Paweł J Matusz
Primeiro nome(s): Paweł J
Sobrenome(s): Matusz


Publicações de Paweł J Matusz ordenado por recente
Paweł J Matusz, Mark T Wallace and Micah M Murray, Multisensory Perception: From Laboratory to Clinic, capítulo Multisensory contributions to object recognition and memory across the lifespan., Elsevier Academic Press, 2019
Rebecca Merkley, Paweł J Matusz and Gaia Scerif, The Control of Selective Attention and Emerging Mathematical Cognition: Beyond Unidirectional Influences, in: Heterogeneity of Function in Numerical Cognition, páginas 111--126, Elsevier, 2018
Antonia Thelen, Paweł J Matusz and Micah M Murray, Multisensory context portends object memory (2014), in: Current Biology, 24:16(R734--R735)
Paweł J Matusz and Martin Eimer, Multisensory enhancement of attentional capture in visual search (2011), in: Psychonomic bulletin \& review, 18:5(904)