Pol Cirujeda
First name(s): Pol
Last name(s): Cirujeda

Publications of Pol Cirujeda sorted by journal and type

3D Vision (3DV), 2014 2nd International Conference on

IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging

International Journal of Computer Vision

Publications of type Inbook


Publications of type Inproceedings


Pol Cirujeda, Henning Müller, Daniel L. Rubin, Todd A. Aguilera, Billy W. Loo Jr., Maximilian Diehn, Xavier Binefa and Adrien Depeursinge, 3D Riesz–wavelet based Covariance descriptors for texture classification of lung nodule tissue in CT, in: 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), pages 7909-7912, 2015
Oscar Jimenez del Toro, Pol Cirujeda, Yashin Dicente Cid and Henning Müller, RadLex Terms and Local Texture Features for Multimodal Medical Case Retrieval, in: Multimodal Retrieval in the Medical Domain (MRMD) 2015, Vienna, Austria, Springer, 2015