Publicações para palavra-chave Scene segmentation
Nour Charara, Omar Abou Khaled, Elena Mugellini, Iman Jarkass and Sokhn Maria, Depth Based Context Modeling and Classification in Video-surveillance, in: Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Vision and Machine Learning, International Conference on Machine Vision and Machine Learning, 14-15.08.2014, Prague, Czech Republic, 2014
Nour Charara, Iman Jarkass, Sokhn Maria, Elena Mugellini and Omar Abou Khaled, Tracking a Screen and Detecting its Rate of Change in 3-D Video Scenes of Multipurpose Halls, in: JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 3rd International Conference on Signal, Image Processing and Applications (ICSIA 2013), páginas 116-121, 2014
Sokhn Maria, Omar Abou Khaled and Elena Mugellini, Dynamic Extended rectangle based for 3D visual scene segmentation (2013), in: The International Review on Computers and Software (IRECOS)(p. 892 -900)