All publications sorted by title


Miriam Scaglione, Roland Schegg and Thomas Steiner, Investigating Domain Name Diffusion across Swiss Municipalities, in: 25th International Symposium on Forecasting, San Antonio, TX (USA), 2005
Colin Johnson, Miriam Scaglione and M. Ergul, Investigating the added value of a guest donation program (hotels that help) in hospitality enterprises, Advances in hospitality and tourism marketing and management, conference proceedings, 2011
Jamie Murphy, Roland Schegg and Doina Olaru, Investigating the evolution of hotel Internet Adoption (2006), in: Journal of Information Technology and Tourism, 8:3-4(161-177)
Colin Johnson, M. Ergul and Miriam Scaglione, Investigating transnational philanthropy in hospitality industry, 5th International tourism congress, The image and sustainability of tourist destination, 2011
Miriam Scaglione, Roland Schegg and Jamie Murphy, Investigating website performance in Valais' hospitality industry., in: Marketing Efficiency in tourism. Coping with volatile demand. International Tourism Research and Concepts, pages 131 - 142, Erich Schmidt Verlag, Berling, 2006
Roland Schegg and Patrick Kullmann, Investorentrends und -strategien in des Luxushotellerie (2015), in: ImmoInvest - Das Schweizer Magazin für Standorte und Immobilien:S-P/15(pp. 41-42)
Jean-Pierre Follonier, IPLnet et les technologies RFID, in: IPLnet Workshop Morat, 2004
Tim Christian Piesch, Henning Müller, Christiane K. Kuhl and Thomas M. Deserno, IRMA-Code II: A new concept for classification of medical images, in: Bildverarbeitung in der Medizin (BVM2012), Berlin, Germany, pages 440-445, Springer, 2012
Emmanuel Fragnière, Randolf Ramseyer, Roland Schegg, Nicolas Délétroz, Sandra Grèzes and Michael Schumacher, Issues of the integrated development of tourist destinations on the basis of the blockchain : a qualitative survey carried out in Switzerland, in: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Digital, Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Financing (DIF‘2019) conference, Valencia, 2019
Nicolas Racz, Edgar Weippl and Riccardo Bonazzi, IT Governance, Risk & Compliance (GRC) Status Quo and Integration: An Explorative Industry Case Study, in: First International Workshop on IT Governance, Risk and Compliance (ITGRC 2011), IEEE, pages 429--436, 2011


Henning Müller, Jäger des verlorenen Fotos - Das GNU Image Finding Tool in der Praxis (2002), in: ct Magazin für Computertechnik, 6(252-257)
Roland Schegg and Patrick Kullmann, Jeder Servicefehler schadet dem Image. Folge 3: Reservierungsanfragen. (2005), in: Österreichische Gewerbe-Zeitung ÖGZ, 16(6 -)


Henning Müller, Allan Hanbury, Angus Roberts, Konstantin Pentchev and Vassil Momtchev, Khresmoi: semantics in medical search, in: ECSW workshop on EU funded projects, Anissara, Greece, 2014
Antonio J Jara, Miguel A Zamora and Antonio F Skarmeta, Knowledge acquisition and management architecture for mobile and personal Health environments based on the Internet of Things, in: Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom), 2012 IEEE 11th International Conference on, IEEE, pages 1811--1818, 2012
Magí Lluch-Ariet, Albert Brugues de la Torre, Francesc Vallverdú and Josep Pegueroles-Vallés, Knowledge sharing in the health scenario (2014), in: Journal of Translational Medicine, 12:Suppl 2(S8)
  • []: Impact Factor JCR 2013 = 3.991