Christophe Clivaz
First name(s): Christophe
Last name(s): Clivaz

Publications of Christophe Clivaz sorted by first author


Christophe Clivaz, The Pfyn-Finges Park (Valais/Switzerland) : What Repercussions on the Regional Ecomomy ?, in: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas, Sept. 13-17, 2006, Rapperswil, pages 376 - 377, 2006
Christophe Clivaz, Durabilité de l’événementiel sportif. Quelles implications pour les collectivités territoriales ?, in: Les politiques publiques d’accueil d’événements sportifs, pages 199 - 221, 2006
Christophe Clivaz, Le tourisme de nature (2006), in: Le Nouvelliste, ""
Christophe Clivaz, Local Agenda 21 and Sustainable Tourism in the Swiss Alps: the Case of Crans-Montana, in: Proceedings of the II International Summer School on Environment, Ordino, Andorra (unpublished), 2000
Christophe Clivaz, Environmental Concerns in Tourism Croatia, New York/Geneva: United Nations, in: in Economic Commission for Europe (ed.), pages 159 - 167, 1999
Christophe Clivaz, Quelles activités économiques complémentaires au tourisme pour Crans-Montana?, in: Conférence au centre de Congrès Le Régent, Crans, pages 15 - 21, 1997
Christophe Clivaz, Marut Doctor, Susanne Gessner, Lea Ketterer, Tobias Luthe, Markus Schuckert, Dominik Siegrist and Romano Wyss, Adaptation des Tourismus an den Klimawandel in den Alpen, HES-SO Valais, HSR, HTW Chur, IUKB, Ergebnisse des Alpine Space-Projekts ClimAlpTour in der Schweiz, 2012
Christophe Clivaz, Yves Hausser and Jacques Michelet, Tourism monitoring system based on the concept of carrying capacity – The case of the regional natural park Pfyn-Finges (Switzerland), in: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas, Rovaniemi, Finland, Finnish Forest Research Institute, pages 235 - 240, 2004
Christophe Clivaz and Rafael Matos-Wasem, El desarrollo turístico sostenible como objetivo de política turística, in: Política turística: La competitividad y sostenibilidad de los destinos, Barcelone, pages 342 - 342, 2006
Christophe Clivaz and Emmanuel Reynard, Crans-Montana: water resources management in an alpine tourist resort, in: Mountains: Sources of Water, Sources of Knowledge, Springer, Series: Advances in Global Change Research, 2007