Publications for keyword "Agent Environment"
Danny Weyns, Van Parunak, Fabien Michel, O. Boissier, Michael Schumacher and Alessandro Ricci, Agent Environments for Multi-Agent Systems - 10 Years Later, in: E4MAS - 10 Years Later - Workshop of 13th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2014), Paris, 2014
Albert Brugues de la Torre, Stefano Bromuri, Josep Pegueroles-Vallés and Michael Schumacher, MAGPIE: An Agent Platform for the Development of Mobile Applications for Pervasive Healthcare, in: Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Assistive Medicine, Prague (Czech Republic), pages 6-10, 2014
Nicoletta Fornara, Henrique Lopes Cardoso, Pablo Noriega, Eugénio Oliveira, Charalampos Tampitsikas and Michael Schumacher, Modelling Agent Institutions, chapter Modelling Agent Institutions, pages 277-307, Springer Verlag, Law, Governance and Technology Series, volume 8, 2013
Charalampos Tampitsikas, Stefano Bromuri, Nicoletta Fornara and Michael Schumacher, Interdependent Artificial Institutions in Agent Environments (2012), in: Applied Artificial Intelligence, 26:4
  • []: Impact Factor = 0.505

Danny Weyns, Alexander Helleboogh, Tom Holvoet and Michael Schumacher, The Agent Environment in Multi-Agent Systems: A Middleware Perspective, in: Fifth European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems (EUMAS'07), Hammamet, Tunisia, 2007
Michael Schumacher and Sascha Ossowski, The Governing Environment, in: In Postproceedings of the Second International Workshop on Environments for Multiagent Systems, pages pp. 88-104, Springer Verlag, 2006
Danny Weyns, Michael Schumacher, Alessandro Ricci, Mirko Viroli and Tom Holvoet, Environments for Multiagent Systems (2005), in: Knowledge Engineering Review, Cambridge University Press, Vol. 20:2.(pp. 127-141)
Danny Weyns, Alessandro Ricci, Tom Holvoet, Mirko Viroli and Michael Schumacher, Environments for Multiagent Systems, Report AgentLink Technical Forum Group, Ljubljana, 2005