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Topic: Smart Infrastructure

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  • 75 publications (0 read)
  • 113 authors [view]
  • 2 Subtopics
Publications for topic "Smart Infrastructure" sorted by journal and type
| 1-50 | 51-75 |

Publications of type Inproceedings


Radu-Casian Mihailescu, René Schumann and Sascha Ossowski, Stochastic multiobjective optimization for hybrid power generation systems, in: Proceedings of the 11th European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems (EUMAS 2012), 2012


René Schumann, Engineering Coordination in Future Living Environments, in: Proceedings of the First ITG/GI Workshop on Self Integrating Systems for Better Living Environments (Sensyble 2010), pages 125--132, Shaker Verlag, 2011
René Schumann, Engineering Coordination: Identification of Coordination Mechanisms, in: Advanced Agent Technology - AAMAS 2011 Workshops, AMPLE, AOSE, ARMS, DOCM3AS, ITMAS, Taipei, Taiwan, May 2-6, 2011. Revised Selected Papers, pages 164-186, Springer, 2011
René Schumann, Engineering Coordination: Identification of Coordination Mechanisms, in: 12th International Workshop on Agent-Oriented Software Engineering (AOSE 2011) (Preproceedings), pages 69--80, 2011


Ingo J. Timm and René Schumann, Performance Measurement of Multiagent Systems: Towards Dependable MAS, in: Proc. of the 2009 Spring Simulation Multiconference ADS, BIS, MSE, MSEng, pages 177-184, SCS, 2009
René Schumann, Thomas Timmermann and Ingo J. Timm, Transportation planning in dynamic environments, in: Operations Research Proceedings 2008, pages 319 - 324, Springer, 2009


Thomas Timmermann and René Schumann, An approach to solve the Multi Depot Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows (MDVRPTW) in static and dynamic scenarios, in: Proceedings of the 22. Workshop "Planen, Scheduling und Konfigurieren, Entwerfen (PuK 2008), 2008
René Schumann, Andreas D. Lattner and Ingo J. Timm, Challenges in coordinating networked enterprises, in: Proceedings of the 13. International Symposium on Logistics (ISL 2008), pages 133 - 142, Centre for Concurrent Enterprise Nottingham University, 2008
René Schumann, Andreas D. Lattner and Ingo J. Timm, Cost of Control for Regulated Autonomy, in: Presented at the International Workshop on Organised Adaptation in Multi-Agent Systems (OAMAS'08, Workshop at the AAMAS 2008), 2008
Türk Kiziltoprak, René Schumann, Axel Hahn and Jan Behrens, Distributed process control by smart containers, in: Dynamics in Logistics: First International Conference, LDIC 2007, Bremen, Germany, August 2007. Proceedings, pages 321- 328, Springer, 2008
René Schumann, Andreas D. Lattner and Ingo J. Timm, Produktionsplanung zwischen Autonomie und Regulation, in: 10. Paderborner Frühjahrstagung, pages 58 - 75, ALB-HNI Verlagsschriftenreihe, 2008
René Schumann, Andreas D. Lattner and Ingo J. Timm, Regulated Autonomy: A Case Study, in: Intelligente Systeme zur Entscheidungsunterstützung,Teilkonferenz der Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik, pages 83 -98, SCS Publishing House, 2008


René Schumann and Jürgen Sauer, ABACO, Coordination of Autonomous Entities, in: Third German Conference on Multiagent System Technologies (MATES), pages 222 - 228, Springer, 2005

Publications of type Mastersthesis


Publications of type Misc


Valentino Piana, Sylvain Weber, Alperen Bektas and René Schumann, Electric vehicle customers in Switzerland, Poster presented at SCCER Mobility Annual Conference., 2019


Alperen Bektas, Khoa Nguyen and René Schumann, Can Agent-Based Computational Economics Mimic Neoclassical Demand Curve?, Conference poster and presentation, presented at "Fifth International Symposium in Computational Economics and Finance", 2018


Michael Barry, Patrick Bauer, Ludovic Gaudard, Gianluca Giuliani, Werner Hediger, Franco Romerio, Moritz Schillinger, René Schumann, Guillaume Voegeli and Hannes Weigt, The Future of Swiss Hydropower A Review on Drivers and Uncertainties, Conference poster and presentation, presented at the ‘SCCER-SoE Annual Conference 2015, 2015
  • []: Won the 3rd price in the poster competition


Publications of type Phdthesis


René Schumann, Engineering coordination : A Methodology for the Coordination of Planning Systems, Institut für Informatik, Department Informatik und Mathematik, 2010

Publications of type Proceedings




Publications of type Techreport

Michael Barry, Patrick Bauer, Ludovic Gaudard, Gianluca Giuliani, Werner Hediger, Franco Romerio, Moritz Schillinger, Lutz Schlange, René Schumann, Guillaume Voegeli and Hannes Weigt, The Future of Swiss Hydropower: Is there money left somewhere?, Forschungsstelle Nachhaltige Energie- und Wasserversorgung Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät der Universität Basel, Interim Project Report, 2017


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