaume Pythoud, Grace Eden, Denis Lalanne en Florian Evéquoz, Pedestrians and Visual Signs of Intent: Towards Expressive Autonomous Passenger Shuttles (2019), in: Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable, and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT), 3:3(31)
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